

It all started when I died. I wished I had confessed at least.

On a sunday morning, my family visited our ancestral home to spend our weekend. My sister and I were playing badminton. A neon t-shirt with blue jeans was the outfit for both us sisters. A smash led the cock into the backyard and I had to go to get it. It was in the old shed to which our grandmother had told us no to go in any case. But I was a girl who only believed in science and so I went in. Quite eerie it was. Perhaps that's why out grandma had told us so. Inside the shed the windows were covered with black curtains and the door creaked when I opened it. The wooden floor was also broken at some places and in the corner of that small eerie shed lied a black chest besides which was the cock that I wanted.

I went in and the floor started making sounds. I was already quite horrible until I spotted the spider webs behind the chest. I carefully bent trying not to look at hose webs as my hand went for the cock. Picking it up I heaved a sigh of relief and turned. It was really my bad luck o else I won't have fallen back suddenly and had my head hit the chest as a little blood flowed out I suppose. When I was quite conscious, to my surprise, there was no blood on the chest. It was there before. I thought I was mistaken.

That incident was a small one and I didn't notice anything aside from a ring that I carried since then. It was a beautiful one with a white gem and yellow glitters. It was under my foot when I woke up and hence was the culprit of my fall.

The weekends had ended and us sisters had to go back to attend the school. When I went back I came to know from Aaron that Ryan took admission in another school. Very logically, Aaron tried to cheer me up, "Alexa Silvius, there are still many options out there. Don't try to hang on a tree whose branch is broken." I was sad a little that I wasn't able to confess to him but I knew that we were impossible as we were both of different religion and my parents wouldn't agree to that. I had long decided that if I would start a relationship it would be one in which I could marry that person with my parents' agreement. After all, one has to spend his entire lifetime with another person and if that person is someone you like that would be even more better.

A few weeks after I had to transfer from my school as my father bought a new flat and we had to shift. He transferred and I too. We were both apart unaware of each other's presence. We had no chance nor any fate. Except in our another life, I suppose.

The new school wasn't as big as my old one and it was hard to seperate from my friends. As such, I didn't like that school that much. I even disliked the teachers except from the biology one.

One night I went to the rooftop to look at the stars. Even though we had no contact, I still wasn't able to forget him. I wondered if he would exist in my brain like a Fasciola hepatica whose hooks keep attached to its host tightly. HA! I even wanted to turn those memories of his into some kind of insects or worms. That way maybe I would forget him but was unable. It was truly stressing that I wasn't able to move on and my eyes which had been washed seeing all those handsome classmates of mine were hardly able to find any good looking boy with nice personality. And if some matched the looks, they didn't had personality which I liked and vice versa.

Then all of a sudden, I slipped down the stairs when coming back from the rooftop and fainted with a slight pain in my chest as if something important was just taken away from me.

Opening my eyes, I was unable to see anything. To say more precisely, it was dark all around without a speck of light. I tried to wave my hands and my fleshy paddles hit something like a muscle wall. I was floating too. A few seconds after that I realised that I had died and was an unborn baby now. I was floating in amniotic fluid and the wall was probably the placenta. It was strange to me. I never imagined that I would have a 14-year-old mental age with an unborn body. Whatever happened to me from then on, I was clearly able to feel. The formation of my hands and feet, the slight itch at my eyebrows and an urge to come out. It was clear that my consciousness was awakened after the body crossed the 5th week stage.

In the dark I was unable to feel the passage of time. With sudden urge I squirmed. And then I felt the light. I had to my close my eyes because I was unable to adjust to it. And by now my eyelids had tears hanging onto them. With a slight babbling cry I opened my eyed little by little and a large face greeted me. I was scared and so my lacrimal glands gave a fierce reaction and tears flooded my eyes. Soon after I was taken away from that man's arms and was held by a woman. Her soothing voice greatly affected me and I was able to calm down. I looked on with my big eyes and she was very beautiful. Beautiful enough to rival countless of movie stars in my previous lifetime that I appreciated a little. Next was something that every baby required - nutrition. Colostrum is the milk formed right after the delivery of a newborn and is highly nutritious with Immunoglobulin, an immunity protein, and develops passive immunity in newborns. That's why even though I felt awkward, for my health I had to fight on.

Whenever I tried to say something I only babbled. It was so frustrating for a person like me who had a very clear speech that my lacrimal glands again started working. And I was soothed to sleep just like that by that woman who was perhaps my mother in this lifetime.