
pool of moonlight

A painful memory, never to be forgotten, although Sara had recovered from her hurt but will she ever completely heal? Is love powerful enough to be a remedy or will she survive only by her fierce ambition.

Rukayyah1316 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: love of a father

Sitting with her father in the study, enjoying the jasmine tea , Sara read her father a beautiful poem. It was her mother's poetry, and general Kazim loved it. This was one of the few moments he enjoyed with Sara since he earned his position as general of Gradoul's royal army. She was just ten when the soldiers attacked Gradoul and slayed her mother, right before her eyes, a memory never to be forgotten. Now she was sixteen, enjoying her teenage years and spending time with her father, he was all she had left.

"When will the war end?" Sara asked as she made a sad face

"That my daughter, I can't say, but I hope it ends soon" her father replied crossing the table and giving her a tight hug and a kiss on her forehead.

The next day, she rode her horse to the market, hoping to hear something new from her informat Tara who she paid to work in the other kingdoms as a spy to assist her father with his plans. Sara was tall and tan skinned so the hot weather in Gradoul had no much effect on her. Her eyes were bright and made her sharp nose and cherry lips which often curved to a smile more gorgeous, her hair dark as that of a raven fell down her back, with the amount of oils it was pampered with, it was glossy and radiat even underneath her veil in the sun.

Sara came down from her horse with ease with no help, as she was used to riding with her mother since she was a little girl. Now she was gone and she only had few things that reminded Sara of her, like the veil she was putting on now. Her feet stumped the ground as though an army had just matched in. Her horse Raj was always fun of his keeper;He wiggle his hair as though giving her permission to go.

"I will be back Raj" with that she brush through his hair and walked into the restaurant. As she walked in, steam filled the air;the sizzling sound of onions and beef caught her attention and so did the loud cheer of the men sitting at the table to her right. She remembered what she came for and set her steps to the counter, as she walked, she could hear her footsteps,everyone in the restaurant had stopped everything they were doing and focused thier gaze on her. Still she did not pause, she didn't stop walking until she reached the counter.

"She's not from here" she heard one of the pot bellied men say as he grabbed a large bottle of beer and gobbled it down his throat as his eyes were fixed on her. Sara wasn't afraid but she certainly felt like something was not right.

"I wish to find Tara" she said with confidence.

"Sorry I don't know who you are referring to."

The old man, with his roughly shaved moustache replied her.

"Perhaps you could rephrase that" she suggested as she reached for a small bag of golden coins and pushed it across the table.

The man looked at Sara's face then at the bag before waiting to think, at first Sara thought that the bribe won't work but the man then drew the bag and slip it into his pocket.

"Go to the back of the building, there is a room, there you will find who you are looking for." He said rapidly as if running out of breath.

She gave him a slight nod as a sign of gratitude.

There was a red wooden door in the building, it looked like it was often not used, she pulled it open and it lead to a staircase. It was quiet and a little dark but she tried her best to see through the darkness. Suddenly she heard as though she wasn't the only one exploring the place, then Sara heard the door creak, she turned around to see what had pushed the door but found nothing . Still walking, she watched her pace, from her left, she felt a tight grip onto her arm, someone pulled her into another room. Sara almost screamed, before realising that the one who dragged her here, was the one she was looking for.

"Tara" she said out of relief.

"Yes, it has been awhile Lady Sara" Tara said with a hardened voice. She was a very stern woman, a lady of discipline.

"So do you have anything for me?" Sara requested.

"Yes, but ...."The informat stopped abruptly.

"But what?" Sara asked curiously.

"I found out that Hamishra does not seek anything from Gradoul kingdom" she explained.

"What! Hamishra has been pledging war against us for a long time." Sara exploded

"I am aware of that, but the truth can never be fully known if you stay within the walls of Gradoul.."she paused, trying to master courage to tell Sara the truth.

"The kingdom of Sina, seems like they have something to do with it "she completed.

"The kingdom of Sina has long been our ally,

This makes no sense Tara."Sara suggested that Tara had perhaps been deceived.

"I know it's hard to believe but it is the truth." Tara persuaded her. It was quiet for a moment, before Sara spoke again.

"Fine If you say so, but first I have to inform my father about this" with that she thanked Tara and paid her before leaving .She rode as fast as she could.

On her way back, it was almost dusk, the clouds mustered to make rain, but lucky for her she was near the kingdom already. The first guard that sited her informed the others.

"Open the gates." He yelled, and they complied.

She gave one of the guards the reins and he nodded before taking it.

"Is my father available? " she asked.

"Yes my lady." he answered.

"Thank you" she said

She made her way to her father's study, their meeting place. She met him studying maps and preparing war plans.

"Father" she called upon him.

"Sara, you are back, and wet" then he chuckled. She did the same too.

"Don't worry I am fine" she said coming closer to his table;as he grabbed a blanket for her.

"I told you I am fine " she said but he ignored her.

"So tell me what did you find out on today's mission?"