
Poor Hephaestus No More

God of Fire and Hephaestus is seen as a stain to Olympus and is treated like a slave by every god and is mocked by his cheating 'wife' by openly being with his brother Ares and all her lovers. But its time for them all to remember he is the God Of Fire for a reason and he is not to be dealt with disrespect anymore.

SirZurone · Fantasy
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4 Chs

New Look, New Perspective

Hephaestus woke up, stretching his powerful arms and yawning, completely unaware of the transformation that had taken place overnight.

His bedchamber was bathed in the soft glow of dawn, and he felt unusually refreshed he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his well-defined muscles flexing, he visibly deflated as he remembered what happened just the day before with his marriage but shook his head as he grabbed some pants to wear and left his mansion but as he looked down at his legs e was shocked to see two normal legs well muscular legs but different from his deformed legs.

He rushed to the mirror and stood in shock as looking back at him through the mirror was not his normal face But the face of a handsome man with long hair and as he looked at his body he realized he looked good actually more that good he looked amazing!

He smiled and and clenched his fists as he snatched some summoned some jeans to wear that he was gifted and as he put them a meeting was called  so he walked out of his home and decided to walk there.

As he strolled through the grand streets of Mount Olympus, the other gods and goddesses couldn't help but stop and stare. Whispers and gasps filled the air as heads turned to catch a glimpse of the stunning man passing by.

His long, wavy hair cascaded down his shoulders, and his rugged beard framed a chiselled jawline. The mere sight of him could rival the enchantment of the most beautiful sunrise or the captivating dance of the waves. Female deities blushed as he walked past, and nymphs giggled behind their delicate hands.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, was among the first to spot Hephaestus's new form and actually recognise him as even with looking completely she could sense that was her Hephaestus. She stopped in her tracks, her heart skipping a beat as her gaze locked onto the figure of Hephaestus. Her breath caught in her throat, and a pang of longing shot through her.

She watched him from a distance, hidden behind a pillar, her eyes tracing his every movement with a mixture of fascination and regret. Memories of their past together flooded her mind – the moments they had shared, the laughter, the love. She couldn't deny the undeniable charm that emanated from him now, a charm she had once underestimated.

As Hephaestus arrived at the grand meeting hall of Mount Olympus, the doors swung open, and he entered with a newfound confidence that seemed to radiate from him. The room fell into a stunned silence as the assembled gods and goddesses turned their attention toward him. Even the most powerful beings in the universe couldn't help but be captivated by the aura he exuded.

The male gods exchanged shocked glances, their expressions a mix of surprise amd a bit od anger. They leaned in to whisper among themselves, their voices carrying a hint of skepticism and challenge. Zeus, sitting at the head of the table, raised an eyebrow, his thunderous voice cutting through the hushed murmurs.

"Hephaestus, is that truly you?" He questioned as he could also sense his son from this man

Hephaestus met Zeus's gaze with a confident nod, his voice resonating with a newfound resonance. "Indeed, it is I, Hephaestus. A change has come upon me, as you can plainly see."

The female goddesses, on the other hand, were practically entranced, their eyes locked onto him, their cheeks flushed with admiration. Their minds wandered into fantasies as they imagined themselves by his side, basking in his newfound allure.

Hera, the queen of the gods, sat upright, her eyes widening in astonishment as she took in the sight of her stepson's transformation. She exchanged a quick glance with Aphrodite, who stood at a distance near the door, her heart pounding, torn between a rush of emotions.

Aphrodite couldn't tear her gaze away from the handsome figure before her. The memories of their shared past flooded back, and her heart swelled with a mixture of longing and regret. Unable to resist any longer, she took a deep breath and stepped forward, determination in her stride.

She approached Hephaestus from behind, her arms outstretched as if to embrace him. But as she wrapped her arms around his waist, Hephaestus quickly turned, his eyes widening in surprise. In the blink of an eye, he gently pushed her away, his expression a mix of discomfort and disgust

The room fell into an awkward silence as Aphrodite stumbled back, her face a mask of embarrassment. The female goddesses exchanged knowing glances, their earlier fantasies shattered by the unexpected scene.

"I-I'm sorry," Aphrodite stammered, her cheeks burning with humiliation. "im sorry....  i didnt know what came over me"

Hephaestus gave her a small smile, though his eyes held a hint of sadness. "It seems my transformation has caused quite a stir. But rest assured, I am still the same Hephaestus you once knew and I remember everything and I mean everything rest assured"

Aphrodite nodded, her gaze dropping to the ground. The weight of her past actions and the realization of what she had lost weighed heavily on her heart.

The meeting proceeded, albeit with an air of distraction as the gods and goddesses struggled to focus on the matters at hand. Throughout the discussions, Hephaestus sat quietly, his mind wandering at times, and his gaze occasionally meeting Aphrodite's from across the room.

As the meeting concluded and the gods began to disperse, Hephaestus made his way toward Aphrodite, who was standing by herself, gazing out of a nearby window. He approached her, his voice gentle.

"Aphrodite, may we speak for a moment?"

She turned to him, her eyes meeting his, and nodded. With a sense of vulnerability, they walked to a more secluded corner of the hall, their conversation shrouded in tension and unresolved emotions. The atmosphere seemed to grow colder with each passing moment, a stark contrast to the heated passions that had once burned between them.

Hephaestus gazed at her, his expression distant and guarded. "Aphrodite, this transformation changes nothing between us. Our history, our choices – they cannot be undone."

Aphrodite's heart ached at the frigidness in his voice. She met his gaze, her own eyes welling up with regret and sorrow. "Hephaestus, I... I know I made a terrible mistake. I let my own vanity blind me to the love and connection we shared. I regret how I treated you, how I let you go."

He looked away, his jaw clenched. "Regret changes nothing either, Aphrodite."

She took a step closer, her voice barely a whisper. "But can't we at least try to rebuild what we had? Can't we start anew?"

Hephaestus's gaze remained distant as he shook his head. "No, Aphrodite. The wounds run deep. The scars of our past are etched into my heart, and this transformation doesn't erase them. I have spent years learning to value myself beyond appearances, to find strength in my own identity. I won't let this change sway me from the path I've forged."

Aphrodite's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she reached out to touch his arm, but he pulled away, his expression unyielding. "Hephaestus, please... I know I can't change the past, but I want to make amends. I want to be there for you, to show you the love and respect you deserve."

He finally met her gaze, his eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "It's too late for that, Aphrodite. The chapter we once shared has closed. I have found my own strength, my own purpose, and I won't allow myself to be swayed by old emotions."

Aphrodite's voice trembled as she spoke, her vulnerability laid bare. "I still love you, Hephaestus. I never stopped."

His gaze softened for a fleeting moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Love can take many forms, Aphrodite. I have learned to love myself, to find worth beyond what others see. But as for us, the love we had is a memory, and memories are not enough to build a future."

With those words, Hephaestus turned and walked away, leaving Aphrodite standing there, her heart shattered anew. As the distance between them  grew Aphrodite started to laugh s he looked up and at his back with love in her eyes.

"I know you don't mean that my love, I have been a bad wife and now I have lost you but don't worry I know the perfect way  to fix everything "She smiled and began to laugh before turning and walking the other way.

'Don't worry worry we will be one again'