
Pokemon: Uncrowned Emperor

When a young man who strives for adventure and discovery finds himself being reborn into a world he once knew as fiction, you can already guess how excited his adventurous soul felt upon the realisation. However, with his appearance, the very order of this world is about to be turned upside down. Armed with great knowledge like no other, he is about to hit this world like an unstoppable hurricane!

AbyssNova · Anime & Comics
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The Uncrowned Emperor

Before this story begins, just a few important things to make note of before you choose read on. First of all, this is not a harem story, and there will only be one love interest. I would be highly surprised if you somehow figured out who the love interest is before they are introduced, the reason being is that they are not a main or recurring character, more like a side character from the anime.

You can try to guess who it is, but I highly doubt anyone would be able to.

Anyway, the second thing is that the first few chapters will be about his childhood in the Pokemon world, a small arc of sorts. It won't last for long, perhaps like ten or so chapters at the absolute max.


He was someone who loved the idea of adventure, especially if it involved discovering new and world-shattering mysteries. He just absolutely enjoyed the feeling of going out into the unknown world and exploring, discovering and seeing all kinds of things across the world.

To go with his incredibly adventurous spirit, he also had rather unreachable goals. To give an example, one of his greatest goals in life was discovering the true existence of the Garden of Eden, and while he knew it was never going to come into fruition, that didn't stop him from going out and exploring the world.

He was unlike any other teenager his age.

While most other males his age would usually be in doors, playing games or playing sports. He preferred to travel and explore things like ancient ruins, and it didn't help either that his own parents were archaeologists, so that gave him many opportunities to travel around.

Unfortunately, during one of his adventurers into an underground ruin that had yet to be explored, his hand had slipped on an unpredictable piece of terrain that ended up leading him to fall to his demise. Now that he thought back, he was really damn stupid for not having proper climbing equipment at the time.

When he saw the ruins for the first time, he had completely disregarded all kinds of safety and immediately began scaling down into the tunnels to explore. Sometimes this adventurous soul of his was more of a curse than anything, he usually always gets too excited about exploring new things that he disregards his own safety.

By some miracle though, here he was now, reborn into this miraculous, new yet familiar world.

How long has it been?

Six years?

Indeed, it had been around six years now since he was reborn into this world, now answering to the name Nixon. What was this world you may ask? Well, if saying that this was a world where people shove superpowered animals into balls didn't immediately scream 'Pokemon', he wasn't sure what did.

He was a very open-minded person, but even he found his situation unbelievable. Being reborn after having met face to face with Death? You couldn't really blame him for not being able to believe the situation he had found himself in.

Nonetheless, all of that was in the past and this was the present, and this fictional world was now his reality. After six short years being in this world, he had already come to accept that his situation was real after the first week or so. Though, being born again was pretty damn traumatising...

At the present time, Nixon could currently be seen staring at himself through the mirror. A small frown present on his face as his round eyes were narrowed and staring at his reflection with a rather scrutinising gaze, he also had to stand on top of his desk chair since he was too short right now considering he was just six years old.

This world had many mysteries, it was the Pokemon world after all.

As someone who was originally born into a world where Pokemon was just a simple piece of fiction, he knew many things that the people of this world could only wish to know. However, if there was one mystery he didn't understand and wanted to find out,..

"I still don't get it... how is someone born with FIVE separate hair colours?"

This was the true mystery of fictional worlds, the ridiculous and unrealistic hair that people are born with. He himself was one of those people, the new him now had smooth straight white hair, but had four separate colours that made up his bangs. Those colours being as follows: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow.

The Pokemon world wasn't a world of crazy hair colours and shapes, it wasn't Yu-Gi-Oh, but here he was with probably one of the most ridiculous assortment of hair colours in this entire world. Even his new parents gave him strange looks every now and then, he inherited his mother's snow-white hair but all the other colours came out of nowhere.

It didn't help either that his eyes were a shining gold colour, which just brought even more attention to himself.

While his hair didn't have a ridiculous shape like those belonging to those brothers from Sword and Shield, or some of those gym leaders from Kalos and all that, he certainly had one of, if not, the most colourful of hairs in this entire world.

Hair colour aside, as you probably already know, he was currently six years old. Just four more years until he could finally leave to explore this world, and while he still found it ridiculous that parents are letting ten year olds out into the wilderness without supervision, he wasn't complaining.

"Nixon, are you ready to go?" A calm and soothing voice suddenly sounded as Nixon turned his head towards the bedroom door. When he did, he watched as a woman with long snow-white hair walked in and over towards him. "School will be starting soon, and I don't want you to be late."

"Yeah, I'm ready." Nixon sighed a bit as he said this. He had honestly been trying to keep himself from being taken into school, mainly because it would limit his ability to go around and explore. 'Then again, maybe it won't be so bad. This is Pokemon School after all, so just maybe...'

The reason he had relented and decided to go was because his parents 'threatened' him by saying that they wouldn't allow him to go off on his journey in the future if he didn't. They wanted him to make sure he had all the knowledge he needed before the time came, which he already obviously knew everything he needed, not like they knew that though...

"Then quickly come downstairs and eat breakfast, we'll be leaving in an hour." Nixon's mother spoke as she helped him fix up his clothes. Speaking of clothes, since there wasn't a dress-code, he just decided to go casual and simply wear a blue t-shirt along with black shorts, along with black sneakers he'll put on after leaving the house.

"I know, don't worry." Nixon rolled his eyes. The one thing that kind of annoyed him was that his mother always kept repeating things to make sure he understands and gets the message. "Let me just make sure the egg is properly warmed up first."

Nixon then jumped down from his chair before jogging over towards a rather large egg that was resting on a bed of soft pillows on the ground, it also had a small thin blanket wrapped around the base to keep it warm. Nixon knelt down before he began fixing up the blanket seeing as it was a bit loose.

This egg was obviously a Pokemon egg, and it was an egg that Nixon had been taking care of for around a two months or so now. It was a gift given to him by his parents who told him that they had been given it to give to him as a present for his fifth birthday by his uncle who was living in a far away region, he wasn't sure what region though.

The egg was a mix of blue, black and yellow colours, which seemed to insinuate that the Pokemon was possibly a water-type considering it was blue. However, there were many other Pokemon who had blue colouring who were not water-types. He didn't know what Pokemon would hatch form this egg, but he was excited to find out once it hatches.

For now though, he had been taking good care of it.


After eating breakfast, Nixon's mother immediately drove him towards his new school that he'll be attending for the next few years. For him specifically, he'll be attending the school for around nine years, though he'll only be attending for the first four of those years until he turned ten.

From what he understood, once a student who is attending Pokemon School turns ten and becomes officially old enough to become a trainer, they are given permission to have leave. The condition was that they have to attend school whenever they return and are having a break from said journey.

For example, if a trainer finishes their journey and decides to have a one week rest before continuing, that rest week must have them be attending the school. It was a bit counter-productive since a rest week is supposed to be for rest, but it was a fair trade since those trainers were allowed by the parents to go off on their journeys while others were forced to stay.

Anyway, after getting dropped off at the school, Nixon's mother gave him a few kisses to his forehead before sending him off into the school. It didn't really help though considering he had no idea what the layout of this school was, therefore he was honestly lost.

"I feel like I should have been given an escort..." Nixon muttered to himself as he walked slowly through the school. Right now, he seemed to be passing by an indoor play area where he could see a few students and Pokemon playing together. 'They look like they're having fun.'

Since it was early in the morning and school hadn't officially started, it was natural that the students would just be playing around before the day started. From the looks of it, there were mainly students his own age playing right now, along with a few of the older students who were either playing as well or were keeping watch.

Nixon did notice that a few of the older students had Pokeballs in their hands, obviously they were ten or above since you could only officially own a Pokemon once you become ten. It was either they were old enough or those Pokeballs belonged to their parents or perhaps the school.

"Walking around aimlessly isn't going to help... excuse me." Nixon just decided to ask one of the students close by since he would find it useless walking around such a large school. Might as well ask so he doesn't waste any time.

"Hm? What's up?"

The person Nixon decided to question was a male who looked to be the same age as himself, having red hair along with a pair of rounded black eyes. The male was wearing a pair of baggy pants along with a green t-shirt, and finishing off with a pair of white shoes.

"I was hoping to ask if you knew where class 2-A was."

"Class 2-A? Yeah, that's my class." The male nodded after having blinked at the rather unexpected question. The male then gave a curious look towards Nixon before eyeing him up and down with a confused look. "Are you in my class? I don't remember you though..."

"I will be, I'm transferring in today."

"Oh, I see!" The male nodded in understanding before giving him a smile. "My name's Kenny, nice to meet you!"

Nixon smile back before introducing himself. "Nixon, a pleasure to meet you."

"Nixon, huh? Just follow me, I'll show you where our class is." Kenny nodded before gesturing Nixon to follow him. As both males walked towards their destination, Kenny decided to start up a conversation. "So, did you just move into town? I don't ever remember meeting you at any point."

"Yeah, Twinleaf Town isn't exactly that too big." Nixon chuckled as he heard the question. The town was mostly just vacant land with houses placed every ten or twenty meters apart from one another, there were a lot of people, but not an insane number. "I mostly go out on my own and explore the wilderness, so you probably won't ever see me in town all that much."

"That's interesting, I'm surprised your parents let you go out into the wild like that without a Pokemon. My parents don't dare let me go out since they say it's too dangerous..."

"Ah yes... permission."

"...Really?" Kenny stared at Nixon with an incredulous look before breaking into a rather amused fit of laughter. Nixon just looked off to the side with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. "Hahaha~! Have your parents not found out about your little adventurers?"

"Not to my knowledge." Nixon shrugged before grinning. "Plus, even if they do, It ain't gonna stop me from going out."

"You're an interesting guy, I feel like we're going to get along just fine!"

"Kenny!" A new voice suddenly sounded as both males stopped in their tracks and turned to look behind them. When they did, they saw a female their age running towards them with one arm waving. The female had decently long blue hair along with a pair of matching eyes.

"Oh, Dee Dee!"

"Stop calling me that!" The female skidded to a stop in front of them as she shouted this at Kenny who merely grinned back with an amused look. Nixon blinked at the sudden turn of events as he looked at the female who had suddenly appeared, she looked very familiar.

'Oh yeah, she's the female protagonist of the Diamond and Pearl games.' Nixon nodded to himself one he came to realise this. While she looked much younger, she still very much resembled her older self. 'If I'm not mistaken, she's also a main character in the anime... damnit, I should have watched the anime more.'

Nixon was never one for watching animated shows, he was always more into more interactive stuff. Such as going out to explore, and also playing games whenever he wasn't exploring. He had played all the Pokemon games up to date, even including the spin-offs.

"Who's this?"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Nixon. I'm transferring in today."

"I see, nice to meet you. My name is Dawn." The girl now known as Dawn smiled as she introduced herself, though that smile immediately twisted into a threatening look. Though, it wasn't really that intimidating... "And don't call me Dee Dee, you hear me?"
