
Pokemon: Tweaked Travels

What would you do if you suddenly died and had the choice to live a new life inside one of your favourite fictional worlds, while still getting to experience interesting surprises thanks to a different continuity? If you are pokemon fans and your answer is that you don't know, then you might find out your answer thanks to Kyle Astra's journey through an alternate, more intricate and more adult version of the pokemon world. Are you extra pokeballs and potions ready?

Yuishiro · Video Games
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6 Chs

Why is she here?!

[3rd POV]

About a week has passed since Kyle turned 10 for the second time through his lives. During said week, the first thing he focused on was to get familiar with the 'feeling' each of his powers gave individually, succeeding to do after his second day of attempts. After doing that, he started to train his psionic powers and his body first, prioritizing one power at a time.

By the end of the week, he had managed to lift Nyx a few inches above the ground with his telekinesis for about 4 minutes, before becoming mentally tired to the point where he got a pretty bad headache, making him want to prioritize the reduction of the mental effort that his psionic powers required, and to increase the maximum amount of time he can maintain them constantly, since up until now he mostly focused on increasing the size limit of what he could lift.

He also focused on trying to learn telepathy, and actually managed to learn how to read Nyx's mind after a few days, mainly because she allowed it and 'tried' to actually help, therefore acquiring a way to understand what his electric feline is saying.

On the physical side instead he had a massively easier time, mainly due to his new body already being built different from the start, since in the canon Ash was able to withstand Pikachu's thundershocks without any serious damage, tank point blank flamethrowers from his Charizard, who can go toe to toe with fucking legendaries, without getting any actual damage, instead getting completely covered in ash (boy the irony), or effortlessly hold up a Cosmoem with one hand.

The only issues this time were to learn how to "activate" his innate strength outside of gag-type moments (f u toon force), and find a suitable type of training that would actually make him do effort and get gains, managing to do so on thr 6th and 7th day respectively, almost giving Delia a heart attack when she entered his room yesterday and found him doing headstand push-ups on his right index and middle fingers while Nyx was clinging to his back, almost digging her electrified claws into his back.

Speaking of Nyx, she also did her fair share of training, or more like conversation classes, since Kyle focused on trying to ease her shyness, which did decrease enough for her to be willing to battle if necessary or if conviced enough, although Kyle hasn't resorted to the latter at all during said week, wanting to respect her choices, plus he was in no rush.

Alongside the emotional training, Kyle also threw in some physical one too, mostly consisting in some simple exercises, which Nyx quickly excelled in, increasing the amount significantly each day, already showing the insane growth that Professor Oak was talking about, shocking even Gary (and yes, they did check on each other's progress, pretty often too, and needless to say, he was left amazed and a tad bit jealous by Nyx growth speed, and utterly terrified by Kyle's strength, to the point of being less prone to piss him off out of fear of catching a haymaker from him, even joining him in order to 'try' to stand a chance in case Kyle even started to throw hands.)


"Almost.....Almost...." Kyle muttered to himself, his hands coated by a pink glow as he was keeping Nyx floating about a foot above the ground with his telekinesis, almost reaching his 4 minutes mark, wanting to surpass it this time.

/You can do it, Ash! I believe in you!/ Nyx cheered, trying to encourage him to get past his limits by giving him a determined look while her left eye sparkled, which ended up looking extremely adorable.

Smiling softly at his little partner's cheers, Kyle kept going, and even managed to lift her up a few inches higher. Then he heard a beep coming from the Arc Phone, on which he had set a timer that would beep every time a minute passed, signaling that he just hit the 4 minute mark, going past his previous time limit.

Determined by this, he kept going, and tried to lift Nyx up even higher, concentrating to the fullest while trying to ease his mind, lifting her up 2 feet above the ground, making her excited.

/Weeeeee~/ Nyx playfully said while stretching her front and hindpaws to the fullest, pretending to fly as if she was Superman, almost making Kyle lose his concentration from the sheer cuteness.

Jokes aside, after a short while, the timer beeped 3 more times, almost reaching the fourth, and at that point, Kyle was getting pretty tired, having gone a little too plus ultra.

Just when he was about to hit the 8 minute mark, he felt someone staring at him, and he knew for a fact that it wasn't Gary, since he's usually at his house or his grandpa's lab, while Kyle is training in the grass field near his house, he's also sure that it's not Delia either, since at this time of the day she's usually busy watching her favourite soap, which he couldn't bring himself to give a fuck about.

Deciding that it was useless to make hypothesis, he simply turned around, and when he did, his eyes widened and almost popped out of their sockets, making him lose his concentration completely and drop Nyx, who grunted a bit and glared at her trainer, to then get worried and look at what he was staring when she saw his shock.

Standing a few meters away from him was a girl of his same age. Said girl had long, honey brown hair and blue eyes, which were also widened while staring at him. At the moment she was wearing a large strawhat with a sash around it and a ribbon to the side, both of which red in color, a black tunic silk shirt (or whatever those semi-transparent, open silk shirts that scream beach vibe are called) with a pastel pink tank top underneath, a knee-length red skirt with a pocket on the right side, black stockings, and brown boots.

"S-Serena?" Kyle couldn't help but ask out loud, definitely not expecting THIS, already thinking of all the possible reasons for this encounter to happen, all of which traced back to the Pokemon Summer Camp that Professor Oak had organized, to which she was forced to attend, making him presume that their first encounter was the same as canon, but he might be mistaken to, he had no real way to know at the moment.

When he called her, she woke up from her stupor and gulped, feeling her mouth dry and a lump forming in her throat, not knowing what to say, still shocked by this meeting despite knowing that her friend (and future husband) lived here in Pallet, where the camp took place.

Seeing that both of them were really nervous and slowly blushing a lot, Kyle decided to break the ice first.

"I-*clears throat* I never thought that we'd meet again this soon, a-and...and...." Kyle tried to start the conversation, but soon failed, falling to the embarassment a lot sooner than he thought, while she stood as still as a statue, leaving Nyx confused as hell, looking at them and wondering just what in the goddamn fuck was happening.

'you know what? Fuck it, i don't care if this bites me in the ass later' Kyle thought as he then sighed and slowly walked up to Serena, to then fully close the distance with a tight hug, blushing a lot despite constantly telling himself that he's been through more embarassing things.

The hug shocked Serena to the core, yet it didn't stop her from instinctively hugging him back, holding him tightly while a happy smile quickly formed, alongside a few tears that threatened to roll down her cheeks any moment, showing how much she actually missed him.

"Y-you do remember me...." She stammered a little in a very low voice, yet she sounded euphoric, happy that her childhood friend and inspiration/idol still remembered her despite not having seen eachother for years

"Of course i do, Sere. It would be insensitive of me to forget about you, plus i couldn't even be considered your friend if i didn't remember about you" Kyle whispered, a soft smile growing on his face despite technically not having any real attachment to the girl that he was hugging, tho it didn't stop him from feeling her sheer happiness and affection at the news.

The moments those words entered her ears, Serena hugged back even tighter, her hands gripping his back, as a few tears of happiness did stream down her face, also blushing quite a lot when he used a nickname to refer to her, which she thought was incredibly sweet of him.

They then broke the hug, and instead held each other close by putting their hands around the other's back, both blushing a lot.

'damn, at this rate i might actually fall in love with her, i guess that her and Ash really are soulmates in most universes. You know what? Maybe i can get a bit bold, and "speed up" the process a bit. Time to cook~' Kyle thought as he then gave Serena a smirk, giving her his current best rizz face, making her blush madly before she looked away, not realizing that she pulled him a bit closer.

'all according to Keikaku' Kyle thought as he then leaned in extremely close to her right ear.

"Aww, did you miss me that much, Sere. How adorable, tho i am not surprised, after all, i am staring at a beauty who could give Milotics a run for their money. To be honest..." He then trailed off after whispering all that into her ear in a low and hot voice, to then lift her chin a little witn his index "i could just kiss you right now~" Kyle stated, making Serena blush furiously, to the point where steam was coming out of her ears, while her face became as red as a Tamato Berry.

"I-IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT SO CASUALLY?!" She suddenly yelled, letting go of him and trying to step back, but the moment she tried, he pinned her to a nearby tree, slowly leaning in to the point that their faces were only inches apart, causing her to discover a new shade of red before she closed her eyes, wainting for the innevitable to happen.

After a few seconds nothing happened, leaving her surprised as she blinked a few times, realizing that Kyle also let go of her. As she fully opened her eyes, she saw Kyle stare at her with a sly look, crossing his arms and wiggling his eyebrows despite blushing a bit aswell.

It then hit her, and when she realized what his real intentions were, she angrily stared at him.

"YOU TEASE! THAT WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL!" She shouted at him when she saw snicker a little, to then cross her arms and pout, looking in annoyance, yet it was pretty clear that she did look forward for his kiss.

"Heh. Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to lighten up the mood a little and add in a little passion" Kyle apologized as he hugged her playfully, making her pout more.

"You know, i wasn't kidding about you being adorable, especially right now. I wasn't kidding about the kiss either" Kyle said as he gave her a wink, making her blush a bit more before looking away again while pouting, but soon enough her pout turned into a light laughter.

"When did you get so teasy?" Serena asked out of curiosity, now laughing happily as thinking back about what just happened from a third prospective, she did find it funny, and realized why he thought that it would lighten the mood, making her mentally forgive him for his teasing.

Turning back to look at Kyle, she finally noticed Nyx, and also remembered that Kyle was using some sort of psychic powers.

"What did i miss while i was gone?" She asked curiously as she kneeled in front of Nyx, petting her hear gently while she marveled at the sight of how unique she looked compared to other Shinxes.

"Not that much, actually. I turned 10 a week ago, and received the Shinx that you're petting as one of my gifts, her name is Nyx, and as you might have already noticed, she's quite peculiar if i do say so myself. She's a partial crossbreed between a Shinx and an Absol. I also got this as my second gift." Kyle explained as he picked up his Arc Phone from the ground and turned off the timer, feeling pretty sure that he can trust Serena with both informations.

"Anyways, if you don't mind me asking. Why are you here exactly?" He asked, legitimately curious

"Oh! I came here for 2 reasons, actually. The first one is to give you this back" She explained as she got up and took out a handkerchief, the same one that the canon Ash used to wrap her bruised knee when they were younger. "And because the Summer Camp is gonna start soon this year, so i thought that i might as well have a brief vacation in Kanto while i'm at it"

"I see. That's actually really good news, it means that we can spend some time together." Kyle observed, making her blush a little again, unintentionally this time, since he actually said in a genuine way.

After realizing that Kyle didn't mean what he said in a romantic way, she sighed in relief, but then looked a tiny bit disappointed for some reason, one which Kyle already knew. In the end, she simply decided to be honest with herself and with him.

"T-there is a third reason, and it's because i really missed you." She confessed, avoiding eye contact while she fiddled with her fingers, acting really shy now, as if she just confessed that she loves him, which ain't wrong.

Hearing that, Kyle just chuckled, to then look at her with a warm and conforting smile. "That's extremely sweet of you, Sere, and being honest, i really missed you too." He confessed, actually being half honest, since he could feel his heart throb around her, alongside a feeling of relief, as if the memories of his body were his own.

Serena said nothing when she heard his answer, and instead gave him a warm and joyous smile, which told volumes about how much his statement meant to her. Faced with her smile, Kyle did one last bold move, and kissed her on the cheek, causing her to turn beet red in embarassment.

This time she wasn't mad at him tho, and instead hugged him, calming down almost instantly, her redness replaced by a soft blush, not caring about anything else other than making this moment last as long as possible, not really questioning how Nyx is partially an Absol, or how Kyle has psychic powers, neither of those questions mattered to her at that moment, she only cared about being with him once again, and that he also felt something for her, her heart telling her so, and even if he didn't, it didn't matter that much to her, because he would still be her closest friend to this date.


Author Note:Holy shit, i might need some tissues and a girlfriend, because i feel moved and single as hell. Anyways, surprise surprise, 4th chapter here already~ and it features best girl Serena herself. I hope that you didn't mind me cooking, and hope that i didn't burn down the kitchen.

Also let me know if i should do one huge timeskip and jump straight to the start of the journey after i cover the basics, or if you want me to narrate the 7 years in between first?

Since i already said what i needed to say, here's alternative titles in full Endless Path:Infinite Cosmos style

Nyx-chan did nothing wrong/Serena best wife no cap/ Rizz mode: activated/ Time for bro to cook a feast!

Yuishirocreators' thoughts