
POLAROID: Not Your Typical Love Story

It all started with Netflix and chill. A bag of scattered potato chips, partnered with a sappy romantic movie.

Talesofheaven · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: The Immovable being

That moment when you realize it's Friday. Oh, praise the almighty Gods! Mondays and her sisters (Tuesday and Thursday) begone! Do you know what's good about Friday? The exam is done, and you know what that means? Everything you studied about the exam will vanish into obliviousness. I'm a free person now. Let us rejoice my comrades! 

 Moving on, do you know the second good thing about Friday? A good ol' date with my favorite person, Andy, of course, what else could it be? Oh, how thrilled I am right now. I'm not pretty ignorant in the dating department. So, no need to worry. I've shared quite a handful of dates with people before. They were, I might say, somewhat... okay?

 If we're talking about dates, well we have the good dates and... the bad ones. On dates, you will encounter different types of people. Sometimes they're decent, normal, odd, but most of all over the top. Let me share a couple of my experiences with them...

 We have those shy ones, "I'm sorry I'm not that good-looking in person." But turned out to be overconfident, "But I wonder what our children would look like?" 

I just answered, "Just keep on wondering, hope it takes you nowhere."

 The religious dudes, "I'm Will. God's Will." Sometimes they go extreme like, "You better not get in the way of me loving God if we're gonna do this."

And then I was all like, "I don't think it's God's will for me to date you."

 Then you'll meet the weird ones, "Are you interested in joining a cult?"


 Now, where does Andy fall from this category? None of them to be exact, fortunately. You see, Andy's definition of a date is very unique. To other people, they go to movies, parks, or somewhere romantic. But not Andy. She prefers to go... camping. Now, that takes me back to my first camping experience together with her.

 Nature is not family-friendly, especially if you're traveling with two oblivious parents, a dimwit, and an immovable subject. I remember the time my family went to Australia to camp and Andy was with us. We went to a small local grocery shop to pick up some stuff. It was in the middle of the road and was surrounded by forest. Not far from us, was a sign that said...

EXTREME FIRE HAZARD. Don't even fart in the forest.

 For real, I'm not bluffing. I've never expected a situation where farts can cause a major disaster. So, my good-for-nothing brother, just like the stupid person he is, didn't listen and farted all over the place. I was expecting a burning arse from him, and it didn't disappoint me. Soon, a fire grew and caused complete mayhem, and it was because of my brother's fart. You know what, I'm even ashamed to call him my brother, he's such a complete disgrace to the human race. Imagine the living things that were annihilated because of his fart. May nature forgive his soul.

 My parents didn't know that. I was debating to myself if I should tell them or not, but they'll probably won't believe me if I told them that the cause of the disaster was Henry's fart. They're too oblivious about everything.

 Now, there's Andy. I define her as an immovable being because she doesn't falter even if someone is dying in front of her. Now, that took me back to the time where Andy and I got kidnapped when we were still kids. We were so young at that time and I can still remember it because it was quite traumatizing. But, Andy. Do you know what she did? Take a guess, when I was on the verge of crying, Andy just started singing a Gospel song. Which to my horror intensified my fear. I thought that the kidnappers would kill us, and just dump our bodies somewhere, but no... 

Something unexpected happened. 

 They let us live and they also drop us at our houses. I look at Andy in awe. She literally annoyed the heck out of the kidnappers by singing Gospel songs throughout the whole day. We went to our designated homes like the kidnapping never happened. I didn't tell my family about it, simply because I don't know how to explain it either, which then made me brush it off and buried it in the deepest part of my brain.

"Remind me again why we're camping in your backyard?" I asked Andy while she was in the middle of lighting a fire.

"There's a meteor shower tonight and I want to see it," She simply says, "Fiona we don't have enough twigs can you get some in the storage room?" She gestures nicely which made me smile and nod. 

 I don't know why... but Andy seems to be getting softer and softer day by day and I'm loving it because her icy wall is thawing bit by bit. 

 I went ahead to fetch more twigs. It seems like Andy is in a good mood because she'd been checking on me the moment I came here. She'd been asking about the food that I want to eat and stuff like that. It was so sweet of her. So let's not ruin it for some kind of nonsense.

 Andy's home is a definition of an animal sanctuary. If you guys are not aware, by the way. Her parents are zoologists and I think they are the reason why Andy is very fond of nature. They have a bunch of different pets from the smallest to the largest ones, you name it. Well, nothing's wrong with having a bunch of them. As long as there's no dangerous creature lurking around the place.

Speaking of the devil. The devil has arrived.

"Well, hello Prof. Beak, it's nice meeting you again." Prof. Beak is a duck. If you think this fluffy and adorable duck is innocent, then think again. Prof. Beak is a devil in disguise. The epitome of evil. A manifestation of a catastrophic disaster. Okay, that was a bit too much, but you get what I mean.

 Prof. Beak has a habit of attacking people... for God knows what reason. And by people, that means me. I don't know why but he has this obsession that whenever he sees me, he'll run towards me as I run to save my life to get away from him. I don't mind people getting obsessed with me, but Prof. Beak is no person. He's an animal and he hates me to the core.

"Prof. Beak, I just need to go to the storage room. I'm not going to bother you, just let me through..." He flapped his wings which signify a bad sign. I know sooner or later he's going to chase me. I need to stand my ground because dealing with an angry Andy is much more complicated to experience, "I'm in the middle of a life-and-death situation here, Prof. Beak. Your owner is waiting for me, and I fear her more than you. I don't have time to play patty-cake with you right now."

 Prof. Beak wasn't this vengeful before. I can't even remember when his grudge for me started. But I think it was the time when he got lost. Andy and I were still kids and she was so upset that Prof. Beak went missing for days. But luckily, I found him in the forest while I was walking along the road to go home.

"Prof. Beak you have to make haste, it's getting dark now." This is a nightmare. A total nightmare.

"There's a bunch of wolves roaming around the forest and I refuse to be eaten," I grunt as I push him forward, towards the direction of Andy's home. But, he's just there, standing still in the middle of the road, waiting to be eaten by the wolves. I ain't gonna die for a duck, but Andy's going to be sad if she found out that Prof. Beak became their supper.

 This ain't gonna work. I need to lure him with something. That gave me an idea. I rummaged through my bag and opened my lunch box.

"Come on now, Prof. Beak, let's get you home." 

 Do you know what I don't like? Walking. And neither does Mr. Beak. Prof. Beak. Dr. Beak. Y'know I haven't seen your qualifications yet. Halfway through our painful journey, Prof. Beak was getting impatient and so do I. We took a break and I allowed him to eat the food on my lunch box but it didn't take long because some of the wolves started howling.

Oh, son of a biscuit.

"Pro. Beak hurry up!" I snatch the lunchbox hoping for him to catch up. As I look behind, Prof. Beak was chasing me like a mad goose. The only difference is just, he's a duck. I think he perceived that I was stealing his food. I don't have time to care about his feelings right this very instance because we're both dead meat if those wolves get a hold of us.

 I managed to save our lives at that time. But Prof. Beak became hostile to me. I think he sees me as a food thief and up until now, I didn't make amends with him, for a reason that I don't know how to.

"Prof. Beak, I know what you're trying to do, so you better not do it." He's flapping his wings signifying that he's going to attack.

 I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact but it didn't come. In an instance, Prof. Beak was tackled on the ground by a pig. It wasn't just an ordinary pig, it's Chris P. Bacon! Chris P. Bacon is my favorite among Andy's pets. He's not just smart but also has a juicy name. 

"Thank God! Chris P. Bacon, hold him for me for a while please!" I ran to the storage room while the two were in the middle of a face-off. I succeeded in getting some twigs so I ran as fast as I could to get out of their fight.


"What took you so long?"

"I had a dilemma with one of your pets."

"I told Mom not to let Pro. Beak out, but I think I didn't make it clear. Did he attack you again?" She said, worriedly scanning me everywhere.

"Almost, but Chris P. Bacon helped me." I smiled.

"Why are you smiling, dummy? You're lucky you didn't get hurt this time." She firmly said. I can't help smiling because Andy is being adorable. It's a rare occurrence to see a caring Andy, you know.

"Nothing." I smile nonetheless.

She narrowed her eyes curiously and said, "Come, the meteor shower is going to start soon." She held my hand and led us to the tent to sit.

 Andy and I were peacefully chilling in the tent while looking at the stars. Out of nowhere, I ask, "I've been wondering... Why did you kiss me that time?" There was a silent moment. I look at her trying to know what she's thinking. It's been bothering me for days now and I've been meaning to ask what it means.

"Maybe because...," She pauses for a second and says, "I want to kiss you...," She looks back at me with emotions that I couldn't comprehend well.

fiona'sbrain.exe has stopped working

Wait. I only have two brain cells in me so please bear with it for a moment.

"You wanted to kiss me...? For what reason?" I ask her again to make her repeat it one more time.

"Just because I want to..." She leaned her head against her legs and wrapped her arms around them while looking at me fondly. 

 That made me nervous. This is the first time Andy gave me that look. I don't know how to grasp it. I'm also not ready to know what it means because I feel like it'll take our friendship to a much deeper meaning.

I lost my nuts on Chris P. Bacon. How about you? What's your favorite funny scene?

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