
PWA 8 Gary Oak [Rewrite]

Yup, unlike those standard eight Gym and eight badges per Region in the original Pokemon franchises, in this PokeWack World there is nine Gym which in turn give out nine badges that must be collected by us Trainers before we are eligible to enter the League Tournament that is held near the End of the Year where we compete against all our fellow trainers who have also collected nine Gym Badges and faced the BIG FIVE consisting of the ELITE FOUR plus the current reigning Pokemon CHAMPION before we can be crowned as the New Pokémon Champion.

Anyway, that thing is for later.

Now, let me proceed on getting my first pokemon!

As I am on my way to get my starter Pokémon, I met with Kotonoha Katsura again.

"Hey there, Kotonoha-chan, have you completed your registration, too?"

"Yes, I have." smiling to me, Kotonoha showed me her Trainer Card.


[Trainer Card ID No. 41988]

[Name: Kotonoha Katsura]

[Birthday: January 4th]

[Hometown: Klepon Town]


Oh wow, her birthday is just two days later. Gotta noted that.

As I noted that in my mind, we also exchanged our PokeGear numbers that acts like a telephone number in this world.

By the way, the PokeGear in this PokeWack World somehow looks like those PokeGears in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver.

The Pokégear that returns in the Generation IV remakes of the Pokémon franchise have an interface that has been completely redesigned, using both screens like a Nintendo DS console.

The top will always display the time function on the Pokégear, while the touch screen will display the other different functions of the Pokégear, as well as selecting other functions using the touch screen.

The outer aesthetics of the Pokégear have also changed abruptly compared to the old ones in Generation II of the Pokémon games as well.

The whole Pokégear is a flip top, while the bottom section of the Pokégear is used to scan Trainer's physical ID Card and other special expansion cards to upgrade it with other functions. Its color skin is changeable between blue (standard for male and trap trainers) and pink (standard for female and futanari trainers).

Currently now our PokeGear have the Clock, Map and Phone Menu along with our Virtual Trainer Card that shows our money, registered Pokémon and the Badges we have obtained.

After exchanging our PokeGear number, Jovanna along with Kotonoha take their sweet time to go to the Lab Room where the starting Pokémon will be distributed.

"Oya oya, what do we have here? A Sissy Boy and a Gloomy Girl?"

As Jovanna and Kotonoha walks in the Lab Room, a rather irritating voice can be heard calling them over.

Yeah, who else if not Gary, the grandson of Professor Oak who always have his team of gold diggers.... Ahem, I mean, cheerleaders around him?

Kotonoha, being a shy girl she is, immediately hides behind Jovanna's back.

Meanwhile Jovanna also stared back on the direction of such an irritating voice, where a boy with spiky brown hair wearing purple shirt, black jacket and brown trouser pants standing on the right side of the door, looking back on their direction with an arrogant face.

Not one who is holding back and wanting to lose, Jovanna also stared at the brown haired boy with full contempt on his beautiful face and condescending gaze in his golden eyes.

"Ara, ara, what do we have here? A third rate and third generation young master waiting for us on the door like a hotel bellboy? I am flattered at your service" *smirk*

"You.....!" Gary, not one to ever be able to hold his temper immediately about to explode hearing such a spicy words.

"What 'you'....? Can't you even remember my name? Oh, I am sorry, your intelligence is cut short as short as your temper." Jovanna said another spicy words while smiling sweetly with her angelic face.

Meanwhile Kotonoha on his back is getting even more amazed by the spectacle in front of her eyes.

Having such a sweet smile, such an angelic face, but the mouth is spewing out venomous words non stop like a flame thrower on full throttle.

She have never seen such a contrasting scene in her 17 years of life until now.

(Yeah, she is still 17 as today in PokeWack World is still January the 2nd, just one day after New Year. Meanwhile her 18th birthday is only 2 days later on January the 4th.)

After a bit more bickering with each other, Jovanna decided to stop wasting his time and proceed to meet Professor Oak who have seen their fiasco from the back of the room while letting out a heavy sigh.

Professor Oak: *sigh* "Why do I have such a stupid and useless grandson? He is usually so smart and clever but when it comes to Jovanna, he never win in arguments against Jovanna but that still didn't make him stop harassing that boy. If I can go to the past again, I should asked my daughter in law to have an abortion before he was born so that he won't bring shame to my family. Too bad that when the last time I have a chance to go to the past, I returned back to the original timeline before my son even get married....."

As Professor Oak thought about such a dark things, our cool beauty trap protagonist have come in front of him and politely greets the elder.

"Good morning, Professor. I am very sorry about such a shameful display of behaviour earlier...." (What Jovanna means is about his bickering with Gary earlier).

"Nah, it's okay, I don't mind. I can see from here that you are not the one who is starting the ruckus either."

"Thank you, Professor." *Wink*

"Ugh.... Let's just make it quick. Currently now we have three pokeballs on the table. You can pick any one of them as your starting Pokémon."

"Got it Professor. Kotonoha-chan, ladies first." Said Jovanna while gesturing to Kotonoha to pick her starter Pokémon first.

Gary: (O.O !?)

Kotonoha: "Eh? Are you sure you want me to go first?"

Jovanna: "It's okay, it's okay, you can pick first, I will choose later."

Gary: ("Arceus be damned, Jovanna! Why don't you play by the script!? Shouldn't you pick your starter first and then I will pick the one with a type advantage against your choice so I can humiliate you by challenging you and defeat you in front of everyone!?")


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

A little bit trivia for you: 

Kotonoha Katsura's Trainer ID Number is based on her Birthday 4 January 1988 = 4-1-1988 => 41988.

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