
pokemon: who needs strength when you have a brain

when death comes life follows soon although not in the same world but i dont have any system to work with and im at the end of the year before i start what my journey well it could be worse... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH I HAVE AN EXAM I DONT NOW HOW POKEMON CARE WORKS THE GAMES DIDNT PREPARE ME FOR THAT

Watashi_wa_Batman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 14 : We are getting better

When i woke up and saw that hoothoot wasnt in my chest like always i became aware of my surroundings fast

'he never does that, what happened?'

when i looked to my side i calmed down, it was one of those days in which he would sleep after countless sleepless nights in which the only sleep he would get would come from being knock out, i found him sleeping camuflaged in tauros mane so i started my rutine by moveing slowpoke from my legs and decided to take a photo of hoothoot sleeping while i waited for my legs to recover their sense and looked at the time,

'9 am, the battle starts at 3 pm'

so i just opened my legs and took slowpoke who just woke up and put him looking at the cealing between my legs and told him to go back to sleep and he listen while i scratched him behind the ears and decided to go back to sleep again.

The next time i woke up i found a more familiar view, hoothoot was looking at me from tauros head and tauros himself was also looking at me but he put his head on my bed and slowpoke was still sleeping, when i looked at my phone it was 11:30 and i had a message of blue telling me that he went training and would be watching my battle, decideing i slept enough i went out of bed and returned tauros since he couldnt go between doors and went to the kitchen where i called him once more so we could start eating, when we ended tauros was dying to let out some steam so i went to my room once more and put the equipment on him followed by the protection for me and i once i felt comfortable and finished putting my goggles i was ready

"we have 40 minutes for you to run before we have to prepare ourselfs so Lets goooooo"

once the wind doesnt hit you in the eyes as much and you can actually get a firm grip the travel isnt as bad, i could actually grew used to this. 40 minutes later, i take back everything i said, my legs felt like i was doing excersie for 2 hours and i started walking weird but tauros seemed happy so i scrached his chin and returned him and prepared to take a shower, it was 2:20 so after a 15 minutes shower i went out and like every other time got here at 2:40 so i had time to think about my research of koga

1) koga uses pokemon from all regions and at least a pokemon from every evolution step so i can expect at least a 6 vs 3

2) he loves to use toxic and poison spikes so i cant hold back at all otherwise the poison would wear us down so i gotta start with slowpoke followed by hoothoot and finish with tauros since he is the one that could take the poison spikes for longer.

before i could keep thinking my name was called and i walked to the stadium hearing the presenter once again and then koga decided to talk

"so you are Paul?"

"have you heared about me?"

"yeah not every day you get oaks grandson and his friend in a lifeboat and hear about how they were the only survivors of an attack to the famous S.S Anne, i hope that you can show me what made you different from the many other trainers in that cruise"

'friend of oaks grandson? im gonna make sure you remember my name by my own achivements starting for the beatdown that you will recive now'

"ITS SHOWTIME go slowpoke"


and with that the battle started.

While chargeing his first move slowpoke recived a fake out followed by a sludge bomb at point blank.


when slowpoke appeared behind him and launched a water pulse he didnt expect it to be a substitute so when he got hit by a toxic he took it with full force

"rule number one, battles are won by who has the more information not the one with the most power, remember it well"

'it was to fast! when did it made the change? it could only be during the time between the sludge bomb and the teleport and now im on a countdown'

"slowpoke go down to 8"


slowpoke launched a quick succesion of water guns that were meet with another substitute followed by a double team so slowpoke stood still and closed his eyes while chargeing


this time when a hit came slowpoke dodged and kept chargeing with his eyes closed while i smiled

'lesson 34 if you cant trust your eyesight your ears are your next best friend'

double team only has visual presence but its compleatly soundless so if slowpoke hears something it means its the real attack


this time slowpoke faced a taunt so he stopped chargeing and launched the water pulse everywhere and it maneged to hit salandit but didnt bring him down and i could start seeing the heavy breathing and sweat

"slowpoke return, go hoothoot"

salandit started doing a bunch of clones and i put my ear plugs

'lesson 33 its always for the best to have all your senses active so the best solution to moves like double team or flash is use an attack in area since then they cant dodge'

when the uproar hitted all the clones dissapeared and the original was left but by then he went down

"i see you know how to train your pokemon so lets move a step higher shall we? go Venomoth"

as soon as he went out i could see the small spikes falling the floor with each flap of his wings.

Even with all his training hoothoot and tailwind he was still slower than Venomoth so any try with air slash ended up being dodged so we went with peck only to get a stun spore in the eyes at the exchange of a single hit of peck that was followed by a bug buzz that sended hoothoot to the ground

'he cant do it but slowpoke didnt heal enough for it to use more than 2 teleports before going down im gonna lose'

and then light covered the arena, and when it stopped a blur could be seen going at venomoth and impacting at great speeds

'i guess tauros isnt the only one that knows double edge now eh noctowl?'

the hit was followed by an air slash that brought it down

"well i cant say that was unexpected but evolution is always an amazing view wouldnt you agree?"

i just nodded while i looked at noctowl

"well i think its time to go the last mile of this battle and you proved to be top notch during this battle so i can be no less"

i felt the room go down a few degrees and then the shadow of koga started moveing on his own

'this isnt good'

when a gengar came from it i started curseing and when he started useing double team i felt like launching myself from a bridge

"Noctowl ignore lesson 34 and 33 they dont apply to him"

since he is a ghost uproar wouldnt do anything to disrrupt his concentration therefore the clones would still be up with that a race started in which noctowl was loseing once again since his body still twitched every now and then allowing gengar to sucker punch noctowl and noctowl could only use confusion since extrasensory took more time to use and then gengar would dodge by then so for every hit noctowl gave he recived two and they were stronger it was time for a change of tactics

"noctowl return"

i could feel the effects of tailwind dissapearing

"go slowpoke, dont hold anything back"

when slowpoke came to the field he seemed only slightly out of breath and once he locked his sigh in one of the gengars it dissapeared and launched a psychic followed by a barrage of water pulse and when slowpoke was falling and tried to teleport and failed i knew that they used disable on teleport.

When slowpoke got to the ground he had fainted so i returned him, i looked at the gengar and saw some signs of fatigue, we where getting close and i still had noctowl and tauros, a plan was appearing in my mind

'and here i thought that that move was compleatly useless i should know by now that no move is useless'


and with that he came back to the field and with him the winds where in our favor once more

"use foresight!"

'i cant believe that i didnt even bother to show noctowl when to use it'

"lessons 33 and 34 are back on game"

and with that said an uproar could be heared through all the arena and i barely had time to put my ear plugs while i saw how all the clones of gengar dissapeared but that lasted little since noctowl was also in his last legs and got hit by a sludge bomb that made him go down.

'its all up to you now'


he didnt dissapointed and a roar could be heared and the wind coming from behind him it propelled him like a rocket to face the gengar with a slam that sended him flying past koga and slamed him against the wall leaveing a hole...

the silence its like the calm before the storm that was that round of applause that came so i went to the center of the arena where koga was with tauros by my side.

"you showed a high understanding of pokemon battles although you still have some rough edges i believe you will be ready for the conference when you get your eight badge so keep going with the same momentum of your tauros and there wont be anything that can stop you"

i took my badge and said good bye and went through the reception to pick up my TM for toxic, when i got out i found blue waiting for me

"you are quite dramatic arent you?"

to that i just smilled harder

"its fun, besides i bet you felt the hype when i used my chant and tauros went at full speed against gengar"

"i wont ever admit that that was cool but it was a good battle, now lets talk about your mistakes, first, why did you felt the need to tell your opponent that you would use foresight?"

"i honestly never used the move ever so i kinda ignored that it existed and only when i realized that tauros had almost no chance by himeself with all the clones i remembered that the noctowl line knows the move but since i never felt the need to use it i didnt knew it had it so it was a gamble that luckly paid of"

"ok that makes sense wanna go eat somewhere to celebrate?"

"sure but first i need to heal my pokemon and then we go eating"

when we got out of the pokecenter followed by slowpoke , noctowl and tauros some people seemed to recognize us which brought a big smile to my face.

when we went eating i picked a plate of pasta with octillery ink for me an my pokemon and we all seemed to enjoy it except my wallet that took a hit of 270$ leaving me in 31600$ so i could afford it, after that we went to the river where slowpoke decided that he was full enough so he just started floating while noctowl and tauros started sparring and now that i had more time to see and he wasnt paralyzed i could say that evolution does wonders to the overall stats, now noctowl was being chased by tauros through the trees while every now and then they would engage in battle and when noctowl felt overpowered he would just disengage and a chase would follow and every time he engaged again he would wear down tauros a bit more till he finally tired himself and would be sended flying by a slam of tauros

'i guess that even if you are now faster than tauros you still lack in the stamina and damage department, but its still progress'

and with that the day ended and we went to sleep