
Pokemon: Trainer SI

Embark on an exciting journey as a medical student is reborn in the Pokémon world with a nerfed AI. Experience top-notch Pokémon world-building, kingdom-building, smart progress, a competent main character, mature themes and unexpected challenges. --- P.S.: While I start weak in Pokémon battles, I am steadily improving as the story unfolds. ----- ------ NOTE: AI will not be the focus of the story. It will be my MC - Archer. He will participate in the Indigo League —————- In my self-evaluation, I can confidently state that this fic boasts some of the best worldbuilding of all Pokemon fanfics. I intentionally depicted the main character as an adult interacting with kid trainers. I'M AN ANIME WATCHER.

KK9494 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 8 : Flight to circuit + PTC

------Temporal move : Time skip-------

-----Archer is 10 years old, now---

As I saw my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. The camo rider's jacket, zipped open to reveal an electric-styled black t-shirt, paired with creamy pants, gave me a casual yet cool look. My black hair styled back, exposing my brown skin tone meshed well with my clothes, giving hope for my fashion sense.

But it was my eyes, that shone with resolve that was both familiar and distant. Not literally but, each day I am becoming more and more confident in myself. 

Perhaps, the ultimate way to gain self-confidence is dying and getting a new life in the Pokemon world. So, my friends who are not sure of themselves, DIE.

The Rotomdex hovered beside me, displaying the time for the flight to Kanto. Sci-fi earbuds and glasses connected to the Rotomdex lay on the table, waiting to be worn.

These were no ordinary accessories – they were advanced Roto-tech, a result of three years of trials, smuggled Rotom, and a significant investment of five million Pokedollars.

The Rotom and Pokedollars had been a gift from the gang, funded by their increased member count and expansion into larger territories.

I shook my head, momentarily depressed by the compromises I had made with myself to progress. Each time I put them together, they go back to rip themself apart in a new way. Not every time can be spun like during the Incident.

The thought of their dangerous activities weighed on me, but the reality was that they were currently the best option for me and the betterment of this country, compared to other alternatives. As far as I know, for each criminal they managed to end, multiple more are taking their place, either from the jail or from the harsh conditions of society itself.

Some are the criminal's loved ones who are out for revenge. Sigh! A criminal gang attracts all types of people. Even the bloodthirsty kind, for example, a headhunter in the gang Edric, killed the worst criminals this vigilante group encountered without exception. No, jailing them or risking them, just kill them.

But there is even more of the worst type, Ethan, a guy who frankly speaking is only below Jonathan and Dregen in strength and influence among the gang. Trust me, I know. His Pokemon team is strong as fuck, I believe he can complete the Kanto circuit in one go and even has a chance for the top 64. But, he seems to have an extreme hatred for crime, as far as I know, he crushed the bones of every thief he found. Searches the street daily for murderers, smugglers, or rapists. He kills them all brutally. Let the criminals experience their crimes on themselves through their accomplices. The first time, I heard about him was a rapist having that punishment with his fellows. After, all the moans and cries are done. He would kill them and through their body in the streets with a video playing the video of the events.

According to Jonathan, this is because Dregen is there to put a leash on his even more wilder punishments. As far as I know, one of them included Aphrodisiacs, the Pokemon team, and the criminal trainer in a room. 😱

Click, Click, Click

I turned to see Elekid clicking away pictures of himself, with the help of Rotomdex, making me say, "You know there is no need to try to make cool poses all the time."

He gave me a glance from top to bottom as if saying you are the one to tell me.

I snorted at that.

Because he is right in a way. Frankly speaking, I looked at myself in the mirror trying to make my style look cool. Simply because I had too much time. Now, I am sure even menial things like sitting or eating, I could do in cinematic poses, looking handsome and cool. Though secrets like this getting out is embarrassing as fuck. So, fuck off

I put on the Rotom tech glasses and earbuds.

The cost of these advanced accessories was managed at five million Poke dollars, thanks to the recycling of processors and RAM cards from Jonathan's laptop, along with his multiple military-grade sensors. I am thankful as a Saviour for his gratitude.

Most of the funds went into the glasses and earbuds, which formed a psychic connection between the inhabited Rotom and my mind, through that my AI.

 After three years of trial and error, drawing references from mind studies and research by psychics and scientists, I had successfully established the correct connection between AI and Rotomdex.

This unique integration allowed the AI to access the Rotomdex and its functions, such as sensors and network connections. It was a breakthrough that came after countless hours of typing and experimentation. Of course, that is because the basic model of psychic connection was worked out by the League researched long ago.

It was motivated by the hint of wrist pain that lingered within me from that fateful day. Now, the Rotomdex will gather data using its sensors and AI will process them.



The morning sun cast a warm glow over the bustling airport as I made my way through the crowd, my backpack slung over one shoulder.

Despite the excitement of my journey to Kanto, there was a tinge of nostalgia as I looked back at the Dregen household, who had come to see me off.

Dregen, standing tall with a stoic expression, patted me on the back. "Take care, Archer."

Since that day of the Incident, the relationship between us turned quite awkward especially, considering their continued activities filled with blood and danger.

Sam, with a mischievous grin, handed me a small bag of snacks. "For the journey. Don't eat them all at once!"

As I moved further into the airport, Papa Beedrill, now disabled but still proud, wobbled towards me. Its once formidable stinger is now replaced with a prosthetic, and its missing legs are replaced with artificial ones.

Despite the physical changes, the spirit of the mighty Beedrill remained strong.

With a soft buzz, it handed me a Pokéball. I looked at it curiously, and when I released its contents, a Weedle appeared. The little Bug Pokémon wiggled happily, seemingly unaware of the legacy it carried.

I glanced back at Papa Beedrill, who gave me a short nod and a pat on the head to the tiny Weedle. It then retreated into its Pokéball, leaving me with a mix of emotions. The sacrifice Papa Beedrill made that day to protect Dregen is quite high. But, I could see despite its sorrow, it never regretted its decision.

Now, that Papa Beedrill passing on its legacy to its offspring, it struck a chord in my heart.

My starter, Elekid, approached and gently took the Weedle into its arms. It was a memorable moment – the seasoned Elekid, who had lost his innocence seeing the gruesome sight on the day of the Incident, now comforting the new innocent addition to our team. It wiped away a tear from the child and cradled the Weedle with a sense of responsibility and kindness, a rare sight for Elekid. I realized Elekid had grown up.

As I continued through the airport, the scene replayed in my mind.

Luckily for Elekid and me, it's losing the rose-tinted glasses of the society, looking at the sheer brutality that is possible.

"Telios Announcement: Flight No. 9494, to Viridian City, Kanto is on the runway. The passengers are to enter gate no.9 for their departure. "

The airport announcements and the bustling crowd faded into the background as I reflected on the journey that had led me to this point. The lessons learned, the bonds forged, and the sacrifices made all played a part in shaping the person I was becoming.

Boarding the plane with a mix of excitement and nostalgia, I couldn't help but glance back one more time at the figures of Dregen and Sam, waving goodbye. The journey to Kanto marked a new chapter.


[AI Journal, stored through Outlet: Rotomdex]

From the moment I took my first breath in Bharatsa, my life's journey was unique and happy.

As a reincarnated orphan, I navigated the land filled with both cultural richness and corruption. Unofficially adopted into the Dregen household, I became intertwined with their struggles, and joys, and ended with them having crippling financial debt owed to me.

My days were filled with being a Pokemon breeder, crafting diets, and strategizing battles. All for the sake of Travel funds. 

Elekid, my trusted partner, increased not just in strength but in maturity, losing innocence along the way, after watching the broken bodies of Dregen's group. While the average Kanto citizens and trainers are safe the truth is there are criminals out there.

Life took an unexpected turn when Dregen and his friends faced a brutal attack. My past life's experience in disaster relief kicked in as I triaged the wounded. The tangled web of gang conflicts and personal debts is a mess for me. I don't want to think about that.

The send-off was poignant, with disabled Papa Beedrill passing on his kid -Weedle, a symbol of its hope to carry on, its warrior legacy.

As I left Bharatsa for the Kanto Circuit, I couldn't shake off the echoes of battles, and hardship of the people who stayed behind. More than that, Dregen's wish for me to be like him, a saint-like man working for the betterment of everyone.

The camo rider's jacket, Rotomdex, and the memories of complex life in Bharatsa accompanied me on the flight, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the Kanto region.


Pokemon Trainer Card [PTC]

Trainer Card for Archer:

(Note: You can imagine an image link here.)

Trainer Name: Archer

Hometown: Village of plains, near Berry Town, Bharatsa, Kanto

Age: 10

Home Region: Bharatsa country, Kanto

Gym circuit: Kanto (Currently)

Issued by: Vidrian gym, Kanto.

Badge Collection: None (As of Now)


Pokémon Team:


Type: Electric

Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave [reductant], Thunder Punch, rest, charge, light screen, Discharge.


Type: Bug/Poison

Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, agility, Bug bite

Recent Achievements: none


Biography: Archer, is a ten-year-old trainer hailing from Bharatsa.

Bank account No: CX9494


Author's Note: Please comment, review, and power stone the fanfic. Also, knock up some cool images of the team if you wish. 

-P.s: Please give me an AI image generator that is free and most importantly good, then I wouldn't mind generating images of the Pokemon with various scenes.
