
Pokemon: The Cult Leader System

Alex, A Hard-core Pokemon fan who have watched every season, movie and even hent*i of pokemon somehow get reincarnated as Ash ketchup just the day before his journey starts. Oh and, he also got a cult leader system that let him make a harem cult of his own. With such legendary system, what will he do? Of course, he will fulfill his childhood dream— To Make the biggest harem in whatever way possible and be the strongest. ### This will be wishfulfillment! ### Conform Believer's Number: 16 ### This is only for the strong hearted as there will be a lot of fucked up things presented in the story. The Main Character, Ash (alex) will be Chaotic evil from the start and the reason? no reason causes just want to fulfill everything he want to do without any hindrance so, if you don't like such protagonists, then This is not for you and even after this, you spam review saying he's unreasonably evil then I'll delete it. ### Support this fic on patreon for it to continue, link is below; patreon.com/LordRedEx Leave A Tip If You Like The Story; buymeacoffee.com/GodlyMadara

AlmightyAzor · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Illogical Daisy!

After about 3 hours, at 10 AM in the morning, we finally reach the entrance of Viridian City.

"Finally, we reached Viridian City," Daisy said as she huffed because we only rested a couple of times.

"Yeah," I said as we started to walk, but as we were about to pass a police booth, we heard a shout.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!" A woman's voice came from behind us as we passed the station. Upon hearing it, we both stopped and looked behind with confused faces.


"STOP RIGHT THERE!!" A woman's voice came from behind us as we passed the station. Upon hearing it, we both stopped and looked behind with confused faces.

As I looked behind me, I spotted a beautiful woman with sky blue curly hair, a policewoman extending her hand and showing the stop sign.

But as I looked at her, I could see a tint of redness on her face. From the look of it, it seemed to be from my attractive face.

'Damn, attractive faces are really the most important thing for a man, as women always tend to judge men based on their appearance,' I thought as I looked at the blushing Jenny.

"What is it, Officer Jenny?" I said, making a confused expression on my face as I looked at her with a slight tilt.

"Are you both trainers?" she said.

"Yeah?" Daisy said, albeit confusedly.

"Well, recently, there have been two Pokémon thieves around Viridian City...!" She couldn't finish her words as Daisy intervened.

"So, you're saying you're suspecting us? You know, I'm the granddaughter of Professor Oak, so why would I even bother with thievery?" she said as she showed Jenny her Pokémon trainer ID, which shocked her a little as she hadn't seen the granddaughter of Professor Oak for a long time.

"S-sorry for suspecting you two to be thieves!" she said, bowing her head. She knew that if Daisy complained about it to her grandpa, Professor Oak, and Oak used a little bit of pressure on the police department, they would have no choice but to kick her out of her job as a police officer. That's something that the little Jenny didn't want, so she just bowed her head at a 90° angle in hopes of appeasing Daisy.

"Hah, okay," Daisy said as she looked the other way.

In the meantime, while she was looking away, I winked at Jenny with a smile, which made her whole face red.

As I smiled at her, she blushed heavily, then placed her hands inside her pocket and took out a small piece of paper, handing it to me while Daisy was looking away.

I didn't reject her kindness as I took it with a smile, which just made her blush even more deeply.

'Damn, it seems that the attribute point I got from the system is really helpful. I bagged Officer Jenny's number with just a wink and a smile,' I thought as I smiled.

And as I was about to wave my hand to say goodbye, Daisy took my hand and led me away.

"Let's go, Ash! If I stay here for another minute, it will just irritate me," she said in an annoyed tone.

"Well, you don't have to be so annoyed, Daisy. She's just doing her work," I said, trying to calm her down.

"So you're taking her side over me, huh!?" she said, which irritated me a lot. I don't like being in a submissive position, and I don't like this type of behavior in women as they always try to get control over you and guilt-trip you using this same dirty line.

"Tch, so what if I am, huh? If you are this annoying of a person, then I'd rather go alone. I don't want an annoying, irritating partner," I said in an annoyed tone as she seemed taken aback and looked down.

"Now don't try to guilt-trip me. I hate that the most. Tch," I said, looking at the downcast Daisy, who stopped looking down and then looked at me.

"So, I can't even be sad nor complain that you're siding with a woman you just met over me?" she said, on the verge of crying.

"I'm saying this over and over again that I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm just being logical. You're just being illogical now," I said.

Hearing me, she just got silent. We didn't even talk on the way to the Pokémon Center of Viridian City.

'Tch, it seems I was too soft on her,' I thought with annoyance as I looked at the silent Daisy.

'But it would be a pity to leave her just like that for such a stupid reason, so how about I use my own comforting way?' I thought with a grin.

Then I grabbed her shoulder, closed the distance, and grabbed her chin so that she looked at me in the eyes.

"Are you angry with me?" I said, looking into her eyes as she nodded her head and then looked away.

"Well, I'm not the type of person that will do anything and everything to make you happy again, but I can do something to improve your mood," I said. She looked at me confusedly, but I just grinned from ear to ear, which made her eyes widen in surprise as she got the idea of what I was referring to when I said that.

Then I held her hands tightly, took her away to the Pokémon Center that was just a few seconds away from us, and then booked a room there before I fucked her to improve her mood again.


(Too much sexual scene, so I just skipped over. Though don't worry, as after some chapters now, there will be a lot of sexual scenes with your favorite character, which you liked the most in the character illustration chapter in the auxiliary page, the one and only, your favorite Jessie. Look forward to it.)

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