
Pokemon: True Businessman

A separate Pokémon timeline where an ambitious young man will do anything in his power to reach his goal! Calm, intelligent, opportunistic, and cunning. Nothing can stop him from making money. In a world where opportunities are many, he will remain true to himself and refuse to miss a single one. A True Businessman! ------- This timeline will be closely following the events of the main series games.

Philanthropist_N · Video Games
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'Hmm, selling this fossil to the Pewter City Museum is currently out of the question, I don't want my identity as the fossil snatcher to be revealed, just in case Team Rocket decides to pursue the matter.' Kelf had already changed out of his hiking outfit, he headed straight to Pewter City and planned to blend in with the masses right after he escaped. Due to the museum, the usually empty streets were bustling.

The lighting in the cave wasn't the best, and Kelf was confident the Team Rocket grunt didn't get a good look at his face, also, that large hiking hat obscured most of his face at the time; it was unlikely he would be identified especially considering how chaotic it was.

The only issue was that trainer, but he didn't seem to be friendly with Team Rocket, that was a good thing for Kelf.

Kelf had casual clothes on, and other than a slightly bulging backpack, he looked completely forgettable. Brown hair, brown eyes, and a medium build. Kelf fit right in as a forgettable member of the masses.

"What should I do with this fossil? I can't sell it to the Museum and I don't have any underground connections…I can't risk selling it openly to anyone...." Now that Kelf had what he wanted, he felt quite lost.

He decided to peacefully walk throughout Pewter City and wait for inspiration to come to him.

Soon enough, he found an interesting person. Kelf swiftly changed his demeanor as a dignified aura surrounded him.

"Ahem, excuse me." Kelf politely walked up to an old man wearing formal clothing and smiled.

"Mm?" The old man, who was on his way into the Pewter City Museum, stopped his legs and rested his cane on the hard street.

"Gentleman Evan, my humble name is Kelf. I had the pleasure of listening to your speech at my graduation last week. I coincidentally saw you from the corner of my eye and had to come over and pay my respects to you." Kelf humbly lowered his head as he greeted the Gentleman.

Gentleman Evan showed a surprised expression and kneaded his moustache as he examined Kelf. After nodding to himself he decided to humor Kelf.

"Haha, thank you for the kind words young man, how does it feel to be an Alumni of the Business School?"

Kelf held in a bitter smile and instead thoughtfully stared into the distance as he prepared to lie completely, "To be honest, I feel quite lost, I don't know what I should do as my first job… I'm scared…"

Kelf continuously spat out one lie after another, he tried to give Evan the impression of a young adult entering society.

Kelf seemed to have thrown his heart out and the mood turned somber in no time at all. After rambling on for a few more minutes, Kelf's eyes focused and he sheepishly scratched his head.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to take up so much of your time."

Evan squinted his eyes at Kelf and opened his mouth, "...And? Why would you tell a stranger like me all of your issues? What is it that you need? Surely you didn't expect some grand piece of advice. Speak now."

Kelf's eyes dimmed as his efforts were all wasted and thrown out the window.

Evan impatiently tapped his cane and frowned at Kelf's silence.

After seeing this, Kelf hastily made a decision and dropped all pretense.

"In your speech, you mentioned how building connections is an important factor when it comes to dealing business, do you happen to have any contacts who deal in… 'trades of precious ancient rocks?'"

The Gentleman's eyes sparkled as he lowered his voice, "Fossils? Why not sell them to the Museum right there? Unless-"

"Personal reasons" Kelf interrupted Evan and continued, "Is this something you are capable of?"

"Depends, how many do you have?"

"Five." Kelf lied with a straight face once again.

"That's it? Forget it, I wished to pass some time helping a junior, but-" Evan prepared to walk away.

"The middleman fee can be negotiated." Kelf interrupted again.

Evan smiled widely, "You indeed have talent, join me in my tour inside the Museum. Don't worry, I'll pay the entrance fee."

"Sure." Kelf shrugged and walked with Evan.

After checking out the museum with the gentleman, Kelf walked out with a grin on his face.

He had cut a deal with Evan and handed over his only fossil with the promise of giving him more when the sale of the fossil was complete. Evan relented after Kelf showed his sincerity by directly handing over the fossil.

Kelf wasn't worried he would get ripped off, Evan would have to be completely brain dead to try scamming Kelf when four more fossils were promised. He would be throwing a great opportunity; he was getting 15% of the cut after all.

Kelf showed sincerity by directly handing out a fossil, but he told Evan he would have the other fossils at a later time. This was to show Evan that he still did not completely trust him, but he was willing to build a connection and have a fruitful business relationship with him if the fossil was successfully sold.

Evan would probably curse out Kelf and everything about him when he figured out he was being bamboozled by an amuteur, but that wasn't what Kelf was focused about, he'd make up some excuse and try another business approach for Evan. Kelf was already planning his next scheme for making money.

Kelf strode through Pewter City and headed back home towards Viridian City. The night was coming and he was exhausted; he needed rest.

"Maybe my rattatas can hone their skills in the forest on my way home." Kelf stretched his body as he mumbled to himself.

"Archer, I have an interesting business opportunity."

"Did you get a copy of that newly created pokedex?"

"...No, unfortunately, it's about fossils."

"Hmm, let's hear it." Disappointment could be heard from the voice.

Evan's lip twitched as he answered, "It's like this...."

Archer listened into the wired telephone connected the wall and nodded his head.

"So you found someone who has a large number of fossils, who is it?"

Evan directly refused, "As a middleman, both the buyer's and the seller's identities will not be disclosed by me."

"Tch, meet me at our usual location tomorrow." Archer was clearly displeased.

"Very well, have a pleasant night."



A young trainer swiftly defeated a line of trainers on a bridge and continued forward steadily, soon enough, he reached his destination; Cerulean City.

"You're finally here, Red! Took ya long enough! What? Did you smash your head on a wall? You look dumber!"

The young trainer called Red slightly raised his cap as he looked at his rival, Blue.

Red lightly smiled as he pulled out a pokeball and gestured provocatively at Blue. Not many people could cause Red's expression to change.

"Hahaha! Let's go!" Blue smirked and pulled out a pokeball in response to Red.