
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Red vs Blue Part 2

20th December 1994

Kanto Region, Route 1:

The legendary Samuel Oak stared at them, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. 

"What are you waiting for, The battle should start now," Samuel said.

He was tall, had a muscular build and spiky white hair wearing a buttonless lab coat with a black shirt on the inside and brown khaki trousers.

"Hmph, Like I care gramps," Blue said.

"Just know that this battle is important, Blue," Samuel said.

"Red, How many Pokemon do you have?" Blue asked, "If you have 2, Let's have a Two vs Two Pokemon Battle, How does that sound?"

"Sounds fine with me," Red replied, "I hope you're ready to lose!"

The two trainers had made a lot of space between themselves and the wild arena, The clearing with some thick shrubs and tall trees seemed to be swaying in the cold wind, Snowflakes fell from the sky as both trainers raised their Pokeballs.

"I hope you surprise me," Samuel said.

"Alright Go, Mankey!" Blue ordered while throwing a Pokeball into the center of the battlefield, It burst open and revealed Mankey.

"Here we go, Pidgey!" Red ordered.

He threw a Pokeball into the air and it burst open, Pidgey descended onto the battlefield and spread her wings menacingly.



"Start the battle, Use Fury Swipes!" Blue ordered.

Red noticed that Mankey was in LV. 12 which was surprising but with the type advantage and Pidgey's superior skill, It wouldn't be hard to prevail.

"Spread your wings and evade the attack by jumping back!" Red ordered.

Pidgey spread her wings further and jumped back, letting the cold wind carry her backwards and she graciously evaded Mankey's scratch.

"Now bounce off the ground and then Tackle!" Red ordered.

Pidgey's feet touched the ground and she concentrated all her energy into her feet and shot forward, pushing the snow back a bit.

'Momentum is the key,' Red thought.

'Being desperate... huh?' Blue thought.

"Protect!" Blue ordered.

A translucent barrier appeared in front of Mankey and Pidgey hit it, subsequently bouncing back.

Red clicked his tongue in annoyance as he decided to turn the tides in his favor.

"Mankey, Quick Attack!" Blue ordered.

"Pidgey, Bounce off the ground and into the tree!" Red ordered.

Mankey suddenly glowed and a thick white aura shrouded him, He shot forward but Pidgey was already using Momentum...

Pidgey put her wings on the ground and bounced into a tree with vigor, Mankey proceeded to climb up the tree but Pidgey started flapping her wings vigorously.

"Use Gust!" Red ordered.

The wind pushed Mankey out of the tree and crashing into the ground.

"Now jump off the tree and tuck your wings!" Red ordered.

Pidgey jumped off the tree and tucked her wings while falling to Mankey at an unprecedented speed. 

"Use Tackle!" Red ordered.


Pidgey fell like a missile and descended on Mankey who attempted to dodge only to get impaled by the missile of a Pokemon.

The collision caused an explosion of wind and snow.

 Pidgey retreated and stood in front of Red with a smirk on it's beak?

When the snow cleared, Mankey was revealed to have fainted.

"Mankey, Return!" Blue ordered, "Now Go Squirtle!"

The turtle Pokemon appeared on the battleground, a confident smile on his face.

"Strike with Skull Bash, End it!" Blue ordered.

Red scanned Squirtle and found out it was in LV. 14!

A single Skull bash attack one-shotted Pidgey and Red was forced to return her to the Pokeball.

"You're strong, Blue but there's a thin line between Hardwork and determination," Red said, his trench coat blowing in the wind as he detached Charmander's Pokeball from his waistband.

"You're using TMs and I'm using Hardwork," Red declared, his frown threatening to make Blue feel insecure about himself, "That's the difference between us, That single thin line... is the Difference!"

He took a step back and threw Charmander's Pokeball into the air, The Pokeball burst open and Charmander appeared on the battlefield, The flame on his tail burning brightly.

"Here we go, Use Skull Bash!" Blue ordered.

Squirtle ran at Charmander with the objective of slamming the Pokemon with brute force.

"Use Ember on the snow underneath Squirtle!" Red ordered.

Samuel's eyes widened...

A brilliant flower of flames turned the snow on Squirtle's path into water and caused the Pokemon to slide.

"Now dodge to the side!" Red ordered.

Charmander jumped to the right and dodged Squirtle who smashed into a nearby tree.

Blue's expression darkened.

"Get up!" Blue ordered, "Use Water Gun!"

"Dodge it and then Metal Claw!" Red ordered.

Squirtle got up and used Water gun only for Charmander to duck and dodge the attack completely. Charmander's claws released a metallic light as the Pokemon jumped into the air, closing the distance between himself and Squirtle.

"Oh no!"

"Metal Claw, Full Power!"



Author's Note:-

How was the battle like? Tell me if I need to upgrade anything, This is a book where the readers and the author will interact in order to make sure that the book is high quality so I need comments!