
Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum

the journey of Ash Ketchum and his journey and adventures of becoming the most powerful trainer in the known Pokemon world with his partners. watch as he conquers all known and unknown regions of the Pokemon world.

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chapter - 22, Blackthorn Town

Later we were in Lab, with my newly updated poke-Dex and Totodile and Cyndaquil talking to my Pokémon's. And Cyndaquil was especially admiring my Typhlosion. Soon a boy came and chose Cyndaquil, after seeing my Typhlosion and had asked me some questions on how to raise them and some tips and we just talked and I took him out and talked as a phone came for Professor Elm and when later when I returned later all 3 of them had a troubled face. 

Ash: hey, guys what's the matter, why the troubled face? 

Professor Elm: well Ash, you see we have a small problem. You see the other person that was supposed to start today had due to some circumstances not able to take Totodile with him. And this particular Totodile is a very strong for first starting trainers and there are no new trainers for her right now and next year she would be too old and strong for a new trainer to handle. 

Ash: ok, I see the problem. Professor would you be fine if Misty takes Totodile. 

Misty: huh, me?

Professor Elm: I am not opposed to it, but could you explain why I should give her Totodile? 

Ash: well you see Misty here wants to be a water-type Pokémon Specialist and she is one of the 4 cerulean sisters and a registered Cerulean city gym leader so she can take care of Totodile and she has 3 Ace level Pokémon and a 8 Badge level Pokémon and some below level Pokémon's, so she can even train up Totodile with them and provide a both a mental and physical environment for Totodile to grow up in.

Brock: plus I can take care of the food and health as I want to become a future Breeder and I am also the ex-pewter city gym leader. 

Professor Elm: hm, you both have given me something to think about. Very well, give me an hour and you can then hear my response. 

After that Professor Elm showed us away. After getting out of the lab, misty thanked both Brock and me for the good word to Professor Elm and she always wanted a Totodile. Soon we decided to go to the Pokémon centre for some lunch and get our Pokémon checked up by nurse Joy.

Soon after an hour, we came to the lab and professor Elm had decided to allow Misty to become Totodile's trainer. Misty was over the clouds and soon we left for the Blackthorn town. 

Time skip – 

During the trip to Blackthorn town, I met up with the girl named Casey that chose the grass type Pokémon, Chikorita. And when we introduced ourself and talked each other over lunch and she was over enthusiastic over Electabuzz, and she wanted to me trade him, but we were able to calm her down and why that couldn't happen. And later we left in our own destination. 

We also met up with our first Legendary Pokémon from this region Suicune, and Suicune was a beautiful Pokémon with beauty matched only to Lugia. Me, Brock and Misty stared in shock for almost 2 minutes seeing her and by luck would have it, I was able to record the meeting and Suicune just looked and nodded at us and then ran away. We were still in a trance but luckily, I was able to record the meeting with Suicune and get some data. 

Nothing much of significance of happen other than that and soon after a 2 day trek we were able to get to Blackthorn Clan, the famous town known to reside the Wataru family that are known as the Dragon Maters and the home of the current Indigo champion Lance Wataru. Soon we reached the Pokémon centre and I inquired Nurse Joy about the ACE Level ceremony and after checking my details via Poke-Dex. I was given the venue details and other stuff. I had all my Pokémon checked up as we were still going strong on our training. As we had to know get serious as soon we would have to fight with strong level trainers and Pokémon's. 

After having some rest and dinner, I decided to contact Professor Oak first.

Phone: 'Ring', 'Ring', 'Ring', 'Ring', 'Ring'… 

Soon professor Oak accepted the call. 

Professor Oak: hello, oh Ash its nice to meet you. 

Ash: I am doing good professor. I am calling for transfer of all my ACE-Team. I will transfer my Pokémon from my end first. 

Professor Oak: very well, Ash. 

Soon after a 15 minutes, of transfer I got all my Pokémon.

Professor Oak: is there anything else you need help with Ash.

Ash: yes, professor I am sending you some data please check it out. 

Soon I placed my poke-Dex on the telephone slot. And soon professor Oak accessed the poke-Dex, he saw the latest data. And his eyes gone wide. 

Professor Oak: Ash…

Ash: I know Professor Oak, we will talk later. I also want to know when you will get here with mom. 

Professor Oak: I was planning to come on the day of the ceremony but I and Delia will come tomorrow. I will inform you in the morning when I would be there. 

Ash: ok, professor thanks. 

Soon later I hanged up the phone and called my home number. 

Phone: 'Ring', 'Ring', 'Ring', 'Ring'… 

Mom soon accepted the call. 

Mom: hello, who is this?

She said while switching off the face time.

Ash: mom its me. 

Mom: oh ashy, how are you? Are you fine? Did you reach Jhoto? Who are Brock and Misty? And do you change your underwear regularly? 

I just smiled at her worry that even knowing her son is one of the finalist of the Indigo League and the champion of the Orange cup, she worries about my most smallest problem. 

Ash: I am fine mom, we reached Jhoto almost 5 days back, I had tried to call you in the New Bark Town but no one was picking up the call. Brock and Mist are fine and yes, I change them every day. 

Mom: that's nice to hear Ash, and oh ash, and sorry if I worried you, I was at Viridian city meeting a friend of mine.

Ash: its ok, mom. So how is they're at Pallet town.

Mom: everything is fine Ash.

And we talked for almost 2 hours, she told me how some friends of her were a bit jealous of how her son showed my love for her in front of thousands of people in the stadium and in front of millions of people in front of live television. She also thanked me for the Pokémon I got for her as they help around the house, protect her when she travels to viridian and main point that it makes the house a bit full as the house seemed empty when I wasn't there. She also told me about how they still train and sometimes go with my Pokémon to train sometimes. And told me she sometimes think if she was holding them off and I should be their trainer. And I had told mom that how they themselves weren't much in battle, and mostly stretched their hands and body to keep themselves in shape. And if she felled like it she could talk to me or professor oak if any of them wanted to become battle Pokémon's. that I think relieved her and we also talked if she was coming here tomorrow and I will see her soon. 

After hanging up the call I went to nurse Joy and asked her to see my Pokémon for any injury or infection so that they are ready for the ACE ceremony. 

After that, I went to bed and next day around 6:00 I went to collect my Pokémon's from nurse joy and I said to Brock and Misty that, I would be out training for sometime. 

After that, I released Pidgeot and sat on top of her, with Pikachu in front of me and flew to the outskirt of the city and found a clearing near a small lake. I then released all my Ace Level Pokémon and a Elite level Pokémon.


Soon after I said that I released all my Pokémon's I had on hand. And in a bright flash of light all my current Pokémon's were in front of me. 

Blissey: Blissey Bliss 

Pidgeot: Pidgeot 

Venusaur: Saur Venusaur

Blastoise: Blastoise Blast 

Primeape: Primeape

Muk: Muk 

Typhlosion: Typhlosion 

Empoleon: Empoleon 

Sceptile: Sceptile Sept 

Steelix: Steelix 

Fearow: Fearow 

Gengar: Gengar 

Charizard: CHARIZARD 

Out of all my Pokémon Charizard was the loudest and roared at the sky. I just rolled my eyes at Charizard being dramatic. And I see Pikachu had a look in his eyes. And before I could do anything. 


Pikachu also screamed and released a huge thunder at the sky. 

And Charizard also did the same by releasing a massive flame thrower and before these marrons get hundreds of dragon type Pokémon seeking a challenge. I had Blissey use gravity X10 on both the idiots. 

Blissey: Blissey Bliss 

She said in a scary voice and I think she said "settle down Boys." 

And as soon as thigs calm down, few rangers came and I told them about what happened and I had apologised a lot to them. After they left, I looked at them and when I inspected Primeape and Fearow, my eyes almost popped out. From what I can see it they both are on the cusp of reaching Elite-level. So I decided that today would a good hellish training secession.

Ash: well guys we did it, from tomorrows onwards we are officially ACE Trainers. 

We all celebrated and I told them, about Primeape and Fearow, and I started my high intense training for my ACE Level Pokémon's and Elite level for Charizard, Pikachu, Primeape and Fearow. While the training for Charizard and Pikachu had the high intense training and perfecting their move. And Primeape and Fearow had a little less intense then them but way tougher than the ACE Team and the ACE team seeing my training with Elite level they were both a bit scared but it far out wayed the passion and determination to reach that level and get more stronger. 

While they were training, I was also training my body and mind, I was also exercising, sparing with Primeape and also under the 2X Gravity while meditating. 

While training, we didn't see the time passed and as we got tired from the intense training and rested and I see its afternoon. 

Ash: well, team looks like we should get some rest and call it quits for today. 

While my ACE Pokémon agreed and returned to their respective poke-balls. While the Elite squad, wanted a last battle against each other and see if Primeape and Fearow, will finally break to the Elite level. And I sighed and decided that I will not command any one and they have to fight on their own judgement. And after a minute of thinking Primeape and Fearow agreed. 

Ash: very well, lets take a 10 minutes break and we will start the battle. 

3rd person POV –

Time skip 10 minutes 

Ash: very well the first match will be between Charizard and Fearow. 

High above the ground, the sky becomes the battleground as Charizard, the mighty Flame Pokémon, squares off against Fearow, the sharp-beaked avian predator.

With a mighty roar, Charizard takes to the skies, its wings beating against the air with powerful strokes. The flames on its tail burn brightly, casting shadows across the battlefield as it surveys its opponent with a steely gaze. Fearow, undeterred by the imposing sight before it, spreads its wings and takes flight, the wind whistling through its feathers as it ascends to meet its challenger head-on.

The two Pokémon circle each other in the air, their movements fluid and graceful as they size each other up, searching for any weaknesses to exploit. Suddenly, with a shrill cry, Fearow dives towards Charizard, its beak gleaming in the sunlight as it aims to strike a decisive blow.

But Charizard is quick to react, its instincts honed through years of battle experience. With a swift flap of its wings, it evades Fearow's attack, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp beak as it swoops past. Turning on a dime, Charizard counters with a blast of searing flames, engulfing Fearow in a torrent of fire that leaves it reeling.

The air crackles with energy as Fearow struggles to regain its composure, the flames licking at its feathers as it beats its wings furiously to extinguish the blaze. But Charizard presses its advantage, diving towards its opponent with a speed that belies its size. With a thunderous roar, it unleashes a devastating Dragon Claw attack, its claws slicing through the air with lethal precision.

Fearow cries out in pain as Charizard's attack connects, its talons leaving deep gashes in its plumage as it struggles to stay aloft. With a desperate flap of its wings, Fearow manages to gain some distance from its opponent, but the damage has been done. Bloodied and bruised, it glares defiantly at Charizard, its eyes burning with a fierce determination.

But Charizard shows no mercy, its primal instincts driving it forward as it launches another assault. With a deafening roar, it summons the power of its Flamethrower attack, unleashing a blazing inferno that engulfs Fearow in a wall of fire. The heat is intense, searing the air with its intensity as Fearow finds itself trapped in a maelstrom of flames.

With one final cry, Fearow succumbs to the relentless onslaught, its strength depleted and its wings scorched beyond repair. With a graceful arc, it plummets from the sky, crashing to the ground below in a cloud of dust and debris. The battle is over, and Charizard emerges victorious, its triumphant roar echoing across the battlefield as it basks in the glory of its hard-fought victory.

As the dust settles and the their trainer look on in awe, Ash rushes forward to congratulate his loyal companions, a proud smile spreading across his face. He returned both Charizard and Fearow. 

While on the side we can Ash's starter and his sparring fighting type Pokémon. Looking the battle in awe and with a happy expression as they all knew that in the middle of the battle Fearow had broken into Elite Level. And now its time for Primeape to reach the same level. 

Ash: well guys, you are up next. 

As Ash said that both Pikachu and Primeape got on the opposite side of each other. 

Ash: well then let the battle begin. 

As soon as Ash said that, the two Pokémon lock eyes, a silent challenge passing between them as they prepare to do battle. Without hesitation, Primeape charges forward, its fists clenched and its teeth bared in a fierce snarl. But Pikachu is quick to react, dodging out of the way with lightning-fast reflexes as it evades Primeape's initial assault.

With a nimble leap, Pikachu vaults into the air, its cheeks crackling with electricity as it prepares to strike. With a thunderous roar, it unleashes a powerful Thunderbolt attack, sending a bolt of lightning streaking towards Primeape with unerring accuracy. The air crackles with energy as the attack connects, enveloping Primeape in a dazzling display of light and sound.

But Primeape is not one to be deterred so easily. With a defiant roar, it charges forward once more, shrugging off the effects of Pikachu's Thunderbolt with sheer force of will. With a swift motion, it lashes out with a devastating Karate Chop, its first moving with blinding speed as it aims to strike Pikachu down.

But Pikachu is ready for the attack, its keen senses and lightning-fast reflexes allowing it to evade Primeape's blow at the last possible moment. With a graceful twist, it lands a swift Tail Whip, striking Primeape with a sharp crack across the face and sending it reeling backwards.

Undeterred, Primeape regains its footing and charges forward once more, its eyes burning with a fierce determination. With a mighty cry, it unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks, its movements a blur of motion as it rains down blows upon Pikachu with relentless ferocity.

But Pikachu is not about to back down. With a determined expression, it summons the full extent of its power, channelling the energy within as it prepares to unleash its ultimate attack. With a deafening roar, it unleashes a devastating Thunderbolt, the crackling bolt of lightning arcing towards Primeape with unstoppable force.

Caught off guard by Pikachu's overwhelming power, Primeape is unable to evade the attack in time. With a thunderous crash, the Thunderbolt connects, engulfing Primeape in a blinding explosion of light and sound. The force of the attack sends Primeape hurtling backwards, its form illuminated against the backdrop of the arena as it crashes to the ground in a heap.

As the smoke clears and the dust settles, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause, their excitement palpable as they witness Pikachu's hard-fought victory. With a triumphant cry, Pikachu leaps into the air, its tail crackling with electricity as it celebrates its hard-won triumph. Beside it, Ash watches with pride, a broad smile spreading across his face as he congratulates his loyal companions on a battle well fought. And Primeape also finally joining the Elite team. 

And after a hard-fought battle Pikachu emerges victorious, its indomitable spirit and unwavering determination proving once again why it is truly his Pokémons to be reckoned with.

Ash: return guys, lets get back. We need to return now. 

As ash said that, he returned Primeape to his poke-ball and Pikachu back on his shoulders. 

Ash: you all went beyond my expectations buddy, keep the hard work up and soon we will reach the level of a Pokémon Mater.

As Ash said that to his partner and his companies, and Pikachu just smiled and let a small Cha. 

Ash: come now lets get back to the Pokémon centre. 

Ash said that, he released a rested Pidgeot and they both flew back to blackthorn town. 


Ash's current ACE AND Elite Members – 

Pikachu [M] {Mid-ELITE} 

Charizard [M] {High-ELITE}

Fearow [M] {Low-Elite}

Primeape [M] {Low-Elite}

Blissey [F] {Mid-ACE}

Pidgeot [F] {High-ACE}

Venusaur [M] {High-ACE Level}

Blastoise [M] { High-ACE Level}

Muk [M] {Mid-ACE}

Typhlosion [M] {Mid-ACE}

Empoleon [F] {Mid-ACE}

Sceptile [M] {Mid-ACE}

Steelix [M] {Mid-ACE} 

Gengar [M] {Mid-ACE}