
Chapter 9

Shadow shifted uncomfortably under the champion's stern gaze, curling his fingers around Houndoom's pokeball as it warmed comfortingly.

The silence stretched longer until Cynthia sighed tiredly and crossed her arms.

"Are you going to tell me why you were so far away from headquarters?"

Shadow snorted, muttering under his breath, "Not my fault they're so incompetent." In the face of her arched eyebrow, he just turned away, lip almost, almost curled into a pout.

It was times like these that the champion was reminded that despite his prodigious talent as a trainer, he was still first and foremost, a child. One that was lacking a proper childhood, family, and friends, well human ones at least. That thought made her heart squeeze uncomfortably and a feeling twinged in her chest, shouting at her to be noticed.

She ignored it, pushing it down where it couldn't influence her decisions, at least, that's what she told herself as she spoke up before the silence could continue for too long, "I never knew you had a past with Team Galactic."

It was spoken casually, like a passing thought, but they both knew that was a question she desperately wanted answered, they could both feel the accusation, question, and threat the simple sentence carried.

But Shadow just scoffed, brushing it off as casually as it was mentioned, "You don't know anything about me."

Cynthia leaned forward, steepling her fingers together on the desk as she stared at the young boy, "True, very true. So tell me, Shadow," she emphasized the last word as she cocked her head, "will you finally tell me your name?"

Silence. The silence was stifling as he stared, expressionless, at the champion in front of him. He had tensed up, fingers clenched in a death grip around Houndoom's pokeball. Though they both knew he would get destroyed in a battle right now, he took comfort in the familiar heat surrounding the fire type's capsule.

Their gazes were locked together, steel gray clashing with blazing orange, both waiting for the other to cave in an intense staring contest.

Shadow's back was facing the door, Cynthia directly facing it. Only one of them saw it as a police officer raced to the door, panic written on his face. It wasn't Shadow.

The door slammed open, causing the unsuspecting youth to jump in alarm, eyes snapping to the intruder. When he verified it wasn't a threat, he turned his attention back to Cynthia, just in time to see the smug smirk gracing her lips.

At that, his lips curled into a petulant scowl, not bothering to hide his feelings as he grumbled under his breath, "cheater."

That only made her smirk more pronounced as she turned her attention to the alarmed officer, "what's wrong," her calm voice soothed the officer as he managed to spit out a sentence.

"It's Team Rocket," he gasped, leaning on the doorway as he fought to regain his breath, "they're here."

Time slowed to a stop for the young trainer as his thoughts sped up. He could barely see as the champion of Sinnoh murmured to the officer, his vision was clouded in pure white terror as memories of his youth assaulted him. He could barely hear the words spoken to him over the thundering and swift pounding of his heartbeat.

They didn't seem to notice as his breath sped up and he started shaking, wrapping his arms around himself protectively. But why would they? Even if they did, they probably wouldn't care. No one ever did. He didn't, wouldn't, ever forget that. His whole life was based on a single concept.

Humans couldn't be trusted.

He broke out of his trance as the champion left, leaving him in the hands of a terrified officer. He mentally snorted, if they knew of his connection to the leader of Team Rocket, they wouldn't leave him so easily.

Shadow reined in his emotions as the officer turned to him, he was older, more mature. He wouldn't let a childhood trauma control his life. And he would never show weakness. That was drilled into him before he could even walk, and was just reinforced as time went on.

So his face was completely blank as he met the eyes of the officer, which turned out not to actually be one.

After a confirmatory examination of him and a glance over his shoulder to make sure they were alone, he straightened up and rapped his fist to his chest in a salute.

"Young master, it's good to see you're okay," with those words, his other hand reached into a pocket and pulled out a necklace with the red rocket R proudly gleaming on the end. The rocket grunt disguised as an officer draped it over his gloved hand so the right side was facing Shadow before handing it to him.

Shadow hesitated, considering the offering before reaching out and skimming the cool metal surface. A pause, then he scooped it up by the chain and looped it over his head, meeting the rocket's eyes as it rested comfortably on his collarbone.

The grunt lowered his eyes immediately when the necklace settled, "the boss has seen your skill and invites you back into the ranks, young master."

Shadow tilted his head as he spoke, "unfortunately, all but one of my pokemon are in the possession of the champion right now."

"Don't worry young master, the boss is personally going to get your pokemon back."

"Well then," he drawled, "I suppose I am getting tired of the scenery."

With a flash of light, Houndoom exploded from his ball, smashing into one of the walls and obliterating the cell.

Shadow walked out, squinting against the blinding light as he returned Houndoom. He mentally snorted as he thought about how two wanted organizations had managed to easily infiltrate the police. They seriously needed to up their game. It was pathetic really. The rocket grunt had left and his necklace was tucked safely out of view under his shirt. He was just a normal kid.

Maybe this story would've turned out differently if any of the bystanders stopped to question why this random 8 year-old kid was nonchalantly walking out of a burning wall with a hole in it. But no one did.

Though he did garner a few odd looks.

OMG! So sorry for the long wait! I just started high school and I'm really stressed right now. Ugh I'm such a procrastinator, if any of you have tips for high school, I'm all ears! I need it. Anyway, thank you all for sticking with this so far, and sorry again for the wait.

drakncreators' thoughts