
Chapter 17 : Mt Moon

----On route to Mt Moon----

With the sun bidding its farewell to Pewter City, I took the road to Cerulean.

Mt. Moon awaited on the road, on this moonlit night. As my team gathered, I couldn't help but glance at Kleavor, still adjusting to its evolved form.

"Alright, team, we're heading to Mt. Moon! There's no telling what we'll find in the moonlit caverns, so be Alert" I announced, a spark of authority in my voice.

If they disobey, well I can only Electabuzz wouldn't mind giving a slot for being his daily sparring partner.

As we ventured toward the cave entrance of Mt. Moon, the night enveloped us, and the pale glow of the moon illuminated it.

My Pokemon followed closely, each displaying a unique reaction to the impending adventure. I could only observe them to pass the time.

Kakuna, ever the diligent observer, seemed focused. Electabuzz crackled with energy, eager for the next win, while Kleavor, despite the recent defeat, exuded a newfound confidence.

 The echoes of footsteps on rocky terrain resonated through the cavern as we delved deeper, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on the rocky walls.

Suddenly, a flurry of wings disturbed the silence. From the shadows emerged a wild Zubat, its eyes gleaming in the dim light. Realizing this was the chance to train the spoiled, I acted immediately.

With a swift motion, I called upon Eevee to take the stage.

"Eevee, it's your time to shine! Take on that Zubat with everything you've got!" I declared, my voice echoing through the cavern.

Eevee, ever reluctant for battle, stepped forward Lazily.

The Zubat, sensing a potential threat from the size of our group, screeched, preparing for the impending battle but instead got a lazy spoiled princess. As a spectator, I couldn't help but feel a surge of embarrassment.

"Alright, Eevee, start with Baby Doll Eyes to lower its aggression! Then follow up with a Quick Attack!" I commanded, strategizing the moves to gain the upper hand.

Eevee executed the plan flawlessly, using its cute eyes to send the fairy-type energy through the move to lower Zubat's aggression. I could see the Zubat becoming reluctant to attack the cute and innocent Eevee, such is the scariness of status moves.

Eevee mercilessly used a nimble Quick Attack to strike the reluctant Zubat.


It was in this instance, that I remembered that the Fairy type is not recognized in the world yet. It is one of the dozens of types proposed and rejected, left to collect the dust. Yep, there are dozens of types proposed like Steam, Sound, Magma, Space etc.

I shook my head away from these thoughts and concentrated on Eevee's match.

The Zubat, albeit temporarily disoriented from Eevee's quick attack, swiftly countered with a Wing Attack.

"Eevee, dodge and show your Charm to lower its aggression further!" I shouted, observing the battle unfold.

Eevee danced gracefully, evading Zubat's aimless Wing Attack with finesse. In response, it unleashed another charming display of cute action like rolling all over, blowing its fur and a few winks, further distracting the wild Pokemon. This move has the bonus of making the opponent fall in love with the user.

I soon nodded, while the princess doesn't like battles, she is truly good at her Moves.

Unfortunately, as a Pokemon, it needs to know Battle. Something even she knows to some level.

"End the battle with Double team + Quick attack."


The cavernous depths of Mt. Moon concealed a Pokémon tribe that beckoned me.

Determined to find these elusive Pokemon, my team and I pressed forward, guided by the moonlit glow that painted the rocky walls, hopefully finding the giant Moonstone.

The thin and oxygen-lacking air made our journey through the labyrinthine passages a challenge as we searched for the ethereal Clefairys known to inhabit these depths.

Yes, the fairy Pokémon tribe is present in abundance here. I just want to see them that's all.

As we delved deeper into the caves, the echoes of our footsteps were joined by distant murmurs and the unmistakable sounds of battling Pokemon.

Rounding a corner, I stumbled upon a remarkable sight—a group of trainers, about my age range, locked in a standoff with a formidable tribe of Geodude and their evolved counterparts.

A dozen Geodudes rumbled in unison, flanked by a couple of imposing Gravelers and a colossal Golem. The trainers, clearly caught off guard, were doing their best to hold their ground against the formidable rock-type Pokemon.

"Mr. Jain, please help us."

"Shut up, Maya, let him concentrate."

"It's okay, kids. These guys are just a group of troublemakers and bullies. I've known them for years. They won't be any real threat." "

Then, will we be fine?"

"Nay, while there won't be permanent harm if we show weakness, they'll break a few bones, knock us unconscious, and then throw us out of the tunnels, either to the beginning of the cave or the end. It depends on their mood. As I said, they are well-known bullies."

Noticing the similar age range to mine, I could see they were newbies, and the two or three adults dressed for hiking seemed to be the guides hired to navigate Mt. Moon.

"Team, it looks like we've stumbled upon a bit of trouble. Let's lend a hand!" I declared, might as well do a good deed for the day,

Kleavor, Electabuzz, Primeape, Slakoth, Eevee, and Kakuna stood ready for action.

"Klevior, focus on the Gravellers! Electabuzz, use Thunderbolt on the Golem to gather its attention on you!" I strategized, aiming to disrupt the formation and give the trainers a fighting chance.

As the battle unfolded, the trainers, now joined by my team, began coordinating their efforts against the rock-type Pokemon. Each Pokemon unleashed their moves, countering the formidable Geodude tribe.

Kleavor responded with agile slashes, targeting the Graveller's joints with precision.

Electabuzz unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt that crackled with energy, striking the Golem and causing a momentary distraction. Golem, irritated, elicited a resounding roar.

Amid the chaos, Primeape joined the fray with a flurry of punches. Its fists moved with incredible speed, delivering a myriad of punches he learned, to the surrounding Gravellers, weakening their formation.

Meanwhile, Slakoth, seemingly unperturbed by the battle, yawned casually at the attackers to induce sleep, effortlessly dodging the attacks directed towards it like a drunken Jackie Chan.

The combined efforts of our teams gradually whittled down the tribe of rock types.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn when a swarm of wild Zubats, attracted by the commotion, descended upon them. The trainers and their Pokemon found themselves outnumbered, struggling to fend off the sudden aerial onslaught.

"Eevee, use Charm to distract the Zubats! And then Baton passes to Kakuna, Harden," I commanded, recognizing the need to address the sudden attacks on her.

Eevee danced gracefully, charming the Zubats and temporarily disrupting their coordinated attacks. Kakuna, while changing positions, fortified its defences with Harden, forming a protective shield against the wild Zubats' sonic attacks.

The trainers, grateful for the unexpected assistance, regrouped and joined the effort to repel the Zubats.

I could more or less name them based on the shouts to each other. Seymour's Wartortle unleashed a powerful Water Gun, clearing a path through the swarm. Alex's Kadabra used Confusion to create a barrier, shielding the group from the aerial assault. Maya's Growlithe, with a mighty roar, intimidated the Zubats, causing some to flee.

As the dust settled and the last Zubat retreated, a sense of relief washed over our group.

The combined efforts of trainers and Pokemon prevailed against the dual threat of the rock-type tribe and the wild Zubat swarm.

I was wondering if I should clap in celebration or something. Then I realised that the stupid Instagram reels followed me into this life. If I did that in real life, it is embarrassing as fuck.

-----Outside the Mt Moon cave------

As the group emerged from the cave, we found ourselves on the road connecting to Cerulean City. The night air was cool, and the distant city lights shimmered on the horizon. We decided to take a break, gathering around a short campfire to share stories and rest.

While waiting, I couldn't shake off the lingering fear of searching for the Clefairy tribe alone, especially after witnessing the intensity of the earlier battle. The thought of facing an entire tribe of Clefairys filled me with a sense of trepidation.

It seems I have to return here when I become stronger. Pushing Clefairy concerns aside, I focused on the group around the campfire.

Mr Jain, the tour guide, took the opportunity to scold a newbie who had strayed from the path, emphasizing the dangers of encountering cruel Pokemon. I silently nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of caution in these unfamiliar terrains.

"Thank you for that, Kid. I am a veteran guide of Mount Moon," Mr. Jain acknowledged, expressing his gratitude for our assistance.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I am Archer."

I took the chance to introduce myself to the group, and they reciprocated with their names and stories.

The owner of the Wartortle, Seymour, suddenly jumped up, exclaiming, "You are that guy from Bharatsa, the youngest breeder and holder of degrees in Medicine and technology."

As Seymour excitedly explained to his friends about my achievements, it dawned on me that he was the scientist who discovered the Clefairy tribe in the anime. Now, here he was, just a little kid like me.

It struck me that Ash, the protagonist of the anime, should be somewhere around 10 years younger than me. I mused about the possibility of him being born right around this time.

As the night deepened, the group decided to release their Pokemon for some well-deserved rest.

 I followed suit, releasing my diverse team of Pokemon into the wild. The trainers around me were stunned by the variety of species in my team, their eyes widening in amazement.

Seymour, however, seemed to recognize the unique qualities of each Pokemon. "Marvelous! Your Pokemon are truly unique. Kakuna's strong cocoon, Slakoth being awake, Electabuzz is Electabuzz, but the Primeape is old," he observed, showcasing a keen understanding of Pokemon behaviour.

I smiled, acknowledging his observations. "Well, you've got a good eye. Each one has its quirks and strengths."

He pointed at Klevior in puzzlement, prompting me to explain. "He's an evolution of Scyther that I discovered - named Klevior."

The revelation seemed to stun the group. To illustrate, I had Rotomdex bring up a visual of Scyther evolving into Klevior. The surprised expressions truly satisfied my ego. It is smart to give away the information now since the evolutionary item is too rare.

It is not easy to find such Augurites easily, let the world such for them. I am sure as the discoverer, at least one will come my way to collaborate regarding them.


I then prompted Rotomdex to show the Special augurite in the video.

"Unfortunately, it is as rare as fossils. But I have a way to find them."

Seeing their blank faces, I explained my thoughts clearly, "Imagine the news spreading about the evolution of Scyther into Kleavor. While the Special Black Agarite needed for this evolution is tough to find, with the news out, people will be motivated to search for it. I will then apply for a research permit one day in the future. As the discoverer, there is a high chance of acceptance, and with my education status, I might become the lead researcher if I am lucky." I mused, contemplating the potential for fame and scientific exploration.

The data I had gathered during my journey was more than enough to kickstart a research project. After all, it will lose its value when someone else discovers it in the future.

It is a matter of when because people will try to find it as soon as Klevior is used by me. So, it's better to be proactive with this.

The conversation around the campfire continued, stories and experiences were shared under the starry night sky.

--------------Seymour's POV--------

------The next day morning-----

We waved goodbye to Mr Jain as we started our journey to Cerulean. A moment captured by Maya, the camera enthusiast. I just shook my head at her comments in the video.

"Well folks, I, your beautiful Maya, am going to introduce you to a new friend who saved us."

"Hello folks, I am Archer."

I couldn't help but say, "You should just ignore her, Archer. Can you say about the red Pokemon flying beside you?"

Archer laughed and said, "It is Rotomdex made by me. A piece of technology inhabited by a Rotom. A Sinnoh Pokemon. Though the idea is from Unova, who already has an alternate technology for making this Rotomdex."

"Unova, you mean the ones found 3 years back by S.S. Anne back then."

"No, Seymour. They existed for a long time but in ancient times, regions were not as connected as nowadays. As the trainer population and technology grows, it will be even possible for civilian travellers to travel with ease."

As I walked beside Archer, my mind couldn't help but feel unbelievable at that. I mean, even Johto and Kanto, for all their centuries of communication, still didn't allow travel for civilians until last year. Even Hoenn and Sinnoh only allow the travels of trainers, and that too was only accepted in Oak's era.

I can see that he truly believes that his words will come true. In a way, such confidence is impressive.

Still, I couldn't help my awe at the way. he handled his diverse team of Pokemon.

The unique quirks and strengths of each Pokemon in a team were a test of a trainer's capability, not to mention a diverse team like his.

Well, for a genius like him, being a type-specialist is such a waste.

His approach was different, unlike the general trend of trainers approaching a breeder due to each obstacle in their Pokemon's growth. He was predicting the Pokemon's obstacles in advance and preparing his Pokemon for breaking them.

My background in education and my thirst for knowledge led me to appreciate the nuances of Archer's methods.

Speaking of Pokemon, my eyes were drawn to Archer's Primeape, a clear testament to the breeder's unconventional training techniques. The continuous practice of Rage Fist, a Ghost-type move, on a Pokemon approaching the end of its lifespan was both fascinating and perplexing. One might suspect abuse if not for the evident care and affection Archer poured into his Pokemon.

Archer's commitment to maximizing the potential of his Pokemon was frankly incredible. His breeding plans went beyond the conventional, venturing into extreme methods to elicit even the smallest changes. Take Kakuna, for instance; he increased the ingestible poison dosage, all for a subtle shift in the colour of its mandible. It was a type of breeding that pushed boundaries, aiming not just for strength but for every possible advantage.

I remember my father saying it, "Scientists in pursuit of the truths of Pokemon forget the Pokemon themselves."

I couldn't help but be in awe of his ability to balance the scientific aspects of breeding with the emotional connection he maintained with his Pokémon.

A feat most scientists were unable to do. Their logical thinking and smartness jade their view of emotions and morals.

-------Cerulean City-----

The journey to Cerulean City was an exciting adventure for me. As we finally approached the city, the famous water city unfolded before us, its sparkling blue hues mesmerizing. The air carried a hint of salt, and the distant sound of splashing water added to the ambience. I couldn't help but marvel at the water pearl of Indigo.

Even the Johto agree that Cerulean is the true beauty among all the cities in Indigo.

Our group, led by Archer, stood at the entrance, taking in the sight. My eyes widened with awe, and Maya eagerly grabbed her cam recorder, ready to capture the picturesque scene. "This is amazing! Cerulean City is even more stunning in person than the pictures," she exclaimed.

Silva, ever the enthusiastic one, chimed in, "I've heard about the Cerulean Gym that doubles as an ocean show. I can't wait to check it out!"

As we were about to immerse ourselves in the city's atmosphere, Archer's voice interrupted the moment. "Sorry, guys, I have to leave for my appointment at the gym," he announced, breaking the collective admiration.

"Already? We just got here!" Maya protested, disappointment evident in her voice.

Archer chuckled, "I've got a commitment to uphold. Gym battles wait for no one."

Seymour, always curious, asked, "What's your strategy for this gym battle, Archer?"

Archer grinned mysteriously, "Ah, that's a secret for now. You'll see it in action when the time comes."

As Archer bid us farewell and headed towards the Cerulean Gym, Maya couldn't resist capturing the moment on the camera, "Well, folks, looks like our resident Pokemon genius is off to make waves at the gym. Stay tuned for the action!"

Silva, with a mischievous grin, added, "Let's explore the city while Archer does his thing. We can meet up later."

----Pokemon Centre, At Night----

Amid our conversations, Alex, with a glint of enthusiasm in his eyes, swiftly retrieved his Laptop. "Hey, guys, you've got to see this!" he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. Intrigued, we gathered around as he initiated a captivating video, promising a glimpse into Archer's recent gym battle against Flint.

As the footage unfolded, the screen illuminated with the spectacle of Archer's strategic brilliance. "Whoa, Archer is something else, isn't he?" Maya remarked, her eyes fixed on the unfolding battle.

The video revealed a mesmerizing display of multi-talented genius, showcasing Archer's exceptional skills. "Look at the way he manoeuvres his Pokemon. It's like a dance!" I chimed in, and I am sure my expression reflected my sheer admiration.

The scenes portrayed Archer's seamless execution of moves, each calculated and purposeful. "Did you see that Thunderbolt? Perfectly timed!" Silva pointed out, his excitement palpable.

As the battle unfolded, it became clear that Archer's approach was far more than a mere showcase of strength. "It's not just about power; it's about finesse and strategy he displayed. I am damn sure he had instructed the Electabuzz to hold the Rollouts and then end it with the Discharge+Brick break." Alex commented, his eyes glued to the screen.

The captivating narrative of the battle played out like a well-scripted story. "I can't believe how in sync he is with his Electabuzz. It's like they can read each other's minds, especially at the jump" Maya noted, and I could see her fascination growing.

 "This is next-level teamwork. I wish my Pokemon and I had that kind of connection." I admitted with Jealousy.



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