
Pokemon: The Rise Of Vampire

A young man died by a truck while saving a girl. The young man finds himself in a void and he can't feel his body, The man tries to find where he was but can't because everywhere is darkness, The man thinks about his life on earth and how his mother died from cancer and how hard life was without her. Abruptly in the void, a portal appeared, and a figure appeared out of nowhere. A figure emerges and takes the form of a beautiful woman. ************ Note: English is not my native language, if you find grammar errors in my novel, please don't mind, I will correct my Grammarly mistake or you can point out those mistakes. Disclaimer: Pokemon does not belong to me, only the OC and MC are mine.

Aayann_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Meeting Lusamine

Aeris: Luna, how I am supposed to leave this place?

[ Luna: You are in a special spatial drift; you are here because of your body reconstruction process. You will be going through dimensional travel to break the barrier of spatial drift and enter the Pokémon world, so your body will be in an unconscious state for some time to balance and adapt to the atmosphere of the Pokémon world.

I advise you to put your wristlet in your hand to make people believe that you have a storage accessory, so you don't have to keep your secret that you have interpersonal storage. ]

Aeris: Thanks, Luna, for your answer and advice. I quickly searched for the wristlet and it appeared in my right hand. It's a black wristlet, and it looks good on my hand. Luna starts the process of dimensional travel.

I quickly brought Riolu back into the Pokeball and the Pokeball vanished through my hand to the wristlet.

[Luna: OK, Aegis, get ready; you'll be doing dimensional travel and your body will be in an unconscious state for a while.]


[ Initiating... dimensional


The host body will be in an unconscious state while


Suddenly, my vision became blurred and I lost consciousness.




Lusamine pov

Lusamine: 'I am the president of the Aether Foundation in the Alola region. My husband passed away a year ago while on a mission to attempt and link to the ultra wormhole, but as we seldom ever communicate with one another, it has no impact on my life. He never really had a moment for his family because he was always working on research. I have a young son named Gladion who is about 7 years old and a young daughter named Lily who is about 5 and a half years old. Since they are constantly in my and our butler Hobbes' care, they don't have a strong attachment to their father. '

My office door suddenly opens, and Faba, the second in command of headquarters, walks in with a tense expression while I'm presently reviewing some documents there.

Faba: President, we sense a dimensional fluctuation in the Melemele island and we can detect a very strong dimensional crack slowly appearing there.

Lusamine: Quickly alert the teams that are there and you come with me. We have to be serious. It can be an ultra beast.

Faba: OK, president.

Some moments later, we arrive at the location of the dimensional crack. It appears a lot smaller than last time when an ultra beast appeared through it.

Faba: President, we can sense the fluctuations increasing. I think at any time the crack will open. All the necessary procedures are ready for the ultra beast.

Lusamine: Good Faba, now we have to wait.

Suddenly, the crack opens and a human boy of around 7 or 8 years comes through it, and the crack discloses as if nothing exists there.

Aegis: When I regained consciousness, I saw blue sky and forest around me, as well as some people in skinny white dresses staring at me as if I were some exotic species. I stood up and walked to their location to learn more about where I was and who they were, but my entire body ached and I collapsed to the ground.

"Hey!" Are you okay? " A female voice exclaimed as the sound of footsteps approached my location.

Aegis slowly looked up and saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that reached her hips. She has pale skin, emerald green eyes, and wavy blonde hair. Her attire consisted of a lab coat that fit her slender figure.

"Hey, answer me!" The woman(Lusamine) exclaimed with concern as she approached the strange platinum-blond-haired boy, only to feel some energy leaking out of his body.

" C-Calm down, I'm fine."

-said Aegis with a faint smile.

Lusamine admired the youngster's good looks with his milky white skin, red emerald eyes, and well carved face with some childlike traits. However, her expression instantly changed when she saw the boy faint.

Lusamine sighed and then shook her head before asking for assistance and bringing the youngster to the Ather paradise for hospital treatment.

Lusamine: Wicke, how is the boy's condition now, and can you tell me about the energy that is leaking through the boy's body?

Wicke: He is fine, and I believe the energy that escaped was psychic and aura energy as a result of overflow.

Lusamine: keep checking on the boy and remind me when he regains consciousness.

Wicke: Yes, president.

* * * *

Aegis slowly opened his eyes and noticed how he was in a strange room full of strange devices-"Ugh, where am I?"

"You're awake!" exclaimed the blonde woman as she ran in his direction when she saw how the boy got up.

"You," muttered Aegis as he saw the beautiful blonde woman. -

"You're the woman who helped me."

"My name is Lusamine," replied the beautiful woman as she looked worriedly at the silver-haired boy. "Are you alright?"

As I saw her in the anime, I know she is the president of the Ather Foundation, thought Aegis. That means I am on Alola Island.

"Yes," Aegis replied, as he shook his head and looked carefully at the woman. She was beautiful, and even though her body was not voluptuous and her breasts were not big, it didn't overshadow her overall beauty-"Thank you very much for helping me. My name is Aegis Vampir. "

Lusamine nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Aegis ."

"What region are you from?" Lusamine asked curiously, " And what are your

age? "

Aegis: I don't know where I am from, but when I regained consciousness I was in a space-like place with a Pokeball and a pokemon egg. My age is 6 years old.

Lusamine: Ohh... so where are the Pokeball and the egg and do you know about your memories of your past?

Aegis: They are in this wristlet. I already have this thing, and I think it's a storage device. Then I retrieved the Pokemon egg in the incubator through inventory and showed it that I retrieved it from my wristlet. As for my memories, I didn't recall anything about my past other than my name.

* * * * *

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