
Pokemon: Trainer’s log in a Chaotic World

A Pokemon fanfic based on the fanfic Pokemon chaotic worlds. On fan fiction.com As I have another book and I don’t wanted to get into too much character development. Story will move moderately with occasional timeskips. This story will have light romance but barely. It will focus on Mc. So there will barely be interactions. The story is about a journey of an Mc who is the leader of a Pokemon fan club with the title of professor( I like Pokemon but not to that level) who died and luckily was reincarnated in Pokemon. Only to find out it’s not as innocent and friendly as he thought. Prologue will be the same as chapter one from chaotic world except the ending. I thank revenantzero for a fantastic fanfic. I’m known for haram so most likely it might be haram but since light romance most likely will be only one girl. I have been known to have some grammar issues but it is getting better so help me out when you can. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or its character as well as the original characters made by revenantzero in chaotic world. I do own my own characters and any fakemon if I decide to add them. Also most Pokemon facts will be taken from pokemondb.net. If I change anything I will let you know. Most of it though will be from this database. For anyone looking for detailed info check it out

harem4life · Book&Literature
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94 Chs

1st Mission

Austin couldn't hold it in and asked how did he pass when he only did two parts of the exam.

"This exam was broken down into three parts," the gym leader began to explain. "You had to pass all three parts to be promoted into D-rank. In the first part you had to prove to me that Eevee would obey your commands. You did this by ordering Eevee to use all attacks that you taught him on the practice dummy. In the second part you had to prove that eevee could follow simple directions. although you did not order it, it still understood what you wanted it to do by having it collect the rubber balls and return them to the box in the correct order. Only after passing those two parts would you be allowed to attempt the third part."

The gym leader sighed and continued," In the third and final part of the exam you had to prove that you could control eevee even in a stressful situation. If Eevee had attacked me or if you tried to stop it and it didn't listen, I would have instantly failed you. You would have had to train her some more and come back another day to retake the entire exam. Yet you passed this part with flying colors."

Austin was finally enlighten about the test. He finally understood what Phillip and the guys meant when they told him to keep his eyes on his Pokemon for the last test. He looked at the gym leader and just said," Ok." Then he stretched his trainers card to the gym leader.

"Sheesh you are seriously an annoying person. After all that explanation all I get is an ok. Kid you didn't even ask if your Pokemon even attacked me what would happen." The gym leader replied annoyed while taking Austin's card to update it.

Austin sighed at Muliere's remark, took a deep breath and said," why would I ask about something that didn't happen. That doesn't make sense and obviously if that did happen you had your machamp out. I don't understand why you want to know this. This answer of mine tired me out."

Once Muliere heard Austin's remark. He was shocked at how observant this kid was. Maybe this was why he doesn't talk much. He also noticed that Austin was also quick witted. Austin left the gym with his updated card and went to the computer room to accept a mission. He was really happy as now his bank account was officially open and connected with his card.

He was also recalling the words of the gym leader before he left.

"Keep in mind that no D-rank mission will take you outside the walls," Muliere said. "All D-rank missions take place within the city state, although not all missions that take place within the city state are D-rank. Most of the D-rank missions are guard duty missions that have little risk. You may accept any mission request from the computer room in the Center or directly from the mission office in central district but to receive your pay you must actually go to the mission office and inform them of your mission completion."

Austin reached the computer room and began to look for missions. Austin saw that it is indeed like the gym leader said. As he looked through guard missions. Missions issued by rich people to guard them in the park. There were also missions to guard the plantation district and farm.

As he was looking for missions Jacob appeared right next to him and said, " seeing you look at missions in guessing you passed." Austin merely nodded in response. Use to Austin's behavior he recommend to take the mission he took when he first passed. The mission was patrolling the park from 8-2pm. This mission actually surprised Austin as he wanted a mission that finished a bit early so he can go take another mission in the after noon.

Austin registered for the mission the he looked at a mission and found one from 4-6. This mission needed trainers to guard for a birthday party in the same park. To Austin this was perfect an easy hundred dollars. He notice almost all d-ranks were fifty dollars except the night guards and patrols.

Austin made it to the park and was greeted by a trainer who welcomed him in.

"Haven't seen you before. You must be one of the rookies," he said to Austin. Austin just nodded. The trainer saw that Austin wasn't much of a talker so he didn't wait for a reply. He lead Austin to meet the trainer in charge while explaining some things to Austin.

Austin found out that this entire District Five was the commercial district of the city state of Asadia. Although every district in the city state has some shops, this district was completely filled with malls, supermarkets, and many restaurants. There was only one large public park in the district located in the center.

The two finally reached 4 other trainers. The leader was a pretty lady.

Morning," she said. "You must be the Trainer Austin. I'm Trainer Jessica. I'm the shift leader for our shift. I was also the shift leader when Jacob took the mission the first time. He asked me to help you out. Austin nodded and waited for her to continue.

Seeing that Austin didn't answer her. She wasn't mad but start laughing," I heard you don't talk much. Even the gym leader got annoyed by you. Hahaha it looks like that's true."

Austin was embarrassed a bit inside but kept his poker face on, as if this didn't phase him.

"It's good that your here early," she said. "I wanted to speak to you before our shift started." Austin looked at her giving her his full attention.

Enjoy dudes.

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