
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs


"There's no way I would ever join the likes of Team Rocket!" Chelsea replied firmly, rejecting Landrick's offer.

"Are you sure? That Lucario of yours looks strong. It would be a pity for it to die like this. And there's also your Charmeleon," Landrick pressed.

Chelsea hesitated, her eyes wavering as she looked at her Pokémon before turning back to Landrick. "You're despicable!" she spat, clenching her teeth.

"Am I? It's precisely because I'm despicable that I've climbed to this position. Wait until you see the ugliness of this world, and you'll think Team Rocket isn't all that bad," Landrick said.

"I...I'll join you. But please, don't hurt my pokemon," Chelsea said reluctantly.

Landrick took out a rectangular device that resembled a smartphone and tapped a few buttons. Suddenly, Lucario and Charmeleon, who were writhing in agony, fell silent and collapsed, unconscious.

"For starters, I stopped their pain, but they're unconscious. Don't even think about running away. I can alleviate their pain, but I can make it worse. Now, follow me," Landrick commanded, extending her hand.

Just as Chelsea was about to take Landrick's hand, a voice interrupted them. "Hold it right there!"

Landrick and Chelsea turned to see a figure in the distance. "Damian!" Chelsea exclaimed in surprise.

'Damian? Chelsea, aren't you a bit too good at acting? You really should consider becoming an actress. You'd be a star in no time' Folker thought to himself.

"Tch, another kid," Landrick clicked her tongue in annoyance. "What, do you want to join my team too? Fine. But…"

"What? No way! I'm here to save Chelsea from the likes of you!" Folker said with a righteous tone.

"Is that so? Then die. Weezing, attack!" Landrick ordered ruthlessly.

"Weezing!" The Pokémon let out a sharp cry and opened its mouth and let loose a [Shadow Ball].

Folker reacted quickly, reaching for his Pokéball and summoning Magneton.


The distinctive form of Magneton materialized in front of Folker, poised for battle.

"Magneton, use [Flash Cannon]!" Folker commanded.

Gathering all its light energy, Magneton released a powerful blast that collided with Weezing's [Shadow Ball], creating a smokescreen.

"Weezing, use [Flamethrower]," Landrick ordered.

Weezing let out a fierce jet of flames aimed directly at Magneton.

"Dodge it with [Magnet Rise]!" Folker reacted quickly.

Magneton levitated higher into the sky, avoiding Weezing's [Flamethrower] by a hair's breadth.

"[Flamethrower], again," Landrick commanded.

"Dodge it again and follow up with [Thunder Wave]," Folker responded.

Magneton darted through the air, avoiding Weezing's second [Flamethrower] attack with ease. At the same time, it launched a weak jolt of electricity towards Weezing.

"How naive," Landrick sneered as he watched the battle unfold.

Weezing suddenly turned its head and used [Flamethrower] like a whip, striking Magneton just as it was about to hit Weezing with [Thunder Wave]. The fiery attack hit Magneton square on, sending it plummeting to the ground.

"Magneton!" Folker cried out, rushing towards his fallen Pokémon. He scooped up Magneton and quickly returned it to its Pokéball.

Weezing had escaped without any harm, but the electric jolt left it with minor injuries as sparks emerged from its body.

"Tch, beaten so easily. Just as I expected from a Team Rocket Executive," Folker said to himself.

"Finish him now. He's of no use to us," Landrick ordered, ready to command Weezing to attack Folker.

Just as Weezing was about to launch an attack, Chelsea intervened and stood in front of the poisonous Pokémon, exclaiming, "Wait! He could join us too!"

Folker was sweating profusely and yelled, "What?! No way! I'd rather die than join Team Rocket!"

Meanwhile, from the cover of the bushes, Farlan covertly gave Folker and Chelsea a thumbs up, appreciating their efforts in stalling Landrick.

"Get out of the way. I'm running out of patience," Landrick warned with an annoyed expression.

However, Chelsea ignored Landrick's warning and turned to him, persuading him to spare Folker's life. "Even if he can't join us, there's no need to end his life."

Folker breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself, "Just a little bit more."

Chelsea looked at Folker and shouted, "Shut up! I'll handle this!". She then turned to Landrick and persuaded "Even if he can't join us, there's no need to end his life either."

Landrick paused for a moment, letting out a sigh before he spoke with a warning tone. "I'll discipline you later. Now, recall Charmeleon and Lucario back to their pokeballs."

Chelsea nodded and approached Charmeleon's unconscious figure, carefully recalling it back to its pokeball. However, as she approached Lucario's figure, she hesitated for a moment before speaking up.

"About that... Actually, Lucario isn't my pokemon. It belongs to Damian," Chelsea said with an awkward expression.

"What?!" Landrick's voice was filled with anger. "Then come here with me now!"

'So back then, it was a cooperation between these two youngsters? Do they have some sort of advanced device that could escape Team Rocket's detection?' Landrick thought to himself as he recalled the scene earlier when he was ambushed.

As Landrick's thoughts wandered, dark clouds started to gather in the sky, and a low rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance. Folker, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up.

"Now! Let's get out of here!" he shouted at Chelsea while quickly recalling Lucario back to its pokeball.

Without hesitation, Chelsea ran away with Folker. Landrick, left behind, raised his arm to push a button on his device when suddenly, lightning struck a tree near him, causing him to flinch and stumble backward.

Landrick gazed up at the sky and observed the swirling, ominous clouds that illuminated the area with bright lightning. Gradually, the clouds expanded and exposed an enormous thunderbird in their midst. With bloodshot eyes, the legendary pokemon stared at Landrick with unbridled animosity.

His face turned ashen with fear at the sight of a furious legendary Pokémon.

Weezing rushed towards Landrick, determined to protect its trainer.

"Now, give him hell," Farlan said as he ran away with Chelsea and Folker.