
Pokemon: Strange Psychic

Ash, who wins almost all competitions along with his friends Brock and Dawn, goes to the next Pokémon battle competition. Soon he meets a very strange psychic Pokemon with one girl, which he really likes and he decides to take possession of it, going in search of other individuals. But then it turns out that defeating him and taking possession of this monster is not so easy as it seemed at first

DeezNeuf · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Sane flew cautiously to Nightmare, who glared at him from under her brows. - Why are you so rude? Nightmare just raised her head and looked at him with her black eyes. The crystal spirit suddenly flew into a tree and hit its head hard. - Se-eh ... - he lay on the ground after the blow. Rainy looked in his direction. - Sane! What have you done to him? - Probably ... something happened ... - the girl looked at her Pokemon. - How did she do it? - Asked, looking at the psychic Pokemon, Ash. - The last stage of growing up is the most powerful ... as you can see ...

Suddenly Sane got well and flew up to the new girl. He began to resent her, throwing him back and causing pain. Nightmare approached him and looked menacingly in the face. - Do not run up, small ... - she said in a rude tone and pressed Sein with her huge paw to the ground. He tried to extricate himself, but could not. Her paw was too heavy. The girl ran to her Pokemon and began to drag her away. The guy ran up and began to pull his friend out from under her "hand". - Let him go! He said, pulling Sane out. "Nightmare, please let him out, he didn't do anything. Snorting, Nightmare raised her hand, and Rainy and Sane fell to the ground. Ash with a frightened Pikachu on his shoulder approached the girl. - How strong is she? "Well… you can see it yourself if… you catch…" she said shyly. Ash put his arm around her shoulder. - Hey, what is it? The girl only slightly turned her head away from him and covered her face with half her shoulder. - You can say, what can she do? The guy turned her to him. In his heart, he really really wanted the same Pokemon for himself.

The girl shook her head. - You will see for yourself. - Good. What is your name, can I find out? - Anarma my name is ... - Anarma? "Uh-huh… Rainy walked up to her with Sane while Nightmare walked near them and surveyed the area. - And you just want to get into a duel with other Pokémon? - In what sense? - He just wants to say that you are shy. - Oh ... I'll think of something. - Less than half an hour left before the fight. Do you think you can handle it? - I think yes. - Hah! I really hope so, - the guy grinned. - Rainy. Let her have at least the courage to fight. - Pick! ("Oh come on. Let's see what you and the Nightmare can do. "I'll have to find the same Pokemon and catch it," Ash thought. But it flashed through his head: "Do your best, heh. We get smart with age. " Come on… "Ash looked at Nightmare, who was looking over her shoulder at him, grinning.