
Pokemon: The Orayen Tales

A journey of a Prince, his little Princess, and their companions in the world of Pokemon. Warnings: • Do not expect a canon Storyline. • AU. • There may and may not be (Poke)Game Elements. • A few OCs. • No Reincarnation or SI. • INCEST! Release Schedule: Not specified (On a Hiatus. One Piece FanFic is active right now.) If I have some free time on my hands, I might write a chapter on the other days of the week as well. Discord: https://discord.gg/t2gPEt3 P.S The Cover does not belong to me.

FateDevilAce · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Pokemon (Spoilers)

As of Chapter 99...

♤ Aizen's Pokemon;

On Hand:

1. ?? (Lyla)

2. Shiny Eevee (Rinko)

3. Mega Metagross (Dexter)

4. Mega Salamance (Sky)

5. Mega Pidgeot (Aerius)

6. Bulbasaur

7. Shiny Magikarp

8. Lapras

9. Elekid (Elektra)

10. Gengar

11. Togepi

12. Nidoran

At Blanc Island:

13. Scyther

14. Golbat

15. Onix

16. Machoke (Chopper)

17. Aerodactyl

18. Rhyhorn

19. Arcanine (Archie)

20. Wartortle

Total Pokemon: 20

Officially Registered: 20

On Hand Limit (Roster): 12


♤ Anira's Pokemon;

On Hand:

1. Blissey (Bliss)

At Blanc Island:

2. Mega Garchomp

3. Espeon

4. Glaceon

5. Umbreon

6. Sylveon

7. Leafeon

8. Flareon

9. Vaporeon

10. Jolteon

Total Pokemon: 10

Officially Registered: 0

On Hand Limit (Roster): 1 (Non-Combat)


♡ Leaf's Pokemon;

On Hand:

1. Miltank

2. Charmander (Igneel)

3. Pichu

4. Nidoran

5. Pinsir

6. Bulbasaur

7. Swablu

8. Ponyta

At Blanc Island:

9. Exeggutor

10. Pidgeot

11. Lileep

12. Weepinbell

13. Bellossom

14. Duskull

15. Staryu

16. Magnezone

17. Tauros

18. Lotad

19. Floette (Fiona)

Total Pokemon: 19

Officially Registered: 19

On Hand Limit (Roster): 8


♡ Misty's Pokemon;

On hand:

1. Doduo

2. Houndour

3. Horsea

4. Rapidash

5. Onix

6. Jolteon

7. Slowpoke

8. Goldeen

At Cerulean Gym/Blanc Island:

9. Starmie

10. Poliwrath

11. Blastoise

12. Politoed

13. Tauros

14. Gyarados (Nyla)

15. Golduck

16. Misdreavus

17. Krabby

Total Pokemon: 17

Officially Registered: 17

On Hand Limit (Roster): 8


♡ Sabrina's Pokemon;

On hand:

1. Diancie (Diana)

2. Mega Alakazam

3. Delphox

4. Regice

5. Aerodactyl

6. Archeops

7. Dragonite

8. Ampharos

9. Hydreigon

10. Altaria

11. Magby

12. Cryogonal

At Juniper's Lab:

13. Charizard x2





Total Pokemon: 34

Officially Registered: 34

On Hand Limit (Roster): 12

The info will be updated with every new addition to the Teams.

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