
Pokemon: The Continuation of a Dream

A content creater with multiple talents after reading his script to go over his hardcore nuzelocke, looked at his channel to see a milestone reached. With dopamine rushing through his system he took a break watching the episode "Distant Blue Sky!". With all types of different emotion swelling due to the end of Ash's journey, his channel growth and the small message left by the recently watched episode. He went to sleep with a small incident. Unaware of his destined fate becoming a certain blue haired boy. Sunny Haruto...

Shogunate · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Shopping Trip [4]

"Of course, honey, just tell me what you need!" She instantly replied.

Heading into the store my only goals were two types of Pokeballs while the rest could be ignored. Fortunately enough this is a mall that wouldn't have a store there unless it had quality and quantity together.

There were Pokeballs with designs I never recognised from the games, but this didn't matter.

Ignoring everything else in the shop, I dragged my mother with me to the counter.

A man in his 20s was currently situated there and showed a fake smile as we approached. Getting up to him I did a simple greeting.

"Hello, sir! I'd like to know if you are selling Premier Balls and Friend Balls?"

The man hearing this just nods.

Friend ball is pretty explainable as it increases initial friendship and is a must for me. I'd rather have a good relationship off the bat than spend time bonding while on a time-crunching journey.

Catch Pokemon = Instant Friendship = Will Listen = Training and Battles

But Premier Ball?

Sh*t just looks cool and has a clean feeling.

That's all to it...

"We sure do, a premier ball goes for 125₱ and a friend ball is 350₱. How many are you looking for?" He asked. Hearing this I just nod and ask to buy two of each which makes the total amount spent on this 850₱.

"How much is a Luxury ball." I couldn't help but ask. The man getting a wide smirk seemingly heard this question many times.

"10,000₱ off the rip." 

Seeing his cheeky smirk I squinted my eyes a little. Ignoring that little interaction I took my card out to pay for the Pokeballs.

Before I got to pay though, my mother went beside me.

"I'll be paying!"

Holding my shoulder, she pushed me to the side a little as she had a card of her own in her hand.

Still confused by the speed a bit, a bag suddenly entered my hand as I was already being dragged by my mother.

"Don't spend your money, Sunny. Let your mother pay until you leave."

Looking at her do a mother's signature hand-on-cheek pose, I couldn't help but have a dumbfounded face. While I'm grateful as much as a person can be, I'm already free-loading a lot I felt kind of bad.

To be fair I am their son now.

"Thanks," I respond somewhat shyly.


Going around we went to different shops to buy stuff for my starter. Purchasing items such as multiple tiny beds (for Pokemon), pillows, mats, towels, a grooming kit and a month's worth of basic Pokemon food not specific for any type. 

Interestingly enough the grooming kit had a brush, scissors, grooming gloves and a toothbrush with different angled tips. 

I'll take my time to learn about that as having a clean Pokemon is a must for a semi-clean freak like me.

"I've overheard some trainers say that buying a specific Pokemon type food can change a Pokemon's preference, and harm them later on if they have two types. So let's stick to this for now." Sue says energised with a sort of serious expression.

Hearing her words and realising how seriously she was taking my career path I couldn't help but cover my face in embarrassment. Not because I hate her or anything but because I've never had this happen before.

'I'm starting to warm up to my new parents.'

Maybe a little too fast...

"We got all the essentials now, let's go pay and head towards the Pokemon Center, Sunny!"

Nodding at her words with clear anticipation, I had a little hop to my step this time as we headed back to the car with a guy helping us with all the items we bought today.


[Sunny Haruto POV (Saffron Pokemon Center)

"Hello, Nurse Joy I've got a question to ask you."

Nurse Joy who heard the radiant voice of the woman in front of her gave a soft smile.

"Sure ma'am!" She cheerfully responds.

While this was going on I was currently situated behind my mother not wanting to make any eye contact. I'm not sure why but awkwardly standing there and staring at her is the last thing I feel like doing right now.

'Let's hope this works.' I silently pray.

"Can we change the regional starters my son can choose from for his first Pokemon? He really wanted a Pokemon, I've never seen him so excited for this!" She happily tells Nurse Joy suddenly adding unnecessary information. 

Why me...

Nurse Joy who heard my mother's question got an excited look making me raise an eyebrow.

"Of course it's possible! The Pokemon League has been putting an emphasis on new trainers. 

The cost of getting the starter won't change from the 1,500₱ but you will need to go to a Pokemon Center in that region or pay to transfer a Pokemon here which is a set 200₱.

There's also an option to pay an extra 6,000₱ to receive his partner from a professor." She calmly explains making my mother nod with a serious look.

Hearing the price though my eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"So if I pay extra for him to receive it from a professor what will he get?" 

Sue asks prompting Nurse Joy to type something up on her screen.

"Including some complimentary Pokeballs. He will receive a starter who has gotten extra care from a region's professor who is naturally stronger and starts off at level 10 rather than 5. On top of being extremely disciplined.

Not all starter Pokemon take a liking to their new trainer. So a Pokemon who is serious, docile or a bit quirky but good with instructions is great.

Overall good Pokemon for starting trainers..."

'I know levels were mentioned in the anime but I guess they do play a small part here.' I thought contemplating a little.

Right after this Nurse Joy mentioned including a pokedex for the price of 35,000₱ which is a full set including the starter and Pokeballs.

Making the Pokedex 27k by itself...

My mother quickly shot down that suggestion which was understandable.

The more I think about it they're just sending their child out for predictably a year, why spend this much money on a Pokedex.

'It makes sense as it's probably more of a coming of age and explore type of journey.' I thought nodding to myself. Only James from Team Rocket Rich would consider this just for extra luxury throughout a journey.

The only exceptions are people who have a desire to become an elite trainer and a parent who is already an elite trainer of some sort.

Like contests, breeder or normal trainer.

Others would be in school right now, I suppose I'm not because of my coming of age for a journey.

But hey I won't force my mum to spend when she has already done so much right now. At least I can get the starter I wanted.

Originally my choice probably would have been a Bulbasaur if this option wasn't available. That would have taken care of my Grass/Poison-type slots.

"Alright, I'll purchase the second option, when will the professor be free?" Sue asks making me unconsciously get a silly smile.

"Let me quickly check…" Nurse Joy going back to her screen in front, started to type a few things.

"It's near the middle of the season and no one is getting a starter right now, so I can book you in a few days."

After sorting everything out with my mother paying for it and even plane tickets without even looking at the price, I was a bit stunned.

The woman just straight up paid for it right now and we are on a trip soon.

No extra days for prepping? 

Well, I suppose it's just picking a Pokemon up.

"Alright, Sunny, that will be your late birthday gift. You and your father will take a flight next Monday, which is…" Watching her count the days on her fingers was a little funny. "Four days!"

"You're not coming?" I say with a visible frown on my face, realising she didn't include herself.

"I've taken some days off to spend with you this week, but I have a meeting that day. And I know how badly you want your starter." She says regretfully. Walking up to the sad woman I give her a hug making her expression visibly improve as she seals me in a tight hug.

[Sunny Haruto POV (Route 101)]

A few days have passed since I've transmigrated as I started to get used to this life in the Pokemon world.

Right now I'm in an SUV with my father and the Professor's assistant, Joshua.

Currently, on a dirt road, we were on the outskirts of route 101 going to the original lab as we got picked up after we arrived here.

With no school to bother me and basically being free all day, I spent my time searching for information and watching Pokemon battles.

Other than that, lots of notes on how to raise my specific starter like where to pet, what to feed, basic training, etc...

Exploring websites with trainers with the same starter and giving tips to others planning or currently having one. On me was my notebook as I had written a lot of notes on the Pokemon I wanted to choose.

Infuriatingly though I couldn't start any exercises as my body was still weak, but that will soon change with a Pokemon as I'll be recovered by then.

"So do you know what starter you're going to pick Sunny?" Joshua who introduced himself a bit ago asked. Taking a look at the guy, he looked extremely happy.

With forest-green hair, glasses and blue eyes he looked very competent in his lab coat.

"I do, but I want to see the three before making a decision," I respond, understanding how getting a starter works from the anime.

The reason for this is that a quirky starter is a bit annoying, like imagine Oshawott from the Black and White series of the anime. That's who I think of when told my starter would be quirky to start off.

While annoying and would disobey if you let him, with insistence and setting rules Oshawott would clearly listen.

Ash gave him too much leniency thus creating bad habits for the sea otter Pokemon. Like trying to gain attention and not being reprimanded when leaving the Pokeball without permission.

Still, a serious or docile attitude is what I'm praying for. The Pokemon line I choose should be a generally chill species as a whole.

My dad who was sitting in the front was mostly silent not saying anything.

After some time passing and taking in the scenery as we pass by a port, 15 minutes go by as we finally arrive at the lab. Getting out of the SUV, the assistant led us into the building as my father and I quickly followed suit.

"The Professor is just prepping your choice of starters right now, I suggest letting your son go by himself for the experience!" The assistant said to which my father nodded.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Being shown to a door, they both just stayed off to the side and sat down as I opened the door in anticipation.


"Hello?" I say entering the room.

Getting a better look I'm greeted by the sight of Professor Birch smirking at me with a joyful expression. In front of him was a table which had the three starters of Hoenn. All three of the cute guys were looking at me with widened eyes wanting to be chosen.

Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip.

Closing the door behind me I kept my eyes on Professor Birch as he waved for me to get closer.


"Welcome, Sunny. I've been informed of your visit! These guys here are the starter trio of Hoenn, but you should know that already." He ends with a bashful smile rubbing the back of his head.

Looking on in excitement I couldn't help but tighten my hold on my notebook which was in my hands.

"Hello Professor... Do I just pick one right now?" I ask a little awkwardly not knowing how to respond to his words. Birch who heard this just chuckled a little as he placed five Pokeballs and a belt on the corner of the desk.

Watching the starters they didn't move at all, they all looked obedient and just waited.

"Yup! Come over here and take the Pokeballs and belt when you've made your decision. This is your lifetime partner so think carefully and take your time.

But first, let me introduce them!" 

'Some trainers with abandonment tendencies would tend to digress, but preach brother!'