
Pokemon: The Parallel World

A teenager on the verge of suicide transmigrates into a younger version of himself in a parallel world where Pokemon exist. Follow his journey! The story starts off slow so please give it time to develop DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon. I do not own the cover either.

TwistedUExile · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14 - Starter Revealed

"Xavier Xavier," Blake said

I couldn't hear Blake calling my name I was too busy thinking of ways to beat my brother in the future.

"Xavier" Adam yelled

I jumped out of my seat seeing everybody was staring at me" SORRY I was thinking about something" I apologize

"HAHAHAHAAHAAHAH no problem it looks like Blake wanted to ask you something," Travis said

While Travis was laughing it off Rebecca saw the look in the kid's eyes she saw past the scar on his face and saw the look in his eyes. As a battle maniac herself she knew all too well those eyes were ready for battle.

'Interesting' she thought.

"Yeah what did you want," I said looking at Blake

"Did you forget that we were going to show each other starter pokemon?" Blake asked in an annoyed tone

"Sorry go ahead first" I responded with an honest smile on my face.

"Brother you shouldn't smile it make look scary," Jade said.

"Hahahahaha" everybody started to laugh even Blake.

"You brat" I yelled causing Jade to hide behind dad with an innocent look on her face.

"Anyway come out Magby," Blake said a small red pokemon with a yellow stomach and red curly hair appeared in my sight glowing blue.

Pokemon: Magby

Rank: Beginner

Potential: Elite

Type: Fire 

Abilities: Flame Body

Gender: Male

"Mag Mag" Magby screamed as he came out he looked at its surroundings and when it saw Blake it ran up to him and started to pat his stomach signaling it was hungry.

"How many pounds of food did you already eat look at you," Blake said pissed off.

" Ha ha" Travis and Zack laughed

"What a cute pokemon," Jade said

"Yeah "Adam agreed

Travis looked at Magby and then started to whisper something in Rebecca's ear after a few seconds she nodded.

"Blake as you know your Litleo egg was used to help family relations and was a great merit for the family," Travis said seriously.

"As you know Magby has one regular evolution and one special evolution which needs a Magmarizer, so as head I will give you this item once your Magby evolves also we will send you fire type poke block while you are in trainer school," Travis said.

Blake was shocked it was no secret how expensive a Magmarizer was and how hard it was to find he did know the family did get one for his grandma Magmar, but since she was done being a pokemon trainer it had just been sitting there.

" Thank you family head," Blake said.

"Didn't I tell you to call me uncle?" Travis said.

" Thank you, Uncle," Blake said.

"That's more like it," Travis said with a smile.

"Hey boy show us your starter," Rebecca said breaking the bonding moment

"Oh yeah right come out Honedge," I said taking a Pokeball out of my pocket.

As Honedge looked around the room when he saw Magby so he Shadow Sneak Behind him.


Magby jumped on Blake looking like a scared cat, Honedge giggled and was bout to chase but then he saw Travis and Rebecca he felt he wasn't looking at humans, but monsters he rushed back and hid behind me.


"Wow a Honedge and it's shiny," Zack said

"Interesting where did you get the egg," Rebecca said in a suspicious tone.

"Well my brother got it from a local breed house he was really lucky," Jade said proudly

" Wait the local breed has Honedge eggs, impossible they are so rare the only way to even get one is from a secret realm and that's if your lucky, and those are not even eggs," Zack said shocked.

"Actually" I explained what happen to them while that was happening Honedge and Magby were playing around. After I was finished most of them had expressions that would make you die of laughter even Blake.

Blake looked at this friend in shock and wondered if he was some god of luck son or something,

Travis looked at the Honedge and started to think about the explosion and Orbettle the other day and knew this was not a coincidence,


As we walked to the Medbay to find Noah we ran into some familiar people.

"It has been a long time Travis," Jim said reaching in for a handshake while Mark and Jack said hi.

"Yes it has Jim," Travis said shaking his hand

"Good to see you, Rebecca"

Rebecca just nodded,

Jim looked around when he saw my dad he was shocked because it was someone he didn't recognize and he was walking with the Taylor Family he heard rumors about Smith Family coming from Toronto to visit.

"HI my name JIm Grier I'm the leader of Speed Hound Group(SHG) "Jim said in a respectful tone.

Adam was shocked after all he was just a civilian " Hi my name is Adam Sabre nice to meet you" Adam responded

"You're the father of Noah Sabre " Jim trying to play off the embarrassment.

"Yes Noah is my oldest," Adam said

" Little bro you came" a man screamed out of nowhere.

Looking in the direction of where the scream came from I two people coming toward us one of them I instantly recognize as Trent but the other was somebody that I was meeting the first time Bernard Taylor. He looked like Trent but his hair was shorter and his eyes were orange. As they got closer I could see Blake who was next to me shaking in anger, but Rebecca patted his shoulder calming him down.

"Ha ha Rebecca, Jim You also came," Bernard said arriving in front of us.

"Congratulations," Jim said respectfully after all even though he and Bernard are both 4-star trainers he was part of the Taylor family.

As Bernard looked around he notices the bracelet on Blake's hand " So you decide to become a trainer so you took the Eevee" Bernard said.

Blake didn't answer and just put his head down.

"I'm in a good mood today, so I will give you any elemental stone you need after all with your egg we were able to get the Flecthling," Blake said

I notice that Mark had a smug smile on his face, But Trent was nonchalant like he didn't even care about this it got me thinking of what my brother said about the situation that the problem doesn't stem from Trent, but his mother Victora.

Victoria Taylor came from a wealthy family and her and Bernard's marriage was arranged so the Taylors would receive large amounts of money and her family would get protection. Everything was looking good for the couple after all even if they didn't love each other Bernard was guaranteed to be the future head at the time with this marriage. Everything changed after Bernard's indiscretion she lost the baby that was in her stomach at the time which caused her to believe that Blake is one to blame for her baby's death. She threw a tantrum which caused Benard to lose his position as family head and support from the family. Now the only support he gets is from his wife's family, so you could say he will do anything to make her happy.

"He won't need such a thing," Rebbeca said

"Oh really don't tell me you're trying to get an Umbreon or Espeon," Bernard said looking at Blake with an evil smile on his face.

"I don't think that Eevee has enough potential to evolve in those directions it's better for me to get you a leaf stone so at least it has some prospect" Bernard continued.

"You idiot he won't need it because he doesn't have an Eevee," Rebecca said with a smile.

Bernard looked like he was hearing things after all he was the one who picked the egg himself and made sure that they presented it to Blake as his only choice.

"Go ahead show him," Rebecca said smugly

Blake smiled and released Magby shocking everyone in the hall.

"Mag Mag"

Trent and Grier's looked at Magby in stunned, while Bernard looked pissed.

"Brother wasn't egg supposed to go to NAU for them to study it," Bernard asked confused and angry.

"It was but mom decided to give it to him instead after all it was her choice anyway" Travis answered.

"What a good pokemon congratulations," Trent said with a smile.

"Thank you," Blake said coldly like his normal self, but I could tell that he jumping with joy inside.

"He he he how about we join yall" ??? said.

I turn around to see Hugo and Noah standing behind a tall dark-skinned man with brown hair, and black eyes, he had a navy jacket on with an NAU emblem on it and a 4-star bracelet on.

"Oh I didn't expect to see you here Mason," Blake said while all the adults nodded to the man.

Mason Davis the head of the FortBend NAU office.

Mason nodded back then replied " Of course, I have to be here after all I came to meet the family of our new GPP participant" looking at Noah.

Everybody in the hall was looking at Noah with interest after all they all saw that battle and knew he was talented.

Jack looked at Noah angrily and thought to himself 'Now that he is part of the NAU I can't touch him fuck'!

Mason approached Adam " You must be Mr.Sabre I would like to thank you for letting your son join our program as you know we will be moving you to the NAU house in the middle area I was wondering will you and your family be ready tomorrow morning," Mason said.

"uhhhhh everything happening so fast but we will be ready tomorrow morning," Adam said happily.

"Guess MY work here is done Noah your sponsor said she will visit you with some pokemon to choose from in the coming days so don't worry about it," Mason said leaving after with Hugo following.

" I guess that's our cue to leave so we can start packing," I said worriedly because of all the people who were staring at us.

"I guess it's time for us to go," Adam said picking up Jade with his one arm.

"Wait young one who sponsoring you," Travis asked.

I was shocked he asked Noah after all this whole time he looked at him as just a talented child and not a threat but now the tone of his voice is more serious than it has been the whole day.

" It's Ms.Gray" Noah turned around and answered.

"he he I was going try to poach you, but it seems that you have a real talented sponsor you should get going," Travis said smiling giving his congrats.

"Thank you," Noah said as we all started to walk out.

"Uncle Aunt I will be heading home too," Blake said

Travis and Rebecca nodded, so Blake put Magby back and left.

"Do you think Noah is really that talented? " Jim asked

"Yes," Travis said.

"It looks like yall have two new rivals," Rebecca said.

" Two" Trent and Zack said confused

"He and his brother," Rebbecca said.

"Any way Jim do you have information on the Purple Mask," Travis asked.

"I first thought he was part of another family because he only targeted groups affiliated with you and not them, but I believe he might be part of some criminal organization that has a grudge against yall" Jim replied

"How about his strength he was able to go toe-on-toe with Travis Charizard," Rebbeca stated a little angry.

" Well I don't really know the detail when it comes to his strength we can assume that Crobat was his strongest pokemon seeing as that the pokemon he use when he was in a pinch against some of the stronger groups". Jim replied.

"If that case what gives him the courage to threaten us we will crush him," Bernard said and everybody agreed to expect Travis.

'I don't think it is that simple it means he must have a powerful backer or he is still hiding a pokemon' Travis thought.