
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Special Division

At this time, Corin was in the Game Corner of Celadon City. He went into the bathroom area and looked at the surroundings. After he determined that there was no one else in sight.

In the bathroom area, there was a rectangular mirror and cubicles. He slightly lifted the rectangular mirror and pressed a button behind it.

Suddenly, an underground passage revealed itself from one of the cubicles. He then entered through the passage as it closed. This was just one of the secret passages on the way to Team Rocket's base.

He walked through the passage until he entered the main base. He saw a lot of people in black uniforms with red R symbols on their chests. They looked at Corin for a bit before they went on to their business.

Corin entered through one of the rooms and found a muscular man in Team Rocket uniform.

Currently, Corin's position in the organization is a Team Captain, which can be considered as a bigger grunt but still a grunt. He had a few subordinates under his command. His direct superior is the muscular man in front of him named Derek, an officer.

"How are you doing, my man?" Derek said with a laidback tone.

"I'm doing fine, I guess. As soon as I heard about the summon, I rushed all the way from Cinnabar Island. Care to give your brightest subordinate some leaks?" Corin replied with a smile.

"Still so straightforward, aren't you. Hmmmm... I don't know much. All I know is that you're getting transferred to another division" Derek replied with a somewhat troubled expression on his face.

"Say what now!? Why? Was my performance unsatisfactory? Did I offend someone I shouldn't have?" Corin replied as he frowned.

"Don't worry about it, boy. From what I know, it's supposed to be a promotion of some sort. It's just that I'm somewhat unwilling to lose such a good subordinate" Derek replied with a bitter smile.

"So, what's this division called, anyway?" Corin asked with a curious gaze.

"That, I don't know. You'll eventually know anyway so that's about it" Derek replied with a smile.

"Man, I hope my new superior isn't a bad guy" Corin said with a sigh.

"Come on, everyone here in Team Rocket is a bad guy. There's only worse and even worse here" Derek replied as he chuckled at Corin's words.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about" Corin replied as the corners of his eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, yeah. Well then, just step into the teleporter and you'll be there in no time" Derek said as he pointed towards a green circle in the corner of the room.

Corin looked at the teleporter for a while before he sighed. He then bid his farewells with Derek and stepped into the teleporter. As soon as he stood on the teleporter, his head suddenly felt a little bit dizzy as the world as he saw it started spinning wildly.

When it stabilized, he found out he was in another room that was somewhat dark. His eyes took a moment to adjust with the dark before he noticed there was a man in front of him.

The man is a tall, medium built, middle aged man. He had very short, flat, dark hair, and small dark eyes. He wore a long sleeved black shirt with a large V neck that shows off a white undershirt, black slightly baggy trousers, and black shoes.

'This man feels familiar' Corin thought to himself as the corners of his eyes narrowed when he looked at the man.

"Corin, I presume?" the man said as the corners of his lips curled up.

"That would be me, sir" Corin replied in a monotonous tone as he performed a salute in front of the man.

The man stepped forward for a bit, revealing a little bit more of his figure. When Corin saw a somewhat clear view of him, his eyes suddenly lit up!

When the man smiled earlier, he didn't feel anything with his smile. Now that he figured out the identity of the man in front of him, sweat started appearing from his forehead as he gulped nervously. His smile was still the same but now, it was terrifying to look at.

"Don't be so nervous. I won't do anything to you" the man said as he caressed something on his lap.

It was only now that Corin noticed that there was a pokemon sitting on the man's lap. He recognized that pokemon. He was now even more sure of the identity of the man in front of him.

"From the looks of your face, you seem to recognize me" the man said as he gently caressed the pokemon on his lap.

Corin hurriedly tried to recover from nervousness as he sweated, trying to think of a way he can get out of this situation.

"Ah, no. It's just that.. you look very familiar, sir" Corin replied as he gulped.

"I wonder, have you seen me before?" the man asked as he flashed out a smile.

"Are you.. the Gym Leader of Viridian City, Giovanni?" Corin asked without daring to look the man in the eyes.

"Indeed, that's me. From now on, you're my direct subordinate. I am Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket's special division" Giovanni said as he looked at Corin's figure.

'Special Division? Aren't you supposed to be the boss of Team Rocket? Aaaaah.. I see. No wonder only a few within the organization knew of the identity of the boss' Corin thought to himself in realization.

"Yes sir!" Corin replied with a stern voice.

"Do you have any questions?" Giovanni asked.

"Ah..What does the special division do, to be specific? I haven't heard of this division before" Corin asked.

"It's a secret division. As for what you do in this division, nothing" Giovanni said as he grinned from ear to ear.

'Nothing? Are you kidding me!?' Corin inwardly shouted as he secretly complained.

When Giovanni saw Corin's expression, he laughed.

'Those eyes of his, they appear to be submissive but underneath that appearance is an ambition. What an interesting young man' Giovanni thought to himself.