
Pokemon: The Strongest Trainer

A young man in his mid-twenties is going down the streets toward his apartment when he suddenly sees two strange-looking men trying to kidnap a high school girl down there. He tries to help the girl but loses his life. He opens his eyes to meet a kind goddess. She reincarnates him in the world of Pokemon with three wishes.  He then embarks on the journey to become the "World's Strongest Trainer". * * * * * Disclaimer: Pokemon is not owned by me. Only the OC is mine.

IceGlaze · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Summer Camp!

Aiden, " Paige, tell me what I am going to say to Professor Oak about my identity!"

[Host: the system has already created your identity and why you are travelling to Pallet Town, so don't have to worry; I will directly transfer the information to your mind. ]

I'm now recognised as an orphan who lives on the outskirts of Pallet Town in a little village. A week after my grandma passed away, I left the house with my companion Eevee to go to Pallet Town to attend the Pokemon school. '



We continued going until we arrived at the camp, where I noticed a middle-aged man dressed in a white lab coat, light maroon polo shirt, brown belt, beige slacks, and matching brown loafers. He had a peach complexion, grey hair, and thick, bushy eyebrows. He appeared worried, but when he saw us, he raced over to ask what had happened and why they hadn't shown up for lunch.

Professor Oak glanced at Aiden but failed to identify him; nonetheless, he saw Serena's injury. He swiftly guided us to one of the tents, where he asked someone to attend to Serena's wounds and asked how she was hurt.

Then I explained to him that I had heard a yell as I was crossing a creek, seen her lying in a tree, being attacked by a Pokemon, but had managed to save her with the help of my partner Eevee.

Professor Oak responded, "Thanks, young guy, for assisting her. But what are you doing in the wilderness alone with a Pokémon and where are you coming from? "

As he turned to face Professor Oak, Aiden replied, " I've been living on the outskirts of Pallet Town as an orphan Since my grandma passed away a week ago, I'm currently travelling to Pallet Town to enrol in the Pokemon school in order to complete my education and begin my journey as a Pokemon trainer. "

Professor Oak stated as he turned to face Aiden: "You're heading to Pallet Town to attend the Pokemon School, so you can come with us after Pokemon Camp to Pallet Town, and once I check your academic understanding of Pokemon, I can also assist you in enrolling in Pokemon School. Attending the Pokemon camp is another option that will aid in your knowledge acquisition of Pokemon. "

After giving the professor's suggestion some attention, Aiden replied, "Okay, Professor, I'll go to Pallet Town with you and I'll attend the summer camp as well. Thank you for considering me. "

Professor Sycamore enters abruptly and starts asking about Serena after hearing from outside that she was hurt. He inquired about Serena and her situation from Professor Oak. Professor Oak described all the occurrences that took place in a place, crediting Aiden for saving her. He also thanked me for saving Serena, even though I had said it wasn't a big deal.

Professor Sycamore then goes to see how Serena is doing. To introduce me to some of the children from Pallet Town and other areas, Professor Oak took me outside to the area around the lunch table. I instantly recognised several of the faces among them, including Ash, who was munching on a sandwich, Green, who was speaking with some girls; and Gary, who appeared to be bored among the children. I can also see Goh and Chloe at one table.

Professor Oak introduced me to a few of the kids and let them know I would also be attending the camp. He goes back to his work after indicating that I may go eat lunch and talk to other kids.

I first go to meet some of the kids, but I quickly grow bored with them. I next go to meet Ash and Gary, who are the major characters. Gary was smart but arrogant, yet he was more mature than Ash, whereas Ash was dumb and excited by anything to do with Pokémon. I had no trouble getting along with Ash and Gary. When Ash and Gary noticed the Eevee on my shoulder, they soon became interested in me and inquired about it in detail. I merely stated that she was my friend and partner, and that she was present with me when she was within her egg.

After spending some time with them, I returned to see how Serena was doing. When I arrived, I noticed that Professor Sycamore was also present and working on something. I didn't interrupt him and went straight to Serena's bed. When she saw me, she smiled and blushed slightly. I just smiled at her and inquired about the condition of her knee. She claims that while it wasn't all that bad, I needed to take a rest sometimes here for a while. After conversing with her for a while and entertaining Serena with some of the tales from my world, he returns to Professor Oak to inquire about the schedule for the Pokemon Camp.



Before we knew it, the next day had come and gone, and Professor Oak had gathered us all for the start of our summer camp. Ash didn't miss our gathering because he actually awoke on time. I primarily interact with Serena, Ash, and Gary.

The first couple of days would include lessons personally taught by Professor Oak to all of us, detailing how different types of Pokemon can interact with each other. He also stated how the Pokemon interact with humans. Whether it be out of kindness, malice, or just pure curiosity, he would often find himself on the ranch to see lots of different types of Pokemon. to see if he could form a bond with them. He would resort to different types of methods to see what their reaction would be, and so on.

After hearing Professor Sycamore discuss the theories, I became really excited. I am confident that Mega Evolution exists on this planet as well because he was the foremost expert on the subject. That will be fun to explore in the future. It seems he was getting close to revealing the existence of Mega Evolution to the public as well. It is not very well known yet, it seems.

Eevee really liked Serena for some reasons too, more so than the others. During these days of playing around, I saw that Eevee did not chase away any of the new arrivals that came to play with her. Ash, Serena, Chloe, and some other kids really liked to play with Eevee.

Gary was definitely the one who created the most annoyance; believe me, Gary was much more haughty than the anime equivalent, which was probably the reason why a lot of people didn't like him. I noticed some kids were a little distant, but they also played with us.

Besides, all of us are having a good time at camp.

* * * *

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