
Pokemon: Trainer SI

Embark on an exciting journey as a medical student is reborn in the Pokémon world with a nerfed AI. Experience top-notch Pokémon world-building, kingdom-building, smart progress, a competent main character, mature themes and unexpected challenges. --- P.S.: While I start weak in Pokémon battles, I am steadily improving as the story unfolds. ----- ------ NOTE: AI will not be the focus of the story. It will be my MC - Archer. He will participate in the Indigo League —————- In my self-evaluation, I can confidently state that this fic boasts some of the best worldbuilding of all Pokemon fanfics. I intentionally depicted the main character as an adult interacting with kid trainers. I'M AN ANIME WATCHER.

KK9494 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 34 : Sam's position

---------A house in Village of plains------

------SAM's pov------



"Coming. Please stop ringing the doorbell."

I heard the voice of Erica, the housewife of this house. I still remember the cookies she sent for us as a thanks for Dad helping out her husband, Edric.

The door opened to reveal the brunette's face which grew into a wide smile on seeing us, "Sam, Jon. Come insider, I thought it was some courier guy. Come inside kids."

It felt like I was being stabbed at her kind words knowing the reason I came here, before I could say something. I heard Edric shouting over, "Well, Well. Look who is here, my favourite champs. What are you doing Erica, making them stand outside? Come inside guys, she is being a bit slow in her head nowadays."

Erica rolled her eyes and said, "I was just telling them to come inside, and I am not stupid, you ass. If you are so smart why don't you change little Edric's diaper."

I heard Edric.Jr babbling from Edric's arms. Edric just snorted and said, "Yeah, as if it is a tough task."

Jon and I just looked at each other with a wry smile and went inside with a heavy heart.

I looked inside the living to see the local TV channel ongoing about Archer's speech.

Edric was playfully shouting at Erica, "Stop being a lazy ass and bring the kids some Cookies. You can make them another time if they are completed."

Erica joked back, "Don't call me lazy, otherwise I would have to tell them of your sleep hours. You know, there are times I wonder if this guy is Snorlax. For a guy who can't even light the gas stove, he is always ready to point out things in my cooking."

I can see they are trying to cheer me up regarding Dad. But it is not the reason for my fucked feelings now. While, as much I like hearing their rants about each other, I don't know how to tell the news to them. 

Edric became quiet as he noticed our stiff expressions, "So, What's wrong? Did Jonathan call me or did some asshole attack our territory in Telios?"

I answered him, "I am here to give you some money, which was included in Dad's will for you."

Edric just raised an eyebrow at that and gestured me to continue, which I did, "Anyways you know about Archer's decision to set up a factory and security company right."

Edric gave a serious and slow nod, "Yes."

"Well, he sent me here to recruit Erica for a job, especially since she has an MBA certification from Telios University."

Edric burst out laughing at that, "So, that's it. HAHHAA, I feared something went wrong when you told Archer's name, thinking the brat was stealing Dregen's wealth from you."

I sighed at the dislike some people held for Archer. It had to do with the fact, in their mind -Archer was an adopted kid and not dad's flesh and blood. Most importantly, people doubt if he manipulated things to get Dad's wealth and influence.

In Archer's helpless words, it is a combination of envy towards him, and love towards me. Yep, people believe I should be the one carrying Dad's dream forward. 

Still, I don't this thing to become a reality from continuous gossip, "Edric, no offence to you, but please mind your words. I consider Archer my brother and I agree with Dad's choice".

Edric became silent while Jon shuffled in fear, because Edric was the Head-hunter in the gang, going after the stronger villains. According to Uncle Jonathan, he ranks in the top 5 among the people with blood on their hands.

Edric sighed and nodded, "Alright kiddo. But know this, If the brat thinks he is too much, I will be there to remind him who carries Dregen's blood."

"There won't be a need for that."

Edric was slapped at the back of his head by Erica who has been hearing things till now, "Stop being an asshole and shut up. It is not so simple to establish and run a business. Especially the kind that gives a lot of opportunities like Archer is planning."

Edric immediately scolded back, "Bitch, are you crazy? If it was anyone else, I would kill them for that."

Erica simply snorted at that while taking a seat in front of us, beside Edric, "As if. I would have believed your threats if you could light a stove, so fuck off."

"What's with you hanging on to this topic? Yes, I can't light a stove, because I don't need to."

Looking at their happy talks, I just put the papers on the table. 

Edric simply asked me, "What's this?"

Considering he can't read, it was Erica who took them and read them, "These are the receiving procedures from money from Dregen's will. These are papers for offering me an administrative job. These are ---"

I could see her hands tightening at the last ones.


I felt the slammed papers on my face at that, as she screamed out, "Is that fucker insane? I will fucking kill him for this."

Edric got to his feet at that, screaming in turn, "Bitch, are you going insane?"

She snorted and said, "No, instead it seems the power got to that brat Archer. And also, if you call me a bitch again, I will make sure you become insane with a good pan hit to the head."

Not wanting to see them argue, I explained the main content, "The last papers were documents with a signature from Erica that will declare she is not connected to any of your crimes, duties, debts or anything else from you."

Edric puzzlingly said, "Well, she isn't connected to any of them."

Erica shouted in return, "It means I cut off all connections with you till the league court declares you innocent or you served your punishments. It means, bitch, that you are no longer a family member to me and little Edric. Jr till you go to jail for the things you done in the past."


Edric fists clenched at that, and he said with gritted teeth, "Do you realize this is a death sentence for my family? I know the things I have done. I have done them despite the warnings of others, but it was done. If I submit myself to that guy Sunuk, I am asking you, who will protect them from revenge? Trust me, jail is an ideal scenario for me."

Erica burst out at that, "You idiot. Didn't you hear what I said just now?"


In response to her, Edric threw the cups onto the wall to make his point, "I know woman. Let me talk."

 I answered his question, "The security forces are for that. Uncle Jonathan will be leading it to protect our village and maintain it. The funding for it will be from the factory and other missions like Pokemon tasks. A crossbreed between bounty hunting, guards and mercenaries but no worries all are legal. It was a deal with Sunuk, you know about him and his reputation."

Looking at him thinking, I continued, "You can just fight in the court for innocence or a reduced sentence. As a benefit for the job, Archer will loan the lawyer's fee to Erica. Afterwards, you can come join in Security company. You can easily become a deputy captain."

Edric, to my joy simply stamped on the papers with his fingerprints and gave them to Erica. He turned towards us, "I am only doing this for a safe and better life for her and Edric.Jr."

He got to his feet and said, "But no way in hell I am going to jail, leaving the fate of my family to someone I don't know."

I watched the next events in a blur as Erica screamed and Edric screamed back. Convincing each other, Edric will leave the house and Erica will take up the job. As for when they can live together again, it will depend on the circumstances. But, it will not be for years.

I looked at the crying face of Edric. Jr, who will not have his father for years. I wondered who was wrong in this. It is not Archer, who is doing the best he can. It is not Edric, who is unwilling to go to jail and risk retaliation from his enemies. It is not Erica, who needs the proper job and life.

It is not Edric. Jr, who will probably not have a dad. 

The only problem is Bharatsa, and It must change.




I stood before the familiar faces, now dressed in suits as per Archer's peculiar fascination with them. Nonetheless, the formal attire did lend a certain vibe to the occasion.

The ones here were youth or people who didn't have criminal cases on them. So, employing them will be no problem for Archer. Still, I am afraid of the violent guys of the gang who are filling an entire book.

Shaking my thoughts away from the small number of people I couldn't do anything to help. I focused on the ones I could help.

"Alright, everyone. I am Jonathan. You know me well but let me reintroduce myself. From now on, I am your commander. Under me, there will be three deputies, and under them, multiple captains, and, of course, the rest of the team. Here are the benefits for each position, outlining the perks that come with your new roles."

I saw each looking at the projection from Archer's Rotomdex. I must say it is convenient to use. Maybe I should request adding this as a reward to the Deputies and Captains when the production starts.


-Leadership Training: Access to specialized leadership training programs to enhance your managerial skills.

-Healthcare Coverage: Comprehensive health coverage for you and your immediate family.

-Breeding Plans: Assistance in establishing and maintaining a Pokémon breeding program, with support and resources provided.

-A pseudo-legendary Pokemon.

-Shares in the company.

-Royal starters for your kids.


-Educational Support: Support for basic education, ensuring that your children have access to quality schooling.

-Family Health Check-ups: Regular health check-ups for your family members, prioritizing their well-being.

-Community Engagement: Opportunities to engage with the community and contribute positively to its development.

-Chance to choose a Pokemon from the Breeder house [to be established in the future]

Team Members:

-Stable Employment: A stable and well-paying job with opportunities for growth within the organization.

-Skill Development: Access to skill development programs to enhance your abilities and contribute effectively.

-Family Support: Assistance for your family in various aspects, promoting a secure and supportive environment.

"As we move forward, these benefits are just the beginning. We aim to create a positive and thriving community where each member has the opportunity for personal and professional growth. Together, we will build a brighter future for everyone involved. If you have any concerns or suggestions, feel free to approach me or the deputies. Let's work together to make this venture a success."

"Hurray, Jonathan!"

 "Yeah ho, mama, I am settled."

"Let's see if the old man calls me a slacker."

"Hey, who farted now?"

Various cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd as I donned the red glasses, signalling Garchomp to release a Hyper Beam just above their heads. The response was immediate – people either collapsed in fear, soiled their new suits, or seethed with anger.

Another nod from me, and Garchomp was ready for another Hyper Beam, ready to strike.

"On the count of 5, you better get back to your positions, chumps," I declared, wasting no time. The countdown began, and by the time I reached "1," the individuals were back in their designated spots, stiff and attentive.

"My good people, from now on, your joy should be expressed through a small clap or a brief nod," I instructed, watching as compliance spread among them.

"Do you get me?"

"" Yes, Commander.""

"Good. For your sake, work hard. Because I am no longer about to care for relations now."

Remembering my past training in Johto I started the course, "Now run."

 On signal, a hyperbeam was hit just in front of them nearing them. With the fear for their lives and lifestyle, they ran.


A hyperbeam almost hit the one that failed to stop.

"Now jump sideways."


"Now, crawl on the ground."






Commanding them to run, stop, jump sideways, and crawl on the ground, each action punctuated by a Hyper Beam. It felt liberating to be on the other side, finally letting go of the misery of the past.

But as I reflected on my military training, I realized I should have been pushed even further; otherwise, I wouldn't have lost an arm.

Looking at my lost limb, phantom pain lingered back.

Seeing the idiots, I thought it was Fortunate there were no League rules or army conduct to adhere to, I could now push them as much as needed, it is either immense pain now or lifelong regret like mine.

Archer's only wish was clear: "By the time I return from the conference, I want them to be ready."

With three months left for the end of the circuit, two months of final preparation, and one month for the Indigo Conference, a total of 6 months it seemed sufficient.

As for the Pokémon, it was up to Archer. It was surprising that he intended to create a feasible breeding plan for everyone here, casually mentioning it as if managing dozens of trainers' Pokémon was a routine task.

It left me somewhat unnerved by the ease with which he says it.


----Unknown POV--------

In the MAD bar on Liquor Street in Telios, a group of criminals who once followed Dregen found themselves drowning their sorrows. The TV program featuring Archer, the young successor, left a bitter taste in them.

 The promise of safety and comfort for their families came at the cost of their happiness, and the pain was palpable.



Ethan, the burly and short-tempered blonde, known for his immense strength and respect for Dregen and Jonathan, was taking the news the hardest.

Drunken arguments, a regular occurrence among this group, erupted.

"It's all because of that cowardly brat! Why couldn't Sam take his dad's place?" "As much as Sam is a good kid, he's not fit for it yet. Say what you want about Archer, at least he dares to make such claims." "I want to see how he feels when my Raticate crushes him." "That Slaking of his will be crushed to paste."

Amidst the chaos, Ethan stood up and shouted, "Shut up!" Downing a bottle in one go, the towering figure showed no signs of intoxication. He spoke passionately, "Let the brat be. At least he's helping the families and trying to bring about change. But he's too naive if he thinks the scum will change easily. They're already wreaking havoc on the streets. Let's show them our strength. We are still here."

"We are still here."

"Yes, we are still here."

"We are still here."

"Damn, right"

It was Dregen's old call, and soon everyone was chanting it.

I frowned at this sight. While I don't like Archer, I can believe him. With his talents, he could go anywhere and live a life of fame and luxury, but he chooses to stay back.

But Ethan, I am not so sure about the 'bloody Tepig'. Perhaps, others noticed it too.

Frowning at his erratic behaviour, one of the onlookers voiced their concern.

"Hey, Ethan. What if the brat is lying about the gym or such?"


Ethan, in a wild fit of laughter, punched the table into dust.


Ethan's laughter turned maniacal as he declared, "Then, he will pay for tearing us from our families."

I felt a bad feeling about this Ethan is no saint and most importantly, he was power-hungry.


Author's note: Hopefully, I wrote the emotions of the characters right.

Also, this is a fact = For people who are striving to do good, they and their loved ones are the first ones to suffer from the change. 

Even Archer is no exception.