
Pokemon Tamer of Darkness

Our protagonist, is someone from real earth who got sent into the Pokemon Universe (gen 1-8), out of nowhere his soul got summoned by Arceus into Hall Of Origin by mistake, as a make up by Arceus which cannot return MC to his real world, MC was given a gift by the Pokemon God itself. the Gift from Arceus: -1 selector Mythical/Legendary pokemon that doesn't break the balance of the world -body for living*gacha (he got Lellouch from Code Geass w/o Geass ofc) -start in Unova Region as adopt son Juniper Family with knowledge in previous life which turn out to be useless, because this pokemon world is AU and the little knowledge he know from the game is different except the types and pokemons. what will Lellouch do in that AU Pokemon World? collect pokemons and became Pkmn Trainer? or collect girls became harem trainer(lol), or both?, only time can tell. following the games canon (SLOW PACE) A/N: THIS IS FANFICTION SO I OWN NOTHING. im still noob at english and my grammar is RIP, so please forgive me :" include all pokemon from 1-8, but wailord family cant be use for battle or catch by pokeball in this fanfic. mythical and legendaries are only one of kind except for few myth/legend. no megastone(coz not all pokemon have mega evolution yet so no stone evolution, but still can undergo mega evolution through natural evolution but permanent, mega evolution is rarer than Shiny just call it like mutation or surpassing his/her own race, and mega evolution can be called Pseudo-Legendary) no Z moves(do you want me to make destructions with that? :"D) no original pokemon/move (im only using official pokemons and moves, even some got removed if its too nonsensical) no level system(but for trainer the pokemon must never stop training or they became weaker) already have 1 mythical pokemon at starter (that pokemon will become like Ash Pikachu) i hope i can continue write this fanfic until the end, not sudden droped like my previous ff Release Rate is Random, cos i prefer became reader than author Tags:Harem, r18, Adventure, Modern, Comedy(?), Pokemon, wish fullfilment, AU, no lemon, no super power mc

AllWorldsEvil · Video Games
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6. Hey they are not supposed to exists

Lellouch and the gang walk to the crowds people in the plaza, then yeah he really seeing something that will make him troubled.

Hugh:"who are these people? why they wearing something like that? are they cosplaying?" Hugh pointed to the group of peoples wearing knight-like attire, which is like preparing something..

Hilda:"cosplay?" chuckles "u are so funny Hugh, i dont think they are just cosplay, and it seem u know them Lulu the way i see u reacts to them, care to tell us?" she look to me curiously and the others follow

Rosa:"huh? u know them Lulu? tell us~, tell us~" she start clinging and annoying mode cutely

Lellouch: looking the others staring at me for an answer, i sighing, how can become like this "nah Hilda i dont know them, theres no way i know weirdos like them sigh~, so what now? stay or go? its better we just go, i really hungry you know" puppy eyes, they seem disapointed bcos i dont know the knight-like people...well theres no way i tell them they are terrorist right?, but i really dont know if this peoples is same like the one i know...

Rosa:"please hold it a bit Lulu, i really curious about this peoples, right guys?" the others nodded the pokemon didnt really care, i pouted, seeing me pouted she hug my head to her valley to compensated me, Hilda chuckles, Hugh envious...

in the group of knight-like cosplayer appear old man with long pale green hair with three weird ahoge, and standing in the center a.k.a the most lunatic bosses in the pokemon games Ghetsis. then the other Team Plasma members start setting up and revealed the Team Plasma flag, all of sudden the aura changes and hes started his speech about the freedom of pokemon just like in canon game [a/n:i dont memorize it and dont really know how to improve it lol, but it just same as canon freeing pokemon and blablabla, so ill skip it(。>‿‿<。 )]

after Ghetsis done with his speech, the other Team Plasma tidying up the props, after that creating some formation line, then Ghetsis get in the formation follow up by closing the formation by some member, then they start leaving the plaza with the formation just like cult/army wanabewhatever...

theres some people after hearing the speech starting to wonder about their pokemon, i shake my head helplessly seeing theres someone whos buying that nonsense...

Hugh:"freedom for pokemon? freeing pokemon? slaving them?...kiss my ass!, i never treat them like a slaves, i even treat my pokemon just like my family...what kind of nonsense is that old man saying, grrr~" Hugh annoyed hearing that even Riolu anoyed too for some reason, Hilda just shake her head helplessly, Snivy sleeping on Rosa head, Rosa fell silent, seeing rosa being like that i hold her hand, she realize and start smile to me and back to her usual self...Darkrai in the Lellouch shadows, unbeknown to the gang frown hearing Ghetsis speechs it seem he will talk to Lellouch later

Lellouch:"didnt i tell you guys, its better we just grab some foods" shaking my head in disapointment

Hilda:"ah well sorry-sor-"

Male voiced:"i hear u guys not really agreed for freeing Pokemon, but treat ur pokemon like family i really wonder that...are you guys Pokemon Trainer? how about we battle?" suddenly mysterious man cut in and asking for battle, the others shocked coz suddenly random man start talked and asking for battle

Rosa:"chotto matte!, before that can you speak slowly and, can you introduce yourself before u challenge us?"

mysterious dude:"ah i see, sorry for my indelicacy... my name is N, and im Pokemon Trainer" he showing his Pokemon Trainer armband "so, how about we battle? im just started tho, so i want to battle 1 on 1 with either of you guys, cos i want to hear your pokemon voices"

Rosa:"what you can hear pokemon voices? then its almost like Lulu, he can talk with his Pokemon too, btw im Rosa, his namba wan and Pokemon Trainer too" start clinging my left side

Hilda:"Im Hilda Pkmn Trainer too" smiled to N

Hugh:"Im Hugh future Pkmn Champion, too bad my Pokemon is unavalaible right now so i cant battle with you"

Hilda:"ah me too~" followed by Hilda

Rosa:"well i dont really like Battle right now, so Lulu please battle with him ok?" puppy eyes, i really wonder why her Snivy can stay still sleeping in her head like that

Lellouch:"sigh~, im Lellouch, we are Pkmn Trainer even tho we are still not recieved the armband, and i dont really think i can talk with Pokemon" N just smiled and composed hearing our introduction

N:"so who will battle with me?" the other looking at me

Riolu:"Rioooo~!" (lets show this mongrel our power aibo!) roaring to Lellouch but he cant understand it without Darkrai translate, only N can understand it and he amused hearing that

Lellouch:"sigh~ well lets battle with me then" N just smile

then Lellouch and the gang featuring N going to the battling arena a dedicated place for a Pokemon Battle, even tho Lellouch really hungry right now