
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Lavender City

23rd December, 1994

Kanto Region, Oak's Lab:

Red squinted as he saw a single Ultra ball in the package alongside a letter. His eyes wavering a bit.

To him, The Ultra ball seemed to be an important piece of equipment known for having the highest rate of catching Pokemon in history.

But for someone like Samuel who could easily afford this ball, It was nothing less than Child's play although he was sure that there was a Pokemon inside the ball.

Samuel picked up the letter and bit his lips as he read but his eyes shone.

"Whoa, There's more to it than meets the eye," Samuel said while taking the Pokeball into his possession, "After so long, I finally have a Riolu in my possession, This is the best Christmas gift that you have given me,"

Red's eyes widened, Riolu was a very special and rare Pokemon. It was known as THE Aura Pokemon, the pre-evolved form of Lucario which was a powerful Pokemon, A properly trained Lucario can go up against a Dragonite and even Garchomp even if it wanted.

Only a selected number of people could get their hands on Riolu, some people couldn't even encounter one in a lifetime. Their signature move was the attack, Vacuum wave which was a combination of wind and aura.

Red was obsessed with two Pokemon in this world, Charizard being the first and Lucario being the last. Alas, This was the first time he was seeing a Riolu in real life.

Samuel noticed the way Red gazed at the Pokeball and smiled.

"If you want, I can give this Riolu to you," Samuel said, "but you're gonna have to work for it, An impossible task... I want you to convince Agatha to come here for Christmas and in turn, Riolu shall be yours,"

Red nearly fell over.

"Agatha? The Agatha, The 2nd strongest member of the Elite 4 of the Kanto region," Red said, "I feel like I'm not going to get that Riolu from you, am I?"

"If you can do that," Samuel said, "After all, Riolu is a very rare Pokemon,"

Red gritted his teeth and sighed, He stood up and left the room

"Come on Red," Samuel said, "Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, My mom wants me home early," Red said and sprinted out leaving the lab behind him.


"So Red, Your aunt Mia wants you to visit," Maria said, "Remember she lives in Lavender city,"

"Yeah, but she has her husband right?" Red asked, "Why do I need to go there?"

Red averted his eyes as he stared at the wall.

"She wants to see you," Maria replied, "Or don't you want to see your aunt?"

"It's not that I don't want to see her, it's just that I'm scared that she'll hug the hell out of me," Red mouthed and then sighed, "I'll go, When does she need me?"

"Today," Maria said with a frantic smile.

"Huh? Mom, a trip to Lavender city from here would be 240 Poke and then from there, I would still have to go through the Underground path," Red said.

"But she's expecting you today," Maria said.

"Ugh, Fine then," Red said and then stood up, "Instead of you giving me money to go there, I'll take a little from my trainer allowance, Besides this'll give me an opportunity to view the cities outside of Pallet and Viridian city," 

Maria looked at her son and found that he had grown. Red decided that since he was only going to be spending a day there, He wouldn't need to pack.

Lavender City:

Trainers from all around the world are very acquainted with Lavender city, A town that grew into prosperity and became an official city in October 1993, It was the city where people lived alongside ghosts.

Ghost Pokemon were the only Pokemon that could be found in Lavender city, alongside some other types and it is said to even become a citizen of Lavender city, One needed to have ghost type Pokemon.

Red climbed out of the subway station, The snow had apparently become even stronger in Lavender city and the buildings were covered with snow. 

Red's hair flowed in the wind as his trench coat continued flying, On his belt were two Pokeballs and he seemed... excited?

Nah, He seemed tired.

"Staying on a train for 3 hours straight can make people stiff," Red muttered to himself.

"Boy, get out of the way, You're not the only one leaving the subway!"

Red left and continued in the direction to the North, at the north of Lavender city lay the Pokemon tower.

People bury dead people and Pokemon at the Pokemon tower, although the name implied is Pokemon tower, It wouldn't make sense if it was People and mon tower, would it?

And why Red was heading North was pretty easy to guess, He was heading to his Aunt's house.


Author's Note:-

Also I'll be changing the covers per arc, Just so you know. I hope you guys are enjoying the book. Don't forget to leave constructive reviews and comments so that we can grow.

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