
POLAROID: Not Your Typical Love Story

It all started with Netflix and chill. A bag of scattered potato chips, partnered with a sappy romantic movie.

Talesofheaven · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: The Egg


Thanks for waiting!


Dear Monday,

My Mama doesn't like you and she likes everyone.

I'm not really sure if I hate Mondays or Mondays hate me. When I look at the calendar I always see; Monday, Monday 2, Monday 3, Monday 4, Friday, Saturday, and Pre-Monday. People say that each day is a "gift", but I'd like to know where I can return Mondays because me no want it. Sometimes, I just fool myself by saying "Be the reason someone smiles today... or the reason they drink. Whatever works, who cares." But no, right now, is not an ordinary Monday.

I've been bugging Andy the entire weekend just to seduce her. I kept on spamming her some of my pick-up lines that made her probably choke on her coffee. That wasn'tㅡmy intention. 

"Good morning Andy! A morning text doesn't only mean 'good morning,' it also means, 'I think about you when I wake up.'"

"Good morning. Really, Fiona? You're still not done with those shameless pick-up lines? Go find someone else to bother."

"But I like my mornings better if my mornings started with you."

I was waiting for her response but nothing came. So, I'll just text her later after I finish cooking my fries. I put my phone on the counter and proceed to torture some potatoes. I saw my older brother Henry go out of his room, which made me grimace just seeing the sight of him.

"Whatcha' cooking dummy?" I didn't respond. The likes of him don't need any attention. "Really? french fries in the morning?"

"You can put cheese on it, it'll taste awesome!" He attempts to get a piece of fries that made me swat his hands off.

"There's no we in French fries," I stated.

"Pig!" He walks out annoyed. 

 After a moment I was done cooking my fries. I went to the living room to watch TV. After an hour or two I went to fetch my phone on the counter, just to see if Andy replied. I swallowed a lump after I saw the text that was sent to Andy 20 minutes ago. It says...

"How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, over-easy, or fertilized?"

 That good-for-nothing of a brother of mine! He's so disgusting! I curse him a lot! How will I explain myself to Andy now? I stormed out of the house and went to Mijeong's. I knocked and I waited for the door to open and I was met by the person that I wasn't ready to talk to.

"Oh, Fiona. Are you here to fertilize my eggs? I have to say I'm on a period." That caught me off guard, blushing madly. I didn't expect Andy to flirt back. Andy flirts back?! Oh, my God! Praise the Lord!

"Andy Iㅡ" She shut the door on my face. Ouch... my nose.

 So, that's what happened on my weekend with Andy. I was left with a bleeding nose at that time. I apologized a million times that it wasn't me who texted her about the egg. It was my dumb brother because he wanted to get back at me. She understood and went back to being the Ice Queen. Geez, she's even colder than winter. She took care of my bleeding nose, she must've felt guilty about it. I wasn't complaining because she became my slave for the day, or was she?

"Feed me. I'm hungry."

"Go feed yourself."

"But my nose hurts."

"You don't use your nose to eat, dummy."

"You did this to me." She sighs. I smiled because I won the argument. She proceeds to get some food.

"Here." She shoves a handful of rice into my mouth.

"Andy waiㅡ," I can't finish my sentence because she was stuffing a spoonful of rice one at a time.

"Hush. Just eat."

 Where was I again? Oh, Mondays! Yeah, I'm excited because I will see Andy again. We always walk to school together. I can't wait to tease her again. I was still taken aback by the time she flirted back at me. It was such a sight to see, and I would love to see more of that. That was the plan. Walk with Andy together. But Andy being Andy just ditched me! I've been looking at the text she sent me an hour after I woke up.

"I'm a head first."

 It was sent at 6 a.m. Who would go to school at six?! Apparently, Andy. What will she even do there? It's freaking six in the morning?! She doesn't have any early club activities. The only activity she does is to bitch at people, that's it! Up until now, I've been spamming her with messages like:

"What do you mean?"


"Are you leaving me?"

"We haven't even started this relationship, you're leaving me already?!"

 You thought I'm finished? No, I'm not! I'll keep spamming her until she replies! She dares to ditch me while I'm here expecting to see her a lot!

"Is this because of the egg?"

"I told you it wasn't me T^T."

"Are you still mad?"


"Do you want some ice cream?"

 Andy is such a frustrating human being. She's more frustrating than my period. I hope she's not mad anymore. It's quite a handful to deal with a PMS-ing Andy, which I might not see tomorrow if I ever encounter it. 

I came to a conclusion that Mondays despise me, and I also came to a conclusion that Andy is avoiding me. She's avoiding me like I didn't shower for days. I did though. I mean showered.

"Andy you meanie~ Why did you abandon me?" I said when I saw her talking with one of our classmates. I ran with open arms expecting her to hug me back... but it never came. When I open my eyes and she was out of my sight.

 At lunchtime. Andy and I always eat together at the cafeteria. When I ask her that it's lunchtime already and we need to head to the cafeteria she just saidㅡ"You go ahead, I have to finish something first." 

 I didn't suspect anything at first since I know Andy is such a busy bee. I had my suspicions when she talked to one of our classmates, Jodie Karlfungle. No, I don't have anything against the girl. It's just that, she's a bit of an... airhead.

I remember the first time Andy and I encountered the girl. She was a nice, innocent-looking, nature lover kind of girl, and she said she was anti-wind mills. I asked her why, and she just saidㅡ"There are way too many popping up and we're going to use up all of the wind."

I was speechless. Andy was speechless, too. Andy was never speechless. It was so unique that it blew Andy's brain away. She told me to never hang out with Jodie Karlfungle because she will never talk to me if I ever acquired her unique way of thinking. But, this happened...

"Andy, can I have a sleepover at your place? I miss your bed~" I whine at her.

"Fiona, we can't right now..."

"Why??" I whine more, tugging at her sleeves.

"Iㅡ," She was looking elsewhere, not making any eye contact, which made me narrow my eyes in suspicion.

"Jodie and I need to work on something." She tugs at the girl who was probably going to sit on her desk. Jodie looks baffled by the sudden attention. "Right? Jodie?"

"Yes?" Jodie's response just made me huff.

 Andy is getting weirder and weirder. I kind of miss our sleepovers. I miss hugging her small body. I huff at the thought that we can't have a sleepover right now. You must make up to me Andy. You're so unfair. To remind her, I sent her a text.

"You should make up to me T^T"

"I'll buy you lunch next time."

 She replied, which made me smile. Come to think of it, I want to experience a date with Andy. It'll probably be good! I should tell her that we need to watch a movie next time. I'm excited!

My favorite scene in this chapter was the windmills part hahaha. How about you guys?

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