
Chapter 27 : *Hidden Title*

--------Lavender Town---------

As I journeyed from the airport to the Pokémon Centre, the familiar sights of Lavender Town unfolded before me.

The winding streets, dotted with quaint buildings, invoked a sense of nostalgia. Passing by a charming restaurant known for its delectable offerings, memories flooded back, reminding me of the delicious meals enjoyed during previous visits.

The town's serene atmosphere provided a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the cities. Lavender Town's unique blend of history and charm made it my favourite destination. I just took in the iconic sights, from the Pokémon Tower standing tall in the distance to the quaint Poké Mart nestled in a corner.

As I enjoyed the scenic journey, my thoughts drifted to the recent gym battle and Surge's advice on Electirizer. The exchange with Surge replayed in my mind, from the intense Pokémon battle to the valuable insights he provided for my evolutionary device.

Looking at the Surge's military ration bar, which served as a memento of our conversation, I felt exhausted.

Upon arriving at the Pokémon Centre, a warm greeting from Nurse Joy welcomed me. "Congrats, Archer. The match against both that little witch, Sabrina and Lt. Surge was incredible."

"Thanks, Mrs. Joy. How are the kids?"

She glowed with pride. "Tyson is entering the Poké School in the next term, after the Indigo Conference in 3 months."

"Good. Then how's the little Joy doing?"

"Oh! She went back to the Nursing Academy."

I nodded, reflecting on the intricate network of Joys and Jennys and the unique ability they possessed to distinguish one another.

I nodded once more, thinking about the difficulties in distinguishing one joy from the other. Important things need to be said twice.

The urban myths surrounding Joys and Jennys range from them being Pokémon to lineage from legendary Pokémon, endowing them with the uncanny ability to differentiate each other with just a glance from essentially the same face, not sharing given names except within the family.

League records contained such details, but as a privilege for being part of the league founders, the Alliance issued licenses only mentioning the origin of the Joy or Jenny. For example, Nurse Joy here was mostly known as Nurse Joy of Lavender Town.

So, my friend if you want to know her name, become her family.

Waving goodbye, and having my fill of social interaction, I proceeded to my room with instructions to send the parcels that had been delivered directly to my door.



In the following days, I immersed myself in refining the prototype Electirizer to align with my specific requirements. Assisted by an AI-crafted blueprint, Rotomdex, and an account now boasted 500,000 Pokédollars courtesy of the Alliance for the discovery of Kleavor and Annihilape.

Ordering various components, including memory steel – a synthetic alloy from the Devon industry renowned for its capacity to channel diverse energies – I carefully moulded them into the intricate parts of the Electirizer. The crafting process extended to the creation of a new converter, adhering strictly to Surge's counsel, and eliminating the regulator as suggested.

The workshop echoed with the sounds of innovation as the redesigned Electirizer took shape. Each detail was meticulously addressed, and every adjustment was aimed at maximizing the efficiency of the device. As the components seamlessly integrated, I couldn't help but daydream at the potential breakthrough this revamped Electirizer could bring to the world of Pokémon evolution and most importantly to my Bank account.

The prospect of finally training Pokémon without worrying about financial constraints was exhilarating.

The funds from the illegal breeding back in Bharatsa, the cash rewards at the Academy graduation, not to mention the Alliance rewards for discoveries and the earnings from winning against Gyms and other trainers, and the video share income added to the wealth. All these financial streams were dedicated to nourishing and supporting my Pokémon team.

With this stable and long-term income, even if it is only suitable for Electabuzz, but with my plans to patent the invention. As long as I sell one occasionally, Raising the team wouldn't be a cause for concern anymore. It was a step closer to achieving a level of financial freedom that would allow me to focus solely on training and reaching new heights in my Pokémon journey, similar to the one of the guy whom, I am not jealous about-Ash Ketchum. Lucky bugger with Oak sponsoring him.

With the absorption channels now completed, the only step left was following Surge's advice to use stronger electricity, or as I've come to call it, condensed electricity.


I couldn't help but admire the sleek box with its charging point. The Electirizer's transformation was a satisfying job, and I nodded in approval of the successful revamp.

After the excitement of the achievement, I used a few rented movies to unwind. Then, I decided to take some well-deserved hibernation in my room for two days.


Waving goodbye to Nurse Joy, I made my way to the tunnel entrance, gearing up to backtrack to the Charizard group. As I traversed the tunnel, my hopes lingered on the accuracy of the data from Mirage Mansion.

Most of my account balance had been allocated to making Pokeblocks, just below the cost of the Electirizer.

Fortunately, these Pokeblocks were meant as an offering, otherwise, just a week of feeding Zapdos would have made me a beggar.


Guided by Charmeleon, I returned to the Charizard group.

The team dispersed to mingle with their respective friends, leaving me with the silent Kakuna and the lively Rookidee. The older members were mature enough to autonomously follow their training regimes, and unless there were noticeable changes or issues, my intervention appeared unnecessary.

While Kakuna diligently continued its dual regime, focusing on eating, digesting, and practising Harden and Agility, I trusted its instincts and allowed it to proceed undisturbed.

Turning my attention to Rookidee, I decided to concentrate on enhancing its Drill Peck move. Rotomdex and I engaged in conversations, scanning and displaying each deficiency for Rookidee to address in its training.

"Alright, Rookidee," I encouraged, "let's work on refining that Drill Peck. Pay attention to your wing movements; It will help you in stable flight or for quick changes in direction. After all in battles, precision is key, the move will be useless if you don't hit the opponent."

"Drill Peck improvement in progress," chimed in Rotomdex, projecting holographic images of Rookidee's wing motions.

Rookidee diligently followed the instructions, its focus evident in the determined gleam in its eyes. "Good job, Rookidee! Now, let's try incorporating some Dark-type moves into your training. We'll start with Power Trip."

Rotomdex displayed holographic simulations of Power Trip, illustrating the proper execution. "Dark-type: Power trip move integration initiated."

[AI: Knowledge point.

Power Trip is a Dark-type. Power Trip's power and effectiveness depend on the user's stat changes. Its base power increases with each positive stat change the user has, making it a move that becomes stronger as the user's stats improve during battle.

Here's a general understanding of how Power Trip works:

For each positive stat boost the user has (e.g., Attack increase from moves like Swords Dance), the base power of Power Trip. Essentially using all the increased power from status moves as a dark type of attack enforcing the normal physical attack. Because of the special nature of the move, it is cost-effective in terms of stamina and a good move to familiarize with Dark type energy.]

As Rookidee practised the new move, I provided feedback and encouragement. "That's it! Channel the energy through your wings. "

Looking at the glow on her short wings, I couldn't help myself from praising her, "Good work!"

While this move took longer to master, it is a valuable addition and also facilitated the training of Hone Claws.

The peculiar aspect that caught my attention in Flying types was the utilization of claws as controllers of energy rather than just as a means of attack. Although it was an interesting topic, it fell slightly outside my expertise. I decided to stick to known territories for the time being.

Speaking of expertise, the awaited Magnezone had finally joined us. The electromagnetic Pokémon hovered gracefully, its tripartite structure emanating a magnetic aura.

"Hi, big guy!" I greeted the newly arrived Magnezone who I would like to act as a mediator for contacting Zapdos.

Magnezone responded with a series of electronic hums, expressing its greetings.

I saw Rotomdex recording the greeting hums. It was a side project to decode the language based on the electric changes it has for making different Hums. It's like a more advanced Morse code. Only breaking the pattern is left.

While it is possible to understand the Pokemon meaning of experienced trainers due to their direct nature, it would be quite useful if I could make a translator, but it is not that easy.

Essentially each Pokemon has their language but seems to have the instinctual capacity to understand each other. This is an interesting project I would like to study one day. Perhaps, after all my journeys are completed and finally settle down.

I was brought out of my thoughts from Magnezone's questioning Hum. Now, the pain in the ass- part of the plan arrived- to convince Magnezone to act as a mediator to Zapdos, give my Pokeblocks as a gift and request it's Electric attack for kickstarting my Electirizer.

In the dimly lit space surrounded by the gentle hums of Magnezone's electromagnetic field, negotiations commenced.

"Magnezone, my friend, I need your assistance, and it involves reaching out to Zapdos. I've been developing a groundbreaking evolution method, and Zapdos' electric energy is crucial for its success."

Not really but using its attack can take years of training out of Electabuzz's regime.

Magnezone responded with a series of electronic Hums which soon took on a sombre note. It became evident that Magnezone harboured a deep-seated fear of Zapdos, reminding me of a Mafia family with multiple groups under the tyrant boss. It is kind of obvious that Zapdos is the Boss.

"Listen, Magnezone," I continued, "I'm not asking you to defy Zapdos or challenge its authority. I merely seek your assistance in bridging a connection. Your role as a mediator can help us communicate effectively, and in return, I'm willing to offer something valuable."

Magnezone's electromagnetic field rippled with uncertainty, but it seemed open to the proposal. I seized the opportunity to sweeten the deal, "I understand your concerns, and I respect the dynamics between you and Zapdos. To show my gratitude, I'm willing to compensate you generously. How about Thunderstones as a token of appreciation? They hold immense power and can aid in the evolution of some Electric-type Pokémon. It's a win-win situation."

After a moment of contemplation, Magnezone's hums conveyed reluctant agreement. It seemed reassured by the offer of Thunderstones, a valuable currency in the minds of Electric-types.

"Thank you, Magnezone," I expressed my gratitude. "Your assistance means a lot to me."

--After some time-----

In the wake of negotiations with Magnezone, I patiently awaited Zapdos's response, taking the opportunity to fine-tune the Electirizer and perform a final cross-check. Seated peacefully, I surveyed my diverse team – Rookidee, Charmeleon, Annihilape, Vigoroth, Kleavor, Eevee, Kakuna, Rotomdex, and my stalwart partner, Electabuzz, the one I was currently striving to unlock the full potential of.

As I concentrated on my work, Electabuzz suddenly stiffened, even I could feel tension in the air.

Before I could solve the cause, the Magneton tribe and Charizards erupted into roars and electric hums.

The other Pokémon, albeit a bit late, sensed the disturbance, their reactions mirroring the unease in the atmosphere.

I looked over to the sky to see it darkening and the thunder and lightning growing in the black clouds. I was then reminded of some words about Legendaries in a history book.

 Legendaries are Pokemon that are the gods of their elements. None can surpass them in their domain and, at best reach them. Against a fully grown and developed legendary-

 It is a matter of chance for Elites to survive against them. 

It is a matter of chance for Champions to Hold them back, 

It is a matter of a chance for a master to beat one. 

So beware, reasoning or fighting them is the same as reasoning or fighting against nature.

 -- Expert from History of Kals, Old Bharatsa.

My hair rose out either in fear or static electricity, I don't know. Fear surged in me as Electabuzz ran towards me in a mixture of anger, helplessness and a bit of fear. I got a sudden flash of realization when I looked up; a flash of shadow visible in clouds bathed in electricity.

 Time seemed to slow down for me as electricity concentrated in its beak aiming at me, more precisely the Electirizer in my hands. Before I could even react, the Zap cannon was released.


Searing pain enveloped me, accompanied by the acrid smell of burning flesh.


As my screams had ceased, they were replaced by the realization that I had been screaming all along. The burning sensation in my lungs intensified as the oxygen itself seemed to combust, in the continued attack.


The excruciating moment lingered for a time unknown to me, etching the terrifying encounter with a legendary Pokémon into my very being.











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