
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs


6th January 1995

Kanto Region, Viridian Forest

The poison in Beedrill's stinger impacted Red as he clenched his teeth in pain, His emotions distorting from unbridled fury to pained anxiety. His sense of reasoning snapped back to him as quickly as it had vanished and now it was his turn to feel fear.

Red's aura deactivated as he fell to his knees, the radiant glow in his eyes fading as he stared down Beedrill who was slowly but surely standing back up but her actions were hindered by a massive Flamethrower crashing into the Bug Pokemon and shooting intense red flames everywhere.

Charmeleon had gone into a rage, blasting away everything in it's path and supremely he was thankful for the immediate intervention of the Fire Dinosaur but Red's troubles were only halted... Beedrill actually flew through the fire at a breackneck pace, heading for the poisoned Red but once again, She was blocked by a powerful attack, this time the attack came from Riolu who used a powerful vacuum wave attack to blindside Beedrill while Pidgey used Gust and Charmeleon used another Flamethrower. It took some few minutes but the Queen Beedrill was turned into a roasting corpse of it's original self, It's face burned beyond recognition.

Red reached for his bag but the poison hindered his movements, threatening to take his life immediately but then Red felt a set of warm hands on his back.

His body was turning cold as his breathing turned haggard as well but this pair of warm hands was an anomaly, rushing through the very fiber of his being, They touched him and he suddenly felt at ease.

Slowly but surely, The poison was being exterminated from his body...

Yellow's hands glowed in an intense green aura as they wrapped Red in a series of white and golden light, Charmeleon shot forward and the same happened with Red's other Pokemon but... they were held down by strong roots, roots that were increasingly growing stronger by the second.

Charmeleon tried aiming a Flamethrower at Yellow but the vines quickly wrapped around his snout, preventing any such action from taking place.

Red's Pokemon were left defenseless as they watched Red get touched by the same girl that attracted the Beedrill to them.

All Pokemon except Riolu were covered in vines, instead Riolu was simply standing there in awe, The aura in the air was simply magnificent.

Red stood up, his body seemingly healed to full health in less than 30 seconds and there was an even faster reaction time than the Antidote, The girl with blond hair that looked just a year younger than him was the one that healed him.

"So she has healing abilities?" Red muttered to himself as he narrowed his eyes at the girl, She was the one who brought the Beedrill around and triggered the strange power in him that made him actually dare to hold a Beedrill's stinger... and then she healed him, "I guess that works out for the trouble you caused me,"

Red took her in a princess carry, the stink coming off this girl was absurd, It was almost like she'd been living in the forest her entire life. Despite the terrible smell, Red endured and took the girl with him. By this time, the vines had loosened and his Pokemon stared at him, unsure of what to do.

"Yo Riolu, Carry that egg!"

As Red tore off her clothes, correction rags, He felt sympathetic for the girl. It really seemed she had been living in the forest for a long time but he wasn't all that sympathetic, especially towards a smelly person.

"You ought to take a shower," Red said as he threw the girl in the small lake below him, He had made sure it was a lake devoid of water Pokemon before throwing her into it.

The cold water awakened Yellow almost instantly as she rubbed her hands together and basked in the glory of the cold water on her skin but it was short-lived as Red threw something on her head.

It landed with a Plop and it landed in her open hands, A bar of soap?

"Take a proper bath," Red called out as he turned around.

He had seen Laura's boobs so seeing a younger girl with a little bit of meat in her chest area wasn't actually making Red horny.

Yellow gripped on the bar of soap, It had been a long time since she had seen something like this.

"So what's your name?" Red asked as he sat down on the short grass of the clearing.

The lake was overrun with bubbles and Red had to exit before the Rangers came to this part of the Forest, his heart throbbed with anxiety as he stared at the girl who was wearing a white shirt now, his shirt and a black skirt, wrapped around her waist by one of Red's spare belts.

Wonder how Red got a black skirt in his bag? He mixed up a set of clothes with Laura and was left with a white shirt and black skirt... or Laura purposely put the clothes in the bag as a rememberance? Red didn't really know but he knew he would at least visit Laura once a month.

"Yellow," The blond haired girl replied, her face looking as strong as ever and in her hands was an egg, A Pokemon egg.

"This is what they chased you for?" Red asked, his eyes tracing around the egg as he made the assumption that it was that of a Bug Pokemon.

"Yes," Yellow replied, her expression showed how dejected she was, "It just landed on my head when I was on a tree and I took the egg, I felt something... It was telling me to keep the egg and I kept it, After that, I got chased by a Beedrill Queen herself,"

Red slumped his head down.

"Something strange is going on with the Viridian Forest... but I am still gonna stay here for a month," Red declared, his eyes landing firmly on Yellow's figure, "You wanna travel with me?"


Author's Note:

Yeah, Yellow has finally been presented in the novel. Thanks for supporting this book so far, I think i've worked hard enough, give me your Power stones on Webnovel and give me favorites on Scribblehub too!

Don't forget to head over to Ko-fi.com/kristylers to support and donate to me, There are lots of chapters ahead at Ko-fi.