
Pokemon: Trainer’s log in a Chaotic World

A Pokemon fanfic based on the fanfic Pokemon chaotic worlds. On fan fiction.com As I have another book and I don’t wanted to get into too much character development. Story will move moderately with occasional timeskips. This story will have light romance but barely. It will focus on Mc. So there will barely be interactions. The story is about a journey of an Mc who is the leader of a Pokemon fan club with the title of professor( I like Pokemon but not to that level) who died and luckily was reincarnated in Pokemon. Only to find out it’s not as innocent and friendly as he thought. Prologue will be the same as chapter one from chaotic world except the ending. I thank revenantzero for a fantastic fanfic. I’m known for haram so most likely it might be haram but since light romance most likely will be only one girl. I have been known to have some grammar issues but it is getting better so help me out when you can. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or its character as well as the original characters made by revenantzero in chaotic world. I do own my own characters and any fakemon if I decide to add them. Also most Pokemon facts will be taken from pokemondb.net. If I change anything I will let you know. Most of it though will be from this database. For anyone looking for detailed info check it out

harem4life · Book&Literature
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94 Chs

Hidden power

Austin was searching with his eyes closed for the power. He still could not find it at all. Onix was laying down surrounding him after eating it's fill. Eevee was also trying to help Austin find his hidden energy. She was trying to use her psychic move synchronize but failed as well.

It wasn't until togepi throwing a fit for being ignored and due to hunger that they stopped to take a break. After togepi finished it's meal along with the rest of the group, Austin placed it in his pouch. The. He sat cross-legged and continued to practice.

Sometime passed and Togepi, who was the only one with its eyes open, began to move its small hand(finger) in a circular motion. Suddenly a small energy surrounded the hand and then disappeared. At first it seemed like nothing happened but then Austin "yawned" feeling exhausted.

Due to his stubbornness of wanting to master hidden power he continued searching cross-legged. Without knowing the reason, he slowly began to relax and was about to enter a deep sleep. Yet at this moment in his relaxed drowsy state he felt a small amount of energy inside him. He then began to try and feel it more and kept trying to interact with it.

Austin didn't know what happen nor how he did it, but he felt so sleepy the he just willing rested while feeling this energy. The energy seemed to react after being stimulated unconsciously for a while. Around Austin a light brown energy emerged. Maybe it was because Austin was a sleep or the amount of energy in humans is less than pokemon. It disapeared after flickering for a while.

Austin was awoken so suddenly by eevee who sensed the energy fluctuation around him.

"Eevee eve eeeveeeee!" Her voice echoed and Austin finally opened. He looked at the sky and saw it was still the same. He must have dosed off for a couple of minutes.

He looked at eevee and wondered why she was so loud after thinking for a bit. He asked, "did I awaken the energy girl." Eevee nodded shocking Austin. He somehow unlock the energy unconsciously. Now he needed to see if he can use it consciously. He started to feel for the energy and surprising he found it. The first thing he discover was that this energy was easy to find after awakening it the first time.

The second thing he noticed was that in humans this energy is very small. For hidden power it can't be trained like aura to increase its amount. It will only increase slowly with time from when it is awakened.

His hidden power color was ground type. The first think he noticed was the passive ability wasn't like Pokemon. This energy improved the condition of the physical body in humans. At least that's what he felt this energy was doing. He wanted to test out his condition. He ran at is fastest speed and found that he wasn't panting as much. He also noticed his recovery seemed slightly better.

The energy in humans can't be used to attack maybe this is a sort of balance. Pokemon are destructive while humans can think, build civilization, build technologies, etc. Unlike Pokemon who fight for food in the wild, humans can grow crops and herd cattle for necessities. That's why Pokemon usually more dependent on humans.

He also so figured out that as long as he stands on the ground. He would recover his hidden energy faster. As he was trying to figure out the other uses of the energy, he noticed that the sun was starting to go down. Eevee was also tired from training as well and onix had fun and was full. It was time to go. He recalled onix, rushed back to the gate. At the gate he recalled eevee, then he entered went to the train station, took a shuttle to the trainers district.

He went to eat and met Phillip who was as talkative as usual. Phillip shares more info about some of his missions. He also talked about wanting to catch another Pokemon. He asked Austin if he could help him, when he wanted to catch one. Austin told him that tomorrow morning he will go take a the D-class exam. Right after the exam he will take a mission. So they decided to go the day after tomorrow in the morning.

"Let's go to sleep togepi tomorrow is the big exam. I know I will pass though." Then they went to sleep. Tomorrow is the first step on our hero's path to become a Pokemon master.

Finally the training was done. Austin was successful with hidden power. Where will this lead him next. If any of you have some thoughts for me let me know. By the way togepi yawned Mc hard Hahahaha.

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