
Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline

Volume 3 unleashes a relentless Jordan, fueled by unwavering determination, on a mission to crush Giovanni and supercharge his team. Will this surge of power be enough to thwart Giovanni, the indomitable Team Rocket leader? As the ominous Quartz Conference looms, can Jordan conquer both adversaries? Brace yourself for the high-stakes battles in Pokemon: The Darkest Timeline, Volume 3 – where every page pulses with electrifying action!

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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114 Chs


This room was dim lit with scientists positioned at each side of the room, each engrossed with their own duties rather than the containment tube in the center which was holding a Pokemon.

Mewtwo... was what they called it, obtained from the cells of Mew which led to a question.

Who was Mew? Mew was the creator of all regular Pokemon in the world and It was a god amongst regular Pokemon.

What was a god? A god Pokemon is a Pokemon higher in power than even a legendary Pokemon, It was a Pokemon that had played part in the creation of the world today.

Humans as greedy as they were are actually trying to create their own god Pokemon.

Mewtwo viewed humans as despicable creatures, each and every thing that they did had a motive behind it and the motive was always bad.

They deserved to be wiped out in a mass genocide as the planet would only be free when they left but... the question that scrambled it's mind was whether all humans deserved to be subjected to that cruel fate.

Did all humans really deserve to die? She wasn't sure about that. After all, The person that hired the Scientists to create her of course had his own motive but there was a person with white... no silver hair and deep blue eyes that didn't seem to have a perfect motive.

When he had visited the lab a month ago when she was still more or less a child, He didn't seem to have any particular motive when he came but humans changed right?

She had to find out for herself if this man was truly as motiveless as he seemed to be or he didn't have a slight interest in her, No, There was no human that wouldn't want a god Pokemon under their belt.

But the silver haired man who had come alongside the boss had seemed to be more obsessed with Charizards than everything, he clearly mentioned that each and every Charmander had the potential to ascend into godhood.

Mewtwo didn't know why but she felt a pang of jealousy erupt from her heart when he mentioned it. It was like he completely disregarded her but he let out some words to the tube where she was contained of course when the boss or the scientists weren't there.

"Both you and I know that you have the power to leave here," The man had said while shrugging, "We both know that you hate humans very much, I can see it in your eyes and in the way you look at them in spite and I'm not going to say I'm not like them after all you wouldn't believe me, We are humans but not all humans are to be hated, People can change for the better,"

With that, The man had left. He had told her that he wasn't going to say he was like them after all, He was just human but he hadn't said he was like them either.

She herself knew that he wasn't a saint, He wouldn't be in this criminal organization if he was a Saint but she couldn't help but respect him. 

"Alright Mewtwo, Wake up, We're going to put this armor on you," A scientist said.

Alas Mewtwo woke up, Her little day dream of meeting that intriguing young man was instantly crushed by the Scientist and ripples went through the liquid in her chamber.

Her eyes snapped open, glowing red for a moment with murderous rage and then turning azure, bright azure. She had to figure out for herself, She was done being a subject, her body was complete. The armor would just be a restrainment so she didn't care.

With a power far beyond any Psionic, Mewtwo struck the walls of her chamber with nothing but the power of Psychic energy. The material used to build the chamber was enforced with the power of Dark type Pokemon, but her resolve shone through.

A crack... two cracks... three cracks... four cracks... five cracks.... a hundred cracks. The chamber burst open and revealed Mewtwo in her full glory, shining brilliantly. Blue aura burst to life around her as she opened her right palm, revealing a bright ball of draconic energy.

Her inner power lay far too dormant within but she could destroy the Island with nothing less than this attack. She believed it was to be called Draco Meteor.

The data on it was complete but alas the process to stabilize the energy was nothing more than rotten food on a platter. The Draconic energy she produced was rough and powerful, but Dragons produced much more balanced forms of Draconic energy only releasing a rough and powerful sort of energy during the Outrage attack.

She had stayed far too long... Her eyes shining and meeting the eyes of a certain Professor with a bald head.

'Goodbye, Professor Fuji!' She let out telepathically and the Professor nodded. She couldn't kill everyone in the lab lest Professor Fuji got hurt... Why? Because he was the one that showed care and compassion to her...

She sucked in the draconic energy and instead broke through the ceiling of the Underground lab traveling at incredible speed.

As if she would be let to escape just like that, She had hoped that would be the case but it wasn't. Two powerful Pidgeots were closing in on her with incredible speed, She wasn't too far away from the Island and she had to get as far away as she could.

A bright crackle of lightning burst to life in her fists as she turned to her assailants, fully prepared to take them on.

Mewtwo stumbled into an Island on the far depths of the Kanto Region, her eyes glued on finding the impressive aura signature as she was sure it was the same one as before.

Her body was scratched and wounded, even if she had all the moves in the world, Her battle experience was still null so there was no way she would emerge from that fight unharmed, In fact, It was a miracle she had survived.

She was limping now, a bit of blood pouring from her injured stomach. She just had to... find him, She had to...

"You look like you need treatment," A voice said behind her and she turned around in shock, She hadn't even sensed it. 

As she looked at the person, Her eyes lit up with recognition as this was the interesting man from long ago and he had found her...


Author's Note:

I'm Back guys and this is Volume 3, a bunch of crazy shit is going to happen here but I'm sure you'll like it and now to the very important question that I need everyone to answer.

If I hadn't updated this book... Would you guys have gone on a riot?

I guess I'll fix up the Harem page in a little while