
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Rescue Operation 2

Currently, Folker, Chelsea, and Farlan are sneaking through the camp. The rescuers and the protectors separated from each other for better stealth during the operation.

"Two grunts are heading this way" Lucario said as it closed its eyes with its ears vibrating.

Folker and Chelsea looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They called out their pokemon from their pokeballs.



Scizor and Ivysaur let out a low cry as they appeared in front of Folker and Chelsea.

Before they commenced the Rescue Operation, their pokemon were instructed to be as silent as possible as soon as they came out of their pokeballs, especially for the rescuers and the protectors who were supposed to be sneaky.

They crouched silently, waiting for the two grunts to appear before they ambushed them.

"Here they come, in about 5 seconds" Lucario said with a low voice.

The two grunts were patrolling the camp when suddenly, one of them was knocked out with a punch on the head while the other was tied up by vines. The other grunt tried to scream but unfortunately, its mouth was also tied up, making his efforts fruitless.

Before they could even call out their pokemon to fight back, they were knocked out and stripped of their uniforms. Folker and Farlan wore the uniforms they stripped from the grunts.

Chelsea was supposed to wear the other one but she refused, saying that their uniforms were disgusting and dirty. Folker and Farlan could only helplessly sigh as they shook their heads.

Farlan's uniform appeared to be too tight for him since their body size didn't really match up but he would have to make do with what he had for now.

Folker then looked up and was lost in thought.

'They didn't even have the chance to take their pokemon out. It seems that being a pokemon trainer isn't really just about training pokemon. Trainers have to be ready for dangers too' Folker thought to himself as he rubbed his chin.

"Something on your mind?" Chelsea asked as she looked at Folker. He just shook his head and replied "Nothing. Let's go now"

After a few minutes of sneaking inside the camp, they met up with the rescuers and the protectors.

"Just up ahead is where the captives are imprisoned. They are guarded by 5 grunts but we should be able to take them out." A dojo member said.

Farlan sneakily looked at the grunts who were guarding the captives behind them. The captives were imprisoned in cages made of steel.

He didn't know whether the cages were already made in advance or they actually just made the cages in a hurry.

"We have to separate them." Farlan said as he rubbed his belly.

"You, you look like a real Team Rocket grunt. You'll act as a distraction and lure some of them out" Farlan said as he pointed to a Dojo member disguised as a grunt.

The Dojo member was taken aback and pointed at himself as he replied "Me? How do I do that?"

"Easy. Just show yourself, say help, and fall down as if you were unconscious. Grunts aren't really that smart to notice. Otherwise, they'd have long been promoted to higher positions. Unless we're really that unlucky to have run into a newbie but smart grunt whose talents were still in the dark" Farlan said with a smug expression.

The Dojo member then rubbed his chin for a while before he nodded in agreement.

"Just remember, don't be too loud. We don't want to attract any other Team Rocket member or our cover will be blown. Understood?" Farlan said as he looked at the Dojo members.

Shortly afterwards, a Dojo member disguised as a Team rocket grunt showed himself. He appeared to be struggling as he walked while gritting his teeth and held his elbow.

As if he just noticed the grunts nearby, he said "Help!" and immediately fell down.

Farlan saw the Dojo member's acting and silently gave him a thumbs up.

The grunts looked at each other for a while before two of them approached the Dojo member.

Unbeknownst to the grunts, however, was that there were Dojo members sneakily watching their every move.

Just when the grunts were about to touch the Dojo member's body, they felt an impact from the back of their heads as their minds blanked out.

The Protectors rushed forward with their pokemon and immediately attacked the remaining grunts before they could call out their pokemon.

Chelsea's Ivysaur wrapped their mouths with vines to prevent them from notifying the others.

The captives noticed their presence as their eyes gleamed with hope. Unfortunately, one of them was just too stupid to actually shout in excitement.

"OOOOH. FINALLY! SOME HELP-" one captive shouted as he looked at the protectors before he was smacked in the head by his neighboring captive.

"Are you stupid!? Look at them trying to be as silent as possible but you just had to ruin their efforts!" the neighboring captive scolded the earlier captive.

The earlier captive scratched the back of his head as his expression turned into that of an apologetic one.

Farlan facepalmed himself in disappointment as he looked at the captives before urging the rescuers to hurry up and break out the cages.

The rescuers checked the bodies of the unconscious grunts and searched for the keys. Unfortunately, the rescuers shook their heads in disappointment as they failed to find the keys.

"Just destroy the cages!"

"What about our pokemon?"

"Let's worry about them when we're out of this cage"

Meanwhile, Koichi just nodded in approval as he looked at the Dojo members. He didn't say anything and just silently waited for them to break him out of his cage.

"Leave it to me" Chelsea said as she called out Charmeleon out of its pokeball.


"Charmeleon, use [Fire Fang]" Chelsea said as she pointed at the cages.

"Let me help" Lucario said as it sent [Aura Sphere] on the cages.

Shortly afterwards, the cages were broken as the captives hurriedly escaped from the cages.

Suddenly, Lucario's ears vibrated and said "Enemies incoming! There are about 20 of them!"

"So they did find us out. Hurry! We'll take them to battle" Farlan said as he rubbed his belly.