
Chapter 28 : Was it worth it?

Amid the searing pain, the world around me became a chaos of sounds and flashes of blinding light. Each moment was a struggle as I clung to consciousness, the agony intertwining with disorienting sensations. My senses, overwhelmed by pain, played tricks on me, distorting the reality of the situation.

I felt like I was caught in an erratic dance, drifting in and out of consciousness. The tormenting sporadic flashes of light blinded my vision. At times, the pain seemed to ebb, offering brief relief, only to return with renewed intensity.

Suddenly, a brilliant light pierced through the chaos, engulfing my senses. It felt warm, almost comforting, but it signalled an impending unconsciousness. I succumbed to the brightness, my grip on consciousness slipping away.

When awareness returned, it was a fragmented existence. Flashes of Nurse Joy, the sterile environment of a hospital stretcher, and the hurried movements of a doctor blurred together. Thoughts were mere fragments, elusive and insubstantial. Lethargy gripped me, and even the formation of coherent thoughts seemed like a distant feat.

I floated in and out of consciousness, each return marked by glimpses of the medical setting and the hushed voices of those attending to me. Time became irrelevant to me.

Then came the dreamlike interlude, my subconscious delved into the tapestry of memories. Scenes from my past life unravelled before my mind's eye – the warmth of my parents, the bustling camaraderie of a large joint family, the concealed absence of close friends, the triumph of medical school graduation. It was a nostalgic journey through moments that had shaped me.

Abruptly, my eyes snapped open to the reality of a sterile white ceiling and the rhythmic beeps of an ECG. The clinical ambience of the hospital room enveloped me. The transition from dreams to reality was disorienting.

Medical professionals swiftly attended to me, their voices and movements a blur. As the pain surged through me, my thoughts gravitated toward my Pokémon team. The concern etched on my face must have been evident, prompting a nurse to administer pain relievers through the IV.

Despite the discomfort, I strained my voice, a murmur escaping past the tube designed to stave off the risk of lung collapse.

"M-M My team?" I managed to articulate, the urgency tinged with worry.

The attending doctor responded with assurance, "They are fine. Rest for a moment."

A moment, I thought, more like an eternity. The heaviness of my eyelids claimed me once again, pulling me into the shadows of sleep as the beeping of the machines rang.


After a week of unconsciousness, I gradually awoke to find myself shrouded in bandages, particularly on my hands – a protective layer allowing movement – and across my chest. The intricate burns seemed to form a filigree pattern from chest to hands, though, in reality, the burns had originated in the opposite direction.

The attending doctor remarked, "I must say, if it weren't for the advancements in electric surgery and specialists dedicated to electric injuries, your fate could have been dire."

Nodding in acknowledgement, I inquired about my condition, "So, how's my situation, doc?"

The physician's response carried a sombre tone, "Despite the treatment from Joy treatment, you bear scars in a tree-like pattern from your chest to neck, with the majority concentrated on your back. Ironically, your hands were spared due to this box being in direct contact with your hands leading it to absorb most of the electricity." My gaze shifted to the box nearby, a device that had shielded my hands from the brunt of the attack.

The doctor continued, "You are fortunate the eye was saved. Thanks to the swift intervention of an eye specialist, you avoided losing it. Nevertheless, there will be lifelong complications even with the eye's preservation."

As the reality of the situation sunk in, I didn't know what to feel. AI brings up the details of my body.

[Medical Report:

Patient Name: Archer


-Severe burns spanning back, chest to neck, forming a tree-like pattern.

-Concentrated burns on the back, significant but managed to treat

-Extensive burns on hands, spared from direct contact by a protective device.

-Eye injury, narrowly saved by the intervention of an eye specialist.


Electric Surgery: Specialized procedure performed to treat burns caused by electric attacks. Advanced techniques were employed to address the intricate burns on the chest, neck, and back.

Bandages: Application of bandages on hands and chest to facilitate movement and protect healing tissues.

Eye Specialist Intervention: Swift action by an eye specialist saved the patient's eye from permanent damage. Continuous monitoring and follow-up are required.

Oxygen Therapy: Administered to counter the effects of smoke inhalation during the electric attack.

Joy treatment: Named after the Joy clan, it is an advanced combination therapy of Medical, Surgical and Pokemon Healing moves. Said to bring a person back from the brink of death.



-Lifelong Scarring: Despite advanced treatment, the patient bears a distinctive tree-like scar pattern on the chest and neck. Unable to heal due to the properties of Zapdos electricity. Needs Further investigation.

-Hand Movement Limitations: While hands were spared from direct burns, movement may be affected due to the extent of the injuries.

-Eye Complications: Despite preservation, the patient is expected to face ongoing challenges and complications related to the eye injury.

Prognosis: Patient Archer is expected to recover within a month, but the extent of scarring and complications will necessitate ongoing medication for a long time. ]


I joked, repeating the doctor's words, " I must say, if it wasn't for the development of electric surgeons who specialize in electric injuries I would have died. "

 "That's right Mr.Archer. But it was a close thing. For all the reverence we have to the legendries, it is their attacks that leave one marked for life."

 I then said dully, "Yes, it was a joke for me to make a deal with them. In a way, it did fulfil the deal but it's just that I am not a concern for Zapdos. So, it didn't bother with the details and just fulfilled its end of the deal. I have one question, sir."

Docter leaned forward and asked me, "What?"

"Where is my team?"


The doctor, maintaining a professional demeanour, responded, "Your Pokémon team is safe and well. They've been under the care of the Pokémon Center here. Nurse Joy ensured they received the necessary attention and care during your recovery."

A wave of relief washed over me. "Thank you, Doctor. Can I see them?"

"Of course," he replied, "but take it easy. Your recovery is still ongoing, and we want to avoid any undue stress. Nurse Joy will assist you."

As Nurse Joy entered the room, she greeted me with a warm smile. "Good to see you awake, Archer. Your Pokémon have been waiting to see you."

She helped me to a wheelchair, and we made our way to the Pokémon Center's recovery area. The familiar faces of my team brought a mix of emotions – joy, gratitude, and a tinge of guilt for what they might have gone through during my incapacitation.

Rookidee fluttered over, chirping happily, while Annihilape pounded its chest with a deep, reassuring growl.

The aftermath of the legendary encounter had left its mark on my team. Eevee and Rookidee, along with the vulnerable Kakuna, were physically unharmed, eliciting a sigh of relief from me.

However, my gaze shifted to Kleavor, its once sturdy armour now marred with cracks, and Annihilape, sporting a burnt scar just below its eye. Tears welled up as I took in their battle-worn appearances.

Worry gripped me as I noticed the absence of Electabuzz, Vigoroth, and Rotomdex. A heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the approaching footsteps. The ground trembled slightly with each step,




And I turned to witness a towering Slaking, scars mirroring mine, all over his body with a particular clawed-out scar on its face.

Electabuzz perched on its shoulder had more bandages than me. Rotomdex, ever vocal, floated alongside them, scolding the massive ape.

"Stupid ape, you shouldn't be moving!" Rotomdex chattered.

Electabuzz leaped from Slaking's shoulder to me, while Rotomdex continued its reprimand for Slaking.

Chameleon jumped on me for a hug, luckily without signs of injuries, it seemed the Zapdos at least stood on its words of protection to the Charizard group.

I pulled them all into a tight hug, a mixture of relief and concern coursing through me. With a solemn tone, I vowed, "If we were ants to that legendary, I promise you all, one day, we'll make it experience the same fear and helplessness we felt."


A resounding roar echoed, not just from Slaking but from the entire team, a collective expression of determination.




The Jenny-Joy duo from Saffron listened intently as I recounted the recent events, starting from the pursuit of Charmander to the formation and experiences with the Magneton group. I spared no detail, sharing the challenges, victories, and the newfound camaraderie among my Pokémon.

With a deep breath, I narrated the return to the Magneton group for the completion of the Electirizer, the intriguing deal struck with Magnezone, and the subsequent ambush by Zapdos. As I finished my account, I presented the Electirizer that would soon usher in Electabuzz's evolution.

"That's the Electirizer that will soon evolve Electabuzz," I affirmed, my eyes lingering on the device. "As for the events after my unconsciousness, I don't have the full picture."

Rotomdex, always ready to assist, interjected, "I have the video footage. Let's check it out together."

Video start 

The footage vividly displayed the ferocious appearance of Zapdos and the aftermath of its powerful attack, leaving me burnt and battered like a burnt coal piece.

Joy gasped, her hand covering her mouth in shock, "Oh, Arceus! Look at the state he's in! What in the world happened?"

Electabuzz, Annihilape, Kleavor, and Charmeleon acted in unison, launching a coordinated assault on Zapdos. 

I said the moves out while seeing the video, "Thunder" "Shadow ball." "Rock smash" "Flamethrower."

 However, the legendary bird seemed impervious to their combined efforts, retaliating effortlessly with a Wing attack that dispersed all the Pokemon into the air.

Joy whispered with a hint of fear, "That Zapdos... It's like an unstoppable force. Is it even a Pokémon?"

Jenny bluntly said, "Trust me he is playing around by letting his frustration out due to the perceived insult it felt. If it was truly angry, we would have stampede here, with half of the saffron turned into a battlefield."

Vigoroth, realizing the danger, swiftly recalled Rookidee, Kakuna, and Eevee into their Poké Balls, joining the fray alongside Kleavor.

"Stone Axe."

As the Stone axe flowed to the wings and stuck it, Zapdos irritated by the insolence responded with a Zap Cannon that sent Kleavor flying into the ground forming a small crater, provoking a series of vehement profanities from my furious Pokémon.

The veins of Zapdos bulged in anger making it turn towards Kleavor.


Annhiliape using the distraction, appeared behind the unsuspecting bird and unleashed furious rage fists on the bird's back.


With a moan of pain from Ghost energy-infused fists, Zapdos turned 180 degrees reversing its position and using its claws to catch Annihiape at a surprising amount of speed. With a shout, it used a Takedown to smash him into the crater filled by Kleavor.

The situation escalated when Zapdos unleashed another Zap Cannon, but this time, Vigoroth and Electabuzz stood firm in their path to defend their teammates. 

Joy held her breath audibly at the part.

As the move stuck true, my Pokemon disappeared into the Electricity until a bright light emitted, culminating in a powerful Hyper Beam directed at Zapdos that pushed the bird into the rocks.


The light diffused to see a Slaking roaring at the legend.

Zapdos got back up easily with a ruffled look, covered in dust. It shook itself to remove and looked at Slaking with anger far surpassing anything till now. 


Zapdos called into the sky and unleashed countless Thunderbolts crushing everything in the surroundings particularly targeting Slaking. 


Slaking used rest to take them head down accumulating injuries, but the thunderbolts continued to rain down, tormenting the behemoth.

My hands clenched in anger at this sight. I relaxed slightly when the video Shifted to Electabuzz. Such is my trust in the starter I raised from birth.

Electabuzz, demonstrating incredible resilience stood in front of the massive Slaking shielding him. He absorbed the Thunderbolts with its move, Charge. 

The rest of my Pokémon, rallying together, stood back up from their craters. Zapdos started gathering electricity, a move familiar to Electabuzz-Charge

 In this crucial moment, the Charmeleon that was sent flying from the Wing attack brought the dispersed Charizard group. They were soon accompanied by Magnezone, who entered the scene.

 Roars and electronic hums filled the air, serving as appeals to Zapdos to cease its rampage.

Zapdos, however, lashed out in irritation, sending Magnezone flying with its claws. It gave one look at everyone and sent bolts of lightning to all the Charizards as if to teach a lesson. 

The black clouds followed it back to the power plant, leaving a completely desolated field with potholes and injured Pokemon behind.

The video concluded with Slaking lifting me and the rest of the team to safety, leaving the torn terrain bearing the traces of the enraged Zapdos. 

Joy, visibly relieved, sighed, "Thank Arceus they got away."

In the aftermath of the intense video playback, Jenny turned to me, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity, "Was it all worth it in the end?"

Without uttering a word, I rose from the hospital bed, removing the IV line with a determined expression. Grabbing the sealed Electirizer, I made my way out, my team trailing behind.

Ignoring the shouts of protest from Jenny and Joy, I approached Electabuzz with a sense of solemnity, "Hey, buddy."

Electabuzz's gaze met the Electirizer, and I acknowledged the truth of the matter, "I know. It was our fault the team got scarred for life."

Even the proud and macho Electabuzz couldn't hide the vulnerability in his eyes as tears welled up. A silent understanding passed between us, and I proposed a pact, "So let's make a promise to each other. This will be the last time."

Electabuzz nodded emphatically, understanding my meaning, He then gripped my hand to show me what would be the last time.

Unsealing the Electirizer, I released bolts of electricity, creating chaos and screams in the immediate surroundings.


As the electric currents surged, Joy, Jenny, and the surrounding people took steps back in shock and fear. Cries of pain and curses filled the air. Just as a bolt was about to reach a child, a heavy fist intercepted it.


The child looked up to see the scarred visage of Slaking, who stood guard, silently communicating a message of protection.

My team, forming a protective circle, watched as I handed the Electirizer to Electabuzz. Bursts of lightning enveloped him, making him clench his fangs in determination. Rotomdex, sensing the significance of the moment, recorded the event, and even the onlookers not knowing the event itself started capturing the extraordinary display.

The air crackled with energy, and the lights flickered erratically. A powerful bolt shot upwards, breaking through the roof, and leaving an opening for the surging lightning.

The sky above darkened as if nature itself acknowledged the significance of the moment. Winds began to swirl, responding to the intense electrical forces at play. The once calm and controlled environment was now a spectacle of raw power, a testament to the immense energy being harnessed.

Electric currents danced around Electabuzz, forming a dazzling display of vibrant colours. The room was filled with the echoing sounds of crackling electricity and the roaring winds, creating an otherworldly ambience.

The transformation intensified as the lightning converged, wrapping Electabuzz in a cocoon of electrifying energy. The Pokémon's form began to change, its silhouette flickering with the vibrant hues of electric discharge. The atmosphere itself seemed to pulsate with the evolving energy.

Then, with a blinding flash, the cocoon burst open to reveal-

His head adorned with majestic, antler-like horns commanded attention, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly fervour. The golden-hued fur covering his robust torso radiated with a subtle luminescence, and the electrified fists at the end of his powerful arms crackled with the potential for formidable combat. Sturdy legs and a tufted tail completed the awe-inspiring form of Electivire, solidifying its dominance as it emerged from the transformative light.

I then shouted to Jenny, "It was worth it."





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