
Vol. 1, Chap. 1: The beginning

Warrior woke up in her bed, her mom was knocking on her door. 'Warrior! Your going to be late to Professor Oak's lab!' Warrior jolted up and changed quickly. 'Mom! Why didn't you wake me up earlier??' Before her mom could reply she ran out the door and toward the lab. She was stopped by a boy about her age with spikey hair and a blue shirt. 'Woah, and where do you think your going, I'm getting my pokemon 1st!' The boy pushed Warrior out of the way and walked into the lab. 'Jeez. Who does he think he is?' She walked into the lab as the rude boy grabbed a pokeball 'This is my pokemon!' Warrior heard him say. She walked forward and looked at the other two pokeballs, Charmander and Bulbasaur were left. 'Oh, you again. Bet you're gonna get the worst one! Smell ya later!' The boy flicked his hair and walked out. Professor Oak walked up behind her. 'Ah! Warrior! Your a tiny bit late.' He said. 'Yeah, yeah, can I choose my pokemon now??' She asked hoping to get the one she wanted. 'Sure, pick one of these two pokemon.'