
Pokemon: The Strongest Trainer

A young man in his mid-twenties is going down the streets toward his apartment when he suddenly sees two strange-looking men trying to kidnap a high school girl down there. He tries to help the girl but loses his life. He opens his eyes to meet a kind goddess. She reincarnates him in the world of Pokemon with three wishes.  He then embarks on the journey to become the "World's Strongest Trainer". * * * * * Disclaimer: Pokemon is not owned by me. Only the OC is mine.

IceGlaze · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: Pokémon Egg

As he reached the front door of Professor Oak's, it opened when the sensors detected and scanned him.

As soon as Aiden entered the laboratory, he headed for the backyard of the lab, where he noticed Professor Oak performing his regular inspections of all the Pokémon there.

Aiden approached Professor Oak and greeted him with a smile, " Hello, Professor Oak."

Professor Oak turned to face Aiden and smiled as he welcomed him. He motions for me to proceed to the lab, where he will arrive after checking all of the Pokémon there.

After giving a brief nod, Aiden entered the lab to finish his daily task of researching theories and approaches. Professor Oak entered the room a little while later and inquired about the final day of Pokemon school. As Aiden described the occasion, he expressed enthusiasm about beginning his Pokemon adventure and receiving his starter Pokemon.

Professor Oak nodded, smiled, and motioned for me to follow him as he entered a particular room. He then asked me to wait for a while, saying, "Aiden, wait for a moment while I finish filling out your information for your Pokedex. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes, "before walking over to the computer on the other side of the room."

Aiden watched as Professor Oak filled in his details while nodding and sitting on a couch close by. Before Professor Oak resumed speaking, I answered questions for the following five minutes as he typed up my responses.

He pressed the final button, and I heard the machine next to the computer start up and hum before a tray with what I recognised as a Classic Pokedex emerged. "There we are," he remarked, after placing the tray with the Pokedex in my hand.

Your complete information is in the Pokedex. "You can use it for identification, to record or check any Pokemon you encounter," Professor Oak said as I nodded and opened the Pokedex, observing the front camera briefly spin before a screen came on, displaying an image of me before it shrank on the screen and my information showed.

"Hi! This Pokedex belongs to Trainer Aiden Miles..."

He switched off the AI and opened his profile.

Name: Aiden Miles

Age: 15

Trainer License: B-Class

Carry limit: 8.

Home Town: Pallet City.

Region: Kanto.

Job description: Trainer and researcher.

Pokedex Licensed by: Professor Samuel Oak.

Current Pokemon: 1.

Aiden looked at the information and closed the Pokedex, storing it in his pocket.

Professor Oak said with a smile, "Alright then, now all that's left is for you to choose your starter Pokémon." You can choose the royal starters or I actually have a new batch of some other Pokemon eggs and Pokemon from the Kanto region.

After pausing to process the information and gather my thoughts, I turned to the professor and said, "Actually, professor, I was hoping you might have something different. Not that I have anything against the three royal starter Pokémon or their eggs, but I want a Pokemon that I don't see around here. "

Oak smiled at me and said, "Ah, I see. Yes, I can understand that you have a curiosity about different Pokemon that you don't see occasionally around here, and as it so happens, I do have something else. It's rather rare, you see, but this just might work. "Come with me," motioning for me to follow him into a side room.

The professor unlocked the door, and as he entered, I noticed a glass box with a white egg inside that had grey rings surrounding it. As the professor began to explain, I took a moment to consider it. " As you can see, I received this egg from a friend who is from the Sinnoh region. He gave me the egg to examine and theorize about research on regional evolutions that take place. I'll let you have any Pokemon that hatches from the egg if you'll look after it for me. After documenting the Pokemon that hatches from this egg, you can take the Pokémon as your starter Pokémon. "

I gazed at the egg while smiling and nodding. An unhatched pokemon would be the ideal way for me to begin my journey because they are easy to bond with trainers. On my journey, I would be able to train it from scratch and make it stronger.

The professor clapped his hands and said, " Oh excellent, now you have to observe the egg form from now on until it hatches and reports all the information about it to me. You can live here as you normally do, or I have a different location besides the river that I occasionally use for monitoring wild Pokemon. It has nice facilities for one person and a good atmosphere to learn about the egg, though I haven't needed it in a while. "

Aiden smiled, looked at the egg, and thanked the professor for it.

Professor Oak laughed before he spoke. Aiden, you don't have to thank me. It's your research papers that my friend gave this egg to me to study, and I gave him the information that he uses to make Pokemon from different regions and adapt to different environments. You're doing me a service; it's the least I can do. Now lift the case and follow me. " "I'll lead you to the new house where you'll stay for the time being."

Quickly standing up, I moved to lift the case carefully and moved to follow Professor Oak as we left the room and headed out of the lab.

We arrived at a cabin made of wood near a little river after a brisk ten-minute walk down the road. I took a peek at the cabin as we walked inside; it wasn't very spacious, but it was adequate for two or three people to stay comfortably. It contains everything required for someone to live comfortably there for a long time.

I happily nodded as Professor Oak inquired about the cabin, and he said, "That's great, so why don't you settle in, I'll have to return to the lab for further work. If you learn something new, please let me know right away. " He uttered it before leaving the cabin.

I walk over to the table nearby, take the case, and sit down. I then turned to face the egg with a smile on my face. "I hope you hatch soon; I can't wait to meet you; this is going to be so exciting. Then we can begin our journey, "Aiden said, patting his Eevee, who was also staring at the egg with fascination in her eyes."

* * * *

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