
pokemon: who needs strength when you have a brain

when death comes life follows soon although not in the same world but i dont have any system to work with and im at the end of the year before i start what my journey well it could be worse... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH I HAVE AN EXAM I DONT NOW HOW POKEMON CARE WORKS THE GAMES DIDNT PREPARE ME FOR THAT

Watashi_wa_Batman · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4 : The battle of the century

<p>When we entered we were received by the nurse joy <br/><br/>'i swear if they all seem the same im gonna have a stroke because that dosent make any sense at all' <br/><br/>and then the one i think was Max started talking <br/><br/>" hi nurse joy we were wondering if you would allow us to use the battle field"<br/><br/> " sure kids as long as you have your trainer license there is no reason to not let you" <br/><br/>so one by one we started showing our license and then told us to follow her <br/><br/>" here it is, if you need me to heal your pokemon i will be on the reception " <br/><br/>with some energetics yes an thank you she smiled an left.<br/><br/> " Well there are 4 battle stadiums so you already know what to do but just in case the rules are simple, battle 1 v 1 till knock out or one surrenders and no use of items in battle" <br/><br/>so i followed at my classmate of name barry to the arena.<br/><br/>"Are you ready?"<br/><br/>"i was born ready! (i theoretically born last week at least in this body so maybe i was lying)<br/><br/>"in that case ITS TIME TO SHINE Nidoran" <br/><br/> ' so a catch frase is a must uh... i think i have something that can work'<br/><br/>" ITS SHOWTIME go Slowpoke" <br/><br/>and then there where 2 pokemon on the field and my heart and mind were racing but it was okay i prepared specificaly for my first battle although it will only work once or twice before they discover how it works<br/><br/>"Slowpoke plan B"<br/><br/> i guess saying that didnt have an effect in barry since he started to attack as soon as i ended to speek<br/><br/>" you only had few days with your pokemon and only knew about the battle for about 2 hours its not possible that you formulated a plan for a pokemon you didnt know i have, Nidoran tackle!"<br/><br/>'and you would be right i didnt know which pokemon you had but i did know that a battle as soon as we got our license was a must so i had a little over 3 days to prepare an although i couldnt teach Slowpoke something in that time i was capable to use what i had to my advantage'<br/><br/>if an spectator was looking it would seem that slowpoke was standing still while a Nidoran male was running at him as fast as possible for him<br/><br/>'6,5,4,3,2,1...Impact'<br/><br/>as soon as the nidoran was at less than a meter from slowpoke he opened his mouth to lunch a water gun at point blank<br/><br/>'i cant learn something new but i can optimaize something old so all i did was get better acurracy with water gun and make it so that if he holds watter for more time it creates a bigger presure of water comming out makeing it stronger than it usually is, its not much but i worked with what i had'<br/><br/>"so your plan B is just another way to say water gun ? dosnt seem much of a plan to me"<br/><br/>"Slowpoke plan A " <br/><br/>and with that Slowpoke turned around to look at me<br/><br/>"dont think you already won, look at me, Nidoran bite!"<br/><br/>and so slowpoke kept looking at me till the Nidoran started biting Slowpokes tail and with a big smile he know what to do and started waging his tail<br/><br/>"dont lose your grip nidoran keep biting"<br/><br/>'yeah keep biting nidoran but this will be the end'<br/><br/>all of the sudden slowpoke slamed his tail against the ground with all his strength makeing nidoran stop biting him to recover his breath and slowpoke turned around to receive the nidoran that was standing with a confusion that marked the end of the battle.<br/> <br/> i went to where Slowpoke was and took one oran berry and left it on front of him while i was petting him with the other<br/><br/>"good battle"<br/><br/>"thanks" <br/><br/>he didnt seem very happy about it but who would be? nobody liked to lose the tutorial battle and we started walking into the reception me with slowpoke by my side and he with nidoran in his pokeball<br/><br/>" what was plan A?"<br/><br/>"Slowpoke needs at least 3 seconds to charge confusion and then there was the problem with acurracy but i remembered when i caught it and he was fishing with his tail he fought against a goldeen that he caught launching a confusion at him so i thought hey that could work but i wanted to take the least amount of damage meaning his tail was the only option since they cant feel because of the lack of nerves so i made him look at me at the order plan A so the best part to attack would be the tail regardless of a bite or a tackle he would make a slam with his tail to distract for a second that he would locate the position of your pokemon and launch a confusion"<br/><br/>"wow that was a good plan!" <br/><br/>i smiled and handed slowpoke's pokeball to nurse joy and in 20 minutes slowpoke was compleatly healed since he wasnt much damaged. i had some more battles against Rose and his meowth and Max and his rattata being the rattata against the one i lost by a little <br/><br/>'how are you supposed to counter hyper fang and bite ? slowpoke can take hits but in games hyper fang has 80 power and bite was effective against slowpoke so after the fourth move he learned the trick behind my plans and after that i lost but i felt one more hit and i woulda won <br/><br/>' i just lost to youngster joey but without the name youngster joey how i will ever recover form that?'<br/><br/>anyways as soon as they said that we should stop since it was already to late i was the first in saying goodbye and left the pokemon center while the rest of the group stayed and started talking, as soon as soon as i got out of the door i started looking at my phone<br/><br/> '12:30' <br/><br/>i could see the lamps showing my path back home with an orange light and the slight chill of the night seeing some people walking by and i felt like i was right at home, so i just took Slowpoke's pokeball and let him out and started walking with next to him,<br/> it was therapeutic and relaxing, so while we where walking i started to thing on how the battles went and what mistakes i made,<br/><br/> 'i was over reliant on the plans thinking that two attacks would be enough but once Max started to understand what was happening he changed of strategy going in with a quick attack getting closer to then do a quick bite and left and i didnt adapted as fast so by the time i started throwing water guns at distance slowpoke was to tired to hit the target and kept missing and he just kept going around slowpoke since he couldnt turn around fast enough in the state he was so that is something to consider for next time and from what i could see rattata was fairly stronger since he resisted the most amount of damage than the rest of the other pokemon so i guess he was with his trainer the longest or was just that strong when caught.<br/><br/>By the time i got home it was 1: 26 am and tomorrow was gonna be another day so looking to my side i could see the drowsiness showing on slowpokes face and i could feel the sweat of walking for so long and having my heart rate sky rocket mid battle didnt help but i was to tired to care so i just closed the door and walked to bed and saw how slowpoke put his front paws on the bed while the back ones made the jump to then put himself over my legs and just laid down and close his eyes having his tail near his face and with a smile the sleep took over soon after.<br/><br/>When i woke up i wasnt fealing my legs at all only the sensation one gets when he sleeps over his arms so the first thing i did was pull slowpoke as slowly as i could out of them so my blood could flow again and after about 5 minutes of feeling the wierdest type of pain in my opinion i could start the day and first things first , A BATH, i smelled like i was thrown in a dump bin so i took the 'still blue' clothes i had and went to take a shower and here is were the magic happens and as soon as the hot water starte touching my skin the thinking started<br/><br/>'there are a pair of things i gotta do going forward starting with what i was gonna do in this 30 days and the most important and fairly obvious is training but train what? i could try to learn a new attack but it might be less usefull than make what i already have more efficient but again it might not be and then there's physical training , slowpoke resists hits and he dosent really dodge due to a lack of speed, but how do i train defense? <br/><br/>do i start throwing rocks at him?<br/><br/> i think that if i do that my license might not last a week and if i try to learn everything i might not get good enough results that the rest of my classmates and get trashed next time i fight against one of them and i refuse to repeat the rattata incident so theres gotta be something i can do, the rattata...<br/><br/> i think i got it i will work on the flaws i saw against rattata and work my way up'<br/><br/>When i got out of the shower i looked at my phone<br/><br/> '11:22 am, i was really tired if i sleept for that long' <br/><br/> i looked myself in the mirror for a little bit <br/><br/>'i need to exercise too if i wanna take this seriously i cant get tired after a few hours of walking and when i go on a journey the things im gonna carry are gonna make it even harder so i don't have a choice'<br/><br/>then i put on my clothes and prepared to what was probably one of the most tired days of my life after half an hour of me preparing the bag to go out slowpoke finaly woke up and yawned and got down of the bed with a little jump so i put his bowl with food from last night and a bowl of water and all of the sudden i went unconsious.<br/><br/>When i woke up i found slowpoke on my legs again although this time i could feel them <br/><br/>'how long i was sleep?'<br/><br/>When i looked at my phone it said 12 am so about 30 minutes<br/><br/> 'what happen?' <br/><br/>and then i remembered how slowpoke woke up and yawned before i fell sleep<br/><br/> 'so it seems he learned a new move by accident? or maybe he already knew and thought that putting me to sleep on the forest wasnt such a good idea and waited? no that dosent make sense but what could trigger learing a new move?'<br/><br/>And the answer was fairly obvious <br/><br/>'battles in this world battles trigger certain parts of the brain creating a accelerated development under preasure so it is likely that he learned to use yawn on that period of time but that left the question of why does a yawn make any living being fall sleep?' <br/><br/>so i started looking on my phone and what i found is that the move yawn makes a paricular sound that makes the brain think it has a lack of oxigen and as a defense mechanism it shuts down your body makeing you unconscious but wait it also says that the sound it makes its diffrent if used in humans or pokemon meaning he targted the move at me so all i did was smile and started petting slowpoke which maneged to wake him up<br/> <br/>"wake up we have things to do"</p>