
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · Anime & Comics
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"Is aster the opposite of disaster?" Robin speaks as he, Superboy and Beast rode behind the one truck, the other three behind the other one ways away. "You know, instead of things going wrong, things go right?" He asks, moving closer to Beast who seems to be bopping his head slightly. "Beast?" Hearing no reply from Beast, Robin tries to get his attention. 

Superboy closes his eyes as he focused his hearing on Beast, only to sigh at his findings. "It's no use." Superboy says to Robin. "He's blasting music right now. And I can't seem to hear his earpiece, which means he took it out." 

"I keep on catching a case." 

The two hear Beast quietly speak a verse. "What the hell?" Robin mutters before tensing as laughing robot monkeys exit the crops at the side of the road. 

"My lawyer keeps dismissin' em." Beast glances at the monkeys latching onto the truck before they start cutting the roof open. "Hearin my name, goin insane." He speeds up his bike till he's at the side of the truck and pushes a button, causing two pipes to shoot out from the front and back of his bike before latching onto the truck. 

"Man this shit is like everyday." He unsheathes his swords and use them as grips, thrusting it into the truck, moving up till he climbed on top. "A-A-All around the world. Bitches dead, I make them hurl. Chillin' with my fucking girl. Double team, that rob a pearl. Off her neck, slit, dip." He raps as he slices the shit out of the monkey who turned around, ready to face him. 


Superboy lands on top of the truck, hurling monkeys off of it like no one's business. He grunts, trying to ignore Beast's sad attempt at rapping the song he's listening to, hastening his pace as the monkeys already opened up the truck and went to get the robot. 

"H-H-Hold the phone, now you get it all alone." Beast slices the last monkey on the truck and turns his attention to the monkeys lifting up a trunk out of the roof. "Watch your fucking tone, why you acting like a drone?" He runs after the flying monkeys, but they already a ways away from the truck.

"Try to run up, you better get your gun up." He summons a pill in his hand, lifts his bike helmet and chucks the pill inside his mouth before closing his the visor. "Don't fucking test me, I let the gods bless me!" He jumps high into the air, using the powers of a Red Kangaroo, just barely reaching out his hand to clutch onto the corner of the case before the monkeys sped off.

Superboy cursed as he missed his opportunity to jump after them, but doesn't care as he quickly informs his team in which direction the monkeys are headed in before jumping in chase of them. 

"Damn." Robin cursed, stopping his bike. "How'd they know to attack these trucks and not the decoys?" He asks nobody, crouching down and hacks into the dead robot monkey on the road. "Bingo." He mutters. "The robot had trackers on him." He states, talking into his earpiece. "I'm gonna try and see if I can track the monkey robots using the trackers already in place." He mutters, but his eyes widen as his holo-screen shows the route the monkeys are taking the crate. 

"They're going to Gotham!" 

--- Gotham Academy---

---Few Long Minutes Later---

"Oh Darling!" Beast sings as he dodges a punch from the power copying robot. "Why the fuck you balling?" He throws a punch out, only for his fist to go through the robot who used Martian Manhunter's fazing ability. 

"Can you stop singing?!" Prof. Ivo seethes, watching Beast fight his creation. "Amazo! Take his helmet off!" 

Amazo activates Superman's template and his eyes shine red. 


Superboy comes crashing trough the roof directly above the bot and smashes it to the ground, having given it no time to react. 

"What?!" Prof. Ivo stands up from his seats at the bleachers. 

Amazo launches Superboy off of him and goes after the boy. Activating Martian template, Superboy's incoming fist goes through him before he sidesteps, deactivates it and sending lazar-eyes toward him. 

"Ugh!" Superboy grunts, the lazars colliding with his crossed forearms. "Beast!" He calls out, looking at the still standing Beast. "a Little help here?" 

Beast raises a single finger while taking out his phone. "One sec. The song stopped. Gotta choose a new one." He says, ignoring the fight in front of him. 

After choosing 'Fuck Y'all Hoes', he puts his phone away before turning to the laid back Professor. "It seems your bodyguard is quite occupied..." He speaks, unsheathing his swords while walking slowly towards the short man. 

"A-Amazo!" Prof. Ivo stutters, causing the robot to turn his attention towards the two, only to be blasted away by Superboy. Seeing no way for his creation to help, Ivo starts running away, sending the remaining Monkey bots towards Beast. 

"Yes yes. Run." Beast's voice reaches Ivo's ears as he exits the court.


Making his way across the school, Ivo stops after he reached the main office, quickly looking around him, he realized Beast didn't follow him. "Tsk." He clicks his tongue, prepared to go back unless anything happens to his robot. 

"Oh no... Where are you going?" 

a cold piece of steel rests on the professor's shoulder, stopping his steps. Cold sweat runs down his forehead as he slowly turns to face the Hero who wore a tinted Bike Helmet. 

"I was having fun playing cat and mouse for a few seconds..." Beast speaks, his voice muffled through the helmet. "You really think all the doors in the building was locked?" He asks, thinking back to how he locked the doors of some rooms before the professor could enter it. 

With wide eyes, Professor Ivo had no choice but to turn around and try to run away. 

Emphasis on try. Beast crouched slightly as the professor turned around and sliced the poor man's leg right above the heel, causing him to buckle and fall to the ground, teeth clenched. 

"W-what are you going to do?!" Professor Ivo speaks through clenched teeth as he looks up at the towering figure above him. 

Beast wipes the little blood off of his blade as he stares at the downed man. 'What will I do..?' He thinks. 'Professor Ivo... There were innocent deaths caused by his release of Amazo. The heroes simply caught the killer robot and disassembled it and everything was over... I could finish it here... Make sure he doesn't cause more death...' 

"What are you going to do?!" Ivo asks again, this time louder and with more fear from the silence. 

"Fuck a pig. Fuck a little bitch I beat it raw. Bitch I beat em' up. Bitch I be that dirty motherfucker." Beast starts rapping the song currently playing as the rest of the team runs towards him. 

"Nice!" Kid Flash grins as he walks up to Beast. "You got Professor Ivo. Thought we let him escape for a while." 

"Yes. Good Job." Aqualad pats Beast's shoulder before going to detain the downed man.


Yo it's me again. 

So I'm just gonna speed through the first season of Young Justice with some team building n shit in between. And I'm also gonna change the team into a team that does smaller missions in the future with lesser risks. Like training wheels for small heroes until they either get invited to the League or until they leave. So the team won't be as big as it was in the series. More peeps will have left or joined the League