
Pokemon SI : Mind your business

One moment I was in a closet, and now I'm in a new world. Between causing chaos and trying to become an exceptional Psychic-type Pokémon trainer, there's so much to do and so little time... Only psychic Pokemon ,some plot lines,some hardwork and original training methods ------------------------ Ok, this is my first fanfic and English is not my first language. Consider yourself warned. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or anything else, feel free to let me know.

Moliere23 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A Peaceful Discussion

The luxurious suite descended into chaos after a moment of stupefaction. The walls covered in golden wallpaper adorned with impressionist paintings, intended to offer a serene atmosphere, instead reflected the prevailing panic. The floor, laid with a thick Persian rug, and the subtle scent of lavender were not enough to calm the agitated minds. A young woman, surprised as she emerged from the marble bathroom, quickly used her powers to wrap herself in a towel while screaming. Taken aback, I raised my hands in a gesture of peace, trying to hide my own confusion.

"Calm down, I just wanted to ask for the Wi-Fi password!" I joked, not without a hint of nervousness, fully aware of the intrusive nature of my presence.

Enraged, she didn't let me finish. "You perverted creep!" she yelled before throwing various objects across the room.

I awkwardly dodged cushions, vases, and even a lamp. Each projectile seemed to target me with uncanny precision. It was time to state a sad truth.

"Creep? As if there was anything worth admiring here, even your Jynx has more curves than you."

The Pokémon in question burst out laughing, its rounded hands clutching its belly. Its instinctive reaction made a smirk appear on my face, but for the young woman, it was the final straw.

Seeing her own Pokémon laughing at her made her boil with rage. She closed her eyes for a moment, seeming to concentrate, then used her powers to violently hurl me against a wall. The feel of the cold, rigid wood against my back briefly took my breath away.

A clash of energy followed, pink and green sparks forming waves in the room. I attempted a clumsy counterattack, more by instinct than skill, trying to channel the energy I had used during my sudden teleportation, but I was clearly outmatched. Our powers collided in strange pulses. A discharge of energy finally pinned me to the ground.

"Okay, I admit, I overstepped! It wasn't intentional!" I protested.

She glared at me, visibly hesitant, torn between rage and confusion. As she kept me suspended, something changed in her. Her breathing became more measured, as if she was pondering her next action.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice more composed but tinged with suspicion. The pressure lessened slightly, allowing me to breathe more freely.

"David. My name is David. I'm 19. I don't know how I ended up here."

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "And where do you come from, David? And why are you here?"

A timidly amused smile appeared on my lips despite the tense atmosphere. "I just escaped from an island where I spent most of my life. I built a raft with the help of two Tirtouga and arrived in Vermilion City barely 15 minutes ago."

She remained silent for a moment, weighing the credibility of my outlandish story.

"You still haven't answered my last question... Why this suite specifically?" she insisted.

I shrugged. "Honestly, it was an accident. This is my first time teleporting. I don't really have an instruction manual, so I'm flying blind here."

She seemed to reflect, her eyes lost in thought, before finally sitting elegantly on a chair opposite me. "I'm Caitlyn, a member of the Elite Four... Enjoying my vacation was my plan until your... exceptional arrival."

Her name resonated in my mind, sparking a glimmer of recognition. "Caitlyn... Elite Four... Unova..." In my mind, I tried to recall what I knew about her. A few scattered snippets of information, but nothing concrete.

With a slight elegant smile, she scrutinized me. "You seem to have a remarkable talent for psychic energy. Do you have any aspirations, Mr. Tirtouga?" she asked with curiosity.

I shook my head, smiling weakly. "Psychic, is that what I was using earlier? And I don't even know where I'm going to sleep tonight or what I'm going to eat tomorrow. I have no idea what I want to do for now."

Her look became pensive before lighting up with a sparkle of mischief. "Why not become a trainer then?" she proposed, a sly smile on her lips.