
Pokemon: The Advanced Adventure

A Dark world of Pokemon has risen... In a world where crime runs freely and Team Rocket stands at the top of it all, A single young man must brave the full brunt of the wave in his quest to become a Pokemon Champion. Red will not allow anything to deter his goal of becoming the Pokemon League Champion of the Kanto Region and is determined to beat every trainer in his way towards his goal but will the world allow him to achieve the goal without a fight? Find out in Pokemon:- The Advanced Adventure

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Christmas Gift

15th December 1994

Kanto Region, Pallet Town:

Red sat in the park on a swing, His eyes trailing about as Charmander jumped on the fluffy snow. 

"10 more days until Christmas," He muttered and stared at the sky, A flake of snow fell on his nose and he chuckled lowly, "I wonder what Christmas gift I should get Mom,"

He brought out his Pokedex and stared at his current balance: 5,000 Poke!

"It should be enough to buy Mom a great dress," Red said, "I guess I might have to go to Viridian city once again, Alright Charmander, Come on!"


Route 1:

Red stared at the empty Pokeball in his hand and the Pidgey that Charmander had just taken out and he brought out his Pokedex to scan. He had remembered that the Pokedex could scan wild Pokemon.

As the camera lens focused on Pidgey, The screen turned black for a moment and then red texts appeared on the screen.

[Analyzing... Analyzing... Pidgey's Analysis has been completed]

The screen turned white and showed two tabs side by side.


Species: Pidgey

Level: 3

Ability: Keen Eyes



Condition: Healthy, Hungry

Typing: Normal / Flying

Mastery: Neutral Energy Mastery (Novice), Wind Energy Mastery (Novice)

Move List: Tackle (Novice), Sand Attack (Novice), Gust (Beginner)


The two tabs showed information on Pidgey and then there was a singular wide information tab below. 

"Makes sense," Red said, "The League is sponsoring me so I guess it's okay to capture Pidgey especially since I always wanted a Pidgeot,"

Red placed his finger on the Pokeball and a small whirring sound coursed through the ball. Soon it clicked and enlarged, Red pointed it at Pidgey and threw the Pokeball.

The Pokeball hit Pidgey and performed a back flip while shooting out a bright blue light that covered Pidgey.

Soon Pidgey was completely sucked in and the Pokeball clicked closed... The Pokemon had already fainted so capturing it was as easy as hell.

Red took hold of Pidgey's Pokeball and clicked it onto his Utility waistband.

"Another Pokemon to train," Red said and pointed his Pokedex at Charmander.


Species: Charmander

Level: 13

Ability: Blaze



Condition: Healthy, Content

Typing: Fire

Mastery: Neutral Energy Mastery (Proficient), Flame Energy Manipulation (Proficient), Steel Energy Manipulation (Beginner)

Move List: Scratch (Beginner), Leer (Beginner), Ember (Beginner -> Proficient), Metal Claw (Beginner)


Red felt proud of Charmander and hoped he would learn a new move, The more moves the better.

"Hey, You wanna have a battle," A Trainer emerged from the bushes, "My name's Terry and I'm aspiring to be a Normal type Pokemon Master,"

Red rolled his eyes.

"Fine, Let's battle," Red said, "I just hope that you have the money to pay up once you lose the battle,"

"Hmph, Overconfidence is the downfall of every man," Joey said.

Viridian City:

Red browsed through the shop's dresses and felt a slight groan bubbling at the tip of his throat as he turned to the mart attendant. 

"These dresses are classy but, They're not my style," Red said, "For the person that wants it, I need more higher quality, It has to be something much more better than what's on display,"

"Well, If you want more quality... Something similar to a Kimono? Then visit Flower town, It's located further away from Viridian city on the Eastern side,"

Red nodded.

"Thanks for the help," Red said and then proceeded to leave the shop, "Sorry for wasting your time,"

"No problem, Kiddo," The clerk said, flashing a smile.

Red left Viridian city and entered the Route leading to Flower town, Strangely it wasn't an official route but Red wasn't complaining.

"Hey, I want a battle," Red heard someone call out to him and then they locked eyes.

"Sure," Red said.

"The name's Arch and i'm from Pewter city, Do you have a gym badge yet?" Arch asked.

He had black hair and blond eyes and was a bit shorter than Red.

"No," Red said, "Do you?"

"Nope, That's why I left Pewter city, The gym leader there has Pokemon above LV. 20!" Arch said.

Red nodded and extended Charmander's Pokeball.

"We're betting 500 Poke," Arch said.

"How come, I thought bettings were supposed to be 200 Poke," Red said.

"It isn't an official route," Arch said, "As long as the area is unofficial, Trainers are capable of influencing the price of bets,"

'The way you say it with a straight face makes me think it's real but I know better,' Red thought and then sighed, "Alright, 500 Poke. Let's start the battle!"

Arch took out a Pokeball and placed his finger on the button, The button whirred and then enlarged.

"Here we go, Drowzee!" He ordered as the Pokeball burst open and revealed the snoring Pokemon, Drowzee.

Red took out his Pokedex to identify and since it was a trainer's Pokemon, Only 3 bits of data appeared on the screen.


Species; Drowzee

Typing: Psychic

Level: 10


Red scoffed inwardly, Arch was definently strong but not that strong. He sent out Charmander who seemed fired up for a battle.

Arch did the same and checked his Pokedex, After that, he gulped and then put his Pokedex away.

"Drowzee, Start with Hypnosis!" Arch ordered.


Author's Note:-

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