
Pokemon: Trainer’s log in a Chaotic World

A Pokemon fanfic based on the fanfic Pokemon chaotic worlds. On fan fiction.com As I have another book and I don’t wanted to get into too much character development. Story will move moderately with occasional timeskips. This story will have light romance but barely. It will focus on Mc. So there will barely be interactions. The story is about a journey of an Mc who is the leader of a Pokemon fan club with the title of professor( I like Pokemon but not to that level) who died and luckily was reincarnated in Pokemon. Only to find out it’s not as innocent and friendly as he thought. Prologue will be the same as chapter one from chaotic world except the ending. I thank revenantzero for a fantastic fanfic. I’m known for haram so most likely it might be haram but since light romance most likely will be only one girl. I have been known to have some grammar issues but it is getting better so help me out when you can. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or its character as well as the original characters made by revenantzero in chaotic world. I do own my own characters and any fakemon if I decide to add them. Also most Pokemon facts will be taken from pokemondb.net. If I change anything I will let you know. Most of it though will be from this database. For anyone looking for detailed info check it out

harem4life · Book&Literature
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94 Chs

The Ordeal 2

"Two reasons," Muliere responded. "One, Pokemon are much more intelligent then you may believe. If you attempt and fail to catch a Pokemon it will immediately understand that the pokeball is the bigger threat at the moment. It will act quickly to destroy the pokeball before it launches its attack on you. You will have only seconds to throw another pokeball and attempt to catch it again or make a quick retreat and try a different Pokemon."

"The second reason has to do with how many Pokemon a E-rank trainer is allowed to own," he said. "As you know, once you pass your Ordeal and reach E-rank, you will be able to own a maximum to two Pokemon. If you do catch a Pokemon and still have one or two pokeballs left over, you may make an attempt to catch a second Pokemon to fill the maximum allowed. If, by some miracle, you manage to catch three Pokemon, you may select which two Pokemon you can keep. We will deal with the third Pokemon after that." He paused. "Take my advice. Once you catch a Pokemon, forget about catching any more. Quit while you're ahead. Remember, if you run into something you cannot handle, you don't have any trainers or usable Pokemon to defend you."

"Any other questions?" he asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Then lets get this show on the road."

Austin who was quiet asked," are the Pokemon smart and can they understand human speech? Or are they berserk and want to slaughter humans? What should I expect from these beast from someone of your rank and status."

Everyone was shocked as this was the first time they heard Austin speak for so long. Muliere gave a good look at Austin smiled then began to answer.

"To answer your questions most Pokemon will understand you but due to the change with the natured the world.... the Pokemon will attack first as they will feel threatened. So if you are able to meet a Pokemon that doesn't attack you directly then it will definitely understand you." He smiled evily then continued.

"What should you expect that they won't even give you a chance to talk. They will do anything to kill and eat you guys. So finish this quick and be efficient. That's the best advice I can give." Once he finished his speech, Muliere dismissed the Chosen to board the magnet train along with our trainer escorts. Each person waited quietly as one by one they reached each of the stations near the different gates and waited for one of the other prospective trainers to disembark.

Austin and Phillip with two trainers went towards the eastern gate. Now was the time to catch his first Pokemon.

He won't call onix with Phillip here. He desire to either he helps him quickly catch a Pokemon or separates from him. They finally reached the gate and the trainer said.

From this point on you're on your own," he said. He motioned to one trainer guarding the gate. The other trainer nodded and opened the gate. The gate opened onto a short dirt road which led directly to the forest. "Be vigilant out there and keep a pokeball ready. Try not to get lost in there. Once you catch a Pokemon you should immediately try to make it back here. I'll be waiting for you here at the gate." He paused and looked at me. "If you haven't made it back by sundown I'll assume that you've been eaten by a Pokemon and return to the trainer district without you. Good luck."

Another chap enjoy I don’t know which Pokemon I should give him the Mc is picky. I might pick an above average Pokemon or a shiny Pokemon and Mc gets lucky.

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