

Roy realizes that this battle will be more difficult than he anticipated. For the first time facing a Pokemon with advance strength, he's not sure how to proceed.

"Ralts start using Calm Mind! Zubat, use Tailwind to speed up Riolu! Ditto, keep using confusion! Riolu, use Metal Claw!"

Riolu's right paw shines with a metallic luster and three claws made from silver energy grow from the tip. Rushing towards the Gligar, he can feel the wind pushing him forward.

Arriving in front of Gligar, he looks at the two pincers chopping towards him as his claw slash forward.

Suddenly, a blue glow appears on Gligar's body but it immediately breaks. Even if the glow only lasted for a fraction of a second, it's enough time for Riolu's claw to slash across Gligar's hard body.

Gligar winces in pain, but it refuses to budge. Red veins bulge in his eyes as he brings his pincers down and cuts across Riolu's chest.

Riolu flies backward, rolling on the ground before coming to a stop.

"Riolu!" Seeing Riolu lying motionlessly on the ground causes Roy's heart to stop for a moment. A thousand thoughts race through his mind in an instant.

Everything has gone so well for him up till now, gaining the system, acquiring powerful pokemon, and winning all his battles with relative ease. Eventually, he forgot this is a world built on the death of countless others.

Instead of allowing his pokemon to power up while Gligar was confused, he pressed the attack without any regard.

Something clicks in Roy's mind. The strength of two souls, the rich energy of the Secret Realm, and the stimulation of watching his pokemon take such a powerful attack finally pokes a hole in the barrier surrounding his mind.

Roy's eyes glow blue and his mind links with Ralts and Ditto. [Confusion!]

With their three psychic energies mixed together, they release a stronger mental wave that bombards Gligar.

Gligar's body flies back like a ragdoll and hits the side of the mountain. Just when Roy is about to attack again, he sees Riolu slowly rise to his feet with pain on his face and runs forward.

Gligar struggles to get back up, but before he does a green beam attaches to his back and begins draining what little energy it has left.

Riolu arrives in front of Gligar and hits it 

with his palm, delivering what seems to be a weak attack.

Suddenly, a shockwave erupts from behind Gligar and cracks the mountain wall further. Gligar is ejected backward and embedded into the side of the wall, completely losing conscience.

"Riolu are you ok?!" Roy rushes over to Riolu and sees the red gash across his chest. Suddenly, he notices that Riolu advanced to Late Junior and learned the move Force Palm.

"Rio rio rio!" Riolu pats the dust off his chest while trying not to wince in pain and shows that he's fine.

"You instinctively used Detect and jumped back to lessen the blow?" Roy's brows jump up as he suddenly understands Riolu's words. Marveling at his fighting instincts, he doesn't know what to think.

Taking out a Sitrus berry, he hurries to give it to Riolu.

Zubat flutters down as Ralts and Ditto run over. [Are you the same as me?]

Hearing Ralts's question brings Roy back to what just happened. "Do I have psychic powers?"

Shaking his head he can't think of anyone having abilities from what he's seen on the internet. "Maybe I do, it's not impossible." 

Looking at Ditto and Ralts he can't help but smile. "But I'm proud of you guys, this was due to my carelessness."

"Zubat you gave us an early warning, thank you or this could have been really bad."

"Za za." Zubat flutters in front of Roy, slightly dancing in the air.

Riolu finishes the Berry and his chest looks visibly better already.

Seeing everyone is ready he turns back towards Zubat. "Lead the way."

Zubat flies forward and everyone follows with Riolu leading the way.

As they walk, Roy tries to feel anything different about himself. After a few seconds, he realizes he is more sensitive to his surroundings, picking up details he didn't even notice with his eyes.

Finding nothing else unusual, he opens his system tabs to see if anything has changed. In the moves tab, he immediately notices something strange. Besides his pokemon, he sees an icon for himself.

Selecting it with his eyes brings up a list of moves he can learn. His eyes widen and his throat becomes slightly dry. Licking his lips he calms himself down.

Maybe due to his newfound powers, his mind is rather rational at this moment. "I don't even have enough ability to use these moves." Taking a deep breath, he selects Calm Mind.

A blue glow flashes over his body and information on how to perform the move is transferred to his head. At this moment, he could perfectly teach this ability to any pokemon.

Realizing this isn't the time to experiment, his full attention is turned back to the road. So far, they have avoided other pokemon thanks to Zubat and her echolocation.

Slowly, they descend the mountain and get closer to the forest below.

"Za za." Zubat flutters her wings back and forth in front of Roy.

"The cave they're hiding in is in front of us?" Looking ahead, he can see a slight crack in the ground that seems to lead into a tunnel below. "Why aren't there very many pokemon along this route?"

"Za za" Zubat flies over his head and points back towards the way they came.

"Onix has gathered most of the pokemon for an attack today, did we really come at such an exciting time?" Roy rubs his cheek and thinks for a moment.

"Let's go guys, let's see what Pokemon are down here."

"Rio." Riolu nods his head and leads the way forward.

Roy follows behind with Ditto on his right, Ralts on his left, and Zubat flying above his head.

Arriving at the mouth of the cave, a flashlight appears in his hand and illuminates the tunnel. "What dug this tunnel." Seeing that the tunnel is slanted, they slowly make their way down.

Seeing all the dents and scratches along the wall makes him marvel at the strength of Pokemon. After walking down for a few dozen feet, the ground begins to level.

Exiting the tunnel they arrive in a large chamber. Where the light passes a silver shimmer shines. Not from the metal in the cave, but the armor of the pokemon.

In Roy's field of vision, there's dozens of steel pokemon, a majority with Junior level strength and poor qualifications. Most are Pawniard, a few are Aron, but what has left Roy speechless are the six Beldum hanging on the roof by their claws.

Pokemon: Beldum x 6

Ability: Clear Body

Attribute: Steel, Psychic

Qualification: light Green x2, Dark Green x2, Light Blue x2

Strength: Early Advance

Race Value: 300 (40, 55, 80, 35, 60, 30)

Skills: Take Down

Taking a deep breath, he peels his eyes from the Beldum and turns towards the pokemon with the highest qualification in this cave.

Pokemon: Aron (♂)

Ability: Heavy Metal

Attribute: Steel, Rock

Qualification: Light Purple

Strength: Mid Advance

Race value: 330 (59, 70, 100, 40, 40, 30)

Skills: Iron Head, Rock Tomb, Metal Claw, Headbutt, Mud-Slap, Harden

"What's wrong with this Secret Realm, how can there be Pseudo-Legendary cubs?" Shaking his head he tries not to think about it but focuses on the problem in front of him.

Smiling slightly he realizes he can only make a bet. "Zubat, begin using Supersonic on all the pokemon."

Zubat flutters its wings and flies along the roof of the cave silently. At this moment, the infiltrator ability comes in handy as she launches Supersonic on one pokemon after another.

Soon, most of the Pokemon begin ramming into the walls and attacking each other. Seeing this, he glances down. "Riolu, begin using Agility to maximize speed, more power is useless for these guys. Ralts, use Calm Mind to prepare. Ditto, transform into Riolu and be ready at any time."

Seeing that the violence between the pokemon is escalating, he knows that he has a very short window before they wake up from confusion. "Riolu release Vacuum Wave continuously, don't stop." Pointing towards the Aron twice as big as the others, he gives Riolu the attack target.

"Zubat, use Astonish on the Beldum!"

Riolu punches his hand forward and sends an airwave towards Aron. Pulling his other arm backward, he punches forward and sends another airwave. After comprehending Force Palm, his use of Vacuum wave has become slightly more skilled to the point where he can release two in rapid succession.

The two waves fly across the cave and slam into Aron with a crack. "Araaa!" Aron screams out in pain from the super effective move.

At the same moment, Zubat arrives in front of the Beldum and releases red waves from her body that envelop all six. "Bel!"

Each Beldum is violently awakened from their sleep and crashes to the ground.

"Ditto use Vacuum Wave on the Beldum! Ralts use Confusion on the Aron! Riolu and Zubat press the attack." Seeing the cave fall into further chaos he continues with his plan.

Next chapter