
Pokemon: The Strongest Trainer

A young man in his mid-twenties is going down the streets toward his apartment when he suddenly sees two strange-looking men trying to kidnap a high school girl down there. He tries to help the girl but loses his life. He opens his eyes to meet a kind goddess. She reincarnates him in the world of Pokemon with three wishes.  He then embarks on the journey to become the "World's Strongest Trainer". * * * * * Disclaimer: Pokemon is not owned by me. Only the OC is mine.

IceGlaze · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Death and Wishes

In a vast stellar void, a soul wanders without any sense of control or the passage of time. The soul didn't have any memories of himself.

" How long has it been since I got here? All I can see is darkness around me in this vast space around me,"-asked the soul to himself.

Lost in his thoughts, the soul didn't notice that a portal appeared in a void in front of him and he got sucked into it.

When the soul became aware of its surroundings again, he was now in a different place, but now he could sense his body again. He was lying down on the ground with his eyes facing the ceiling.

He could hardly feel any discomfort in his body, but he felt as if his mind was still not functioning properly. He also couldn't move his body as he wanted.

I could hardly do anything in this state. I need to calm down and think properly.'-he thought, even though he was in a not-so-favorable situation considering the lack of information about his surroundings, his eyes didn't waver and he didn't panic. He just calmly gazed at the top with an emotionless look and tried to remember himself.

Slowly, his memories returned, and now he can remember what happened and how he got himself here.

He was a young man named Aiden Miles in his mid-twenties without any purpose or ambition in his life. He lost his parents in a car accident when he was 10 years old. Then his grandparents took care of him from that point. He loved his grandparents, but they passed away when he was in his early 20s, and he didn't have many friends to communicate with. He just passed his time, completed his studies, and got a basic job for his living.

One day, when he was returning from his job to his apartment, he saw two weird-looking men trying to kidnap a high school girl in a van, so he yelled to the surroundings to gather some people to help the girl. They were far away from them, so he took the initiative to try to help the girl, but one man stabbed a sharp-looking knife to his chest, but now some people were coming towards their position, so the kidnappers got panicked and quickly left from there. I take the girl to the safe position, but suddenly my consciousness is lost from the excessive loss of blood. They took me to the hospital, but I didn't make it to the last.

So that's how I died my meaningless life on earth. Come to think of it, it's good that I was able to save the girl from the kidnappers.

The groggy state held on for an unknown amount of time as the man waited patiently for this sleep paralysis to disappear. Eventually, his limbs and muscles started working again, and he was finally able to move.

When he stood up, he was finally able to have a proper look at his surroundings. It was a white space, with no walls, no ceilings, and no trace of any human signs. It was as if he floated in nothingness.

"Where am I ?" He muttered under his breath. The atmosphere that this place had was "eternal," for lack of a better description.

[You have entered my domain, my child, and you have arrived because I brought you from the void].

Suddenly, a gentle and sweet voice reached his ears. The feminine voice was calm and carried a sense of superiority that made the man feel as if he was hearing the voice of the Goddess.

[ I am indeed a goddess, my child]. The voice answered in the same tone.

Suddenly, the white space cracked and the silhouette of a woman appeared out of nowhere. He couldn't see her face properly from this distance, but he was sure that the woman was extremely beautiful. The woman approached the man, and now he clearly saw the woman.

The woman looked to be in her 20s, with long, shiny auburn hair that reached her waist and a pair of deep aquamarine eyes that could make anyone captivated with a glance. She had a body that was sculptured to perfection with excellent proportions. She was wearing a white robe that struck her magnificent body and enclosed her amazing curves.

"So, what I am doing here in your domain, Goddess!!"-asked the man.

I brought you here because I felt that you have a very powerful soul that can exist in the void and didn't disappear or directly go into a cycle of reincarnation, and I can also see you have a very good amount of karma in your previous life. The goddess answered the man.

"So what happens to me now?" He asked after some time processing the words of the goddess.

[You have a very powerful soul and I can't let you wander the universe meaninglessly, so I will grant you a second life with three wishes to go with it.] The Goddess smiled as she responded to the question.

Aiden felt very excited to hear the words of the goddess and to get another chance to live a completely new life. He started to think about what he should wish for, and after some time, he made a decision.

Aiden then looked at the goddess and told her about his wishes "Goddess, my first wish is to be reincarnated into the world of Pokemon.

My second wish is to have a basic AI system that can show Pokemon stats and potential.

My third wish is to have the power of Aura. "

[Ok, your wishes will be granted. Now tell me how you want to be reincarnated. Do you want to start as a baby, or do you want me to create a body for you and send you there? [Because now your soul is in a temporary astral projection in my domain.] The Goddess smiled and asked me

"Goddess, I want you to create a body for me and send me to the Kanto region when Ash will attend the summer camp, which was hosted by Professor Oak." Aiden answered the goddess.

At this point, you can design your own body. The Goddess answered and smiled at Aiden about his request.

Suddenly, a transparent screen appeared in front of Aiden. He looked at the screen and realized that he could make a body for himself the way he wanted.

The first option is age. He set his age at 7 years old.

The second option is height. He set his height at around 4 feet 7 inches.

The third option is hair and eyes. He set his hair to deep brown and gave me a pair of ocean blue eyes.

The fourth option is skin tone, which he set to white.

The last option is body type. He is slightly muscular.

After finishing designing the body, he looked at the body and was satisfied with his creation.

"Ok, I am a ready goddess"—Aiden asked the Goddess.

[All right, enjoy your next life to the fullest, and as a parting gift, I'll let the system select a random Pokémon for you.] The Goddess smiled and said to Aiden,

Aiden expresses his heartfelt gratitude to the gracious Goddess.

She smiled at his gesture and waved her hand, and suddenly a portal appeared under Aiden and sucked him in. Before he knew it, he became unconscious and drifted away to his new life.

* * * * *

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