
Selection exam

Hi my name is Monty and I live in the world of magical monsters to most people.

But to me and the inhabitants they are known as pokemon.

Not the average one you know. This world is far more dangerous you see.

After the original protagonist ash and his friends went up against the criminal organization called nova.

Which is a combination of all previous organizations like team rocket,magma and etc..

The ranking are as the following



Co Leaders:












Plasma-Colress,Seven sages,Zinzolin




Low rank:


Ash managed to take out fifty percents of their force. But at the cost of something equally devastating.

His loyal Pokémon Pikachu died at the hands of one of team nova new inventions.

A Pokémon called mewthree. This Pokémon that is a combination of Mewtwo and some of arceus cells.

As to how team nova has come across Arceus cells you may ask.

When our protagonist ash saved the sinnoh region by stopping arceus. Arceus was damaged a little sending a bit of his dna laying in the spot he was hurt at.

Giovanni seeing the chance snatched up arceus dna and got his best scientist working on it right away.

Two years later and what do you have a new Pokémon named mewthree.

That is not just it with the power of mewthree team nova has influenced most of the Pokémon in the world to become hostile towards humans.

Back to ash he was never the same after he lost his best buddy. He shut himself in and trained harder and harder.

Each of his starting lineup being able to fight at a champion Pokémon's lvl.

His is now the leader of the Pokémon resistance Corp. A corporation we now have to stop the agressive pokemon and team nova.

The standing in the Pokémon resistance Corp go as the following.



Co leaders:










High rankings:




Top 200:




Platinum rank:

Gold rank:

Silver rank:

Bronze rank:

Back to the story at hand

Like I stated earlier my name is Monty and today is the day I have been waiting to happen for most of my life.

Once a child turns 16 they have to enter the draft which selects 20 teens a year to join the the Corp.

Most teens dread this day. This is where a child becomes an adult.

But not me I need this job so I can provide for my family.

Shaking these thoughts out my head I got ready to go down to the subject selection test.

Putting on all my clothes which consisted of running shoes, black jeans a red shirt and jean jacket to go over it.

Running down stairs I was greeted to the site of my sister and mother preparing what smelled like an amazing breakfast.

Walking up to them I waved and said a friendly greeting to them.

'Hey Mom! Hey Sis! The food smells wonderful.

Looking at the table I couldn't wait to dig in. On the table was a delicious waffle with eggs and sausages.

Scarfing down my food quickly I said my goodbye and rushed out to not be late.

Running down the street. I stopped as I came across a giant military like building.

Walking inside I came up to a glasses wearing women that had curly hair.

'Hi mam my name is Monty I have come for the selection draft.'

Right this way sir if you go down the hall and make a right you will see a field.

Telling her my thanks I walked down the hall and made a right.

Coming upon a door I saw sign saying Corp training center.

Opening the door I was greeted to the scene of a man with bulging muscles wearing an army green outfit.

Seeing me walk in the building he greeted all the participants.

Leo:Good afternoon cadets my name is Leo. My rank in the military is platinum rank.

Once each of you become a cadet you each will head out into the wild and catch a Pokémon.

Grabbing a poke ball he pressed a button enlarging it.

Throwing it out a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon, with fur that is predominantly blue and black. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen.

This is my Pokémon lucario we have been threw many battles and even a few Pokémon raids.

You each are expected to go out into the wild and catch a Pokémon. You will then be expected to form a bond with them over the weak.

Once you do you will then be expected to mentor under a tutor that is no lower than platinum rank.

After your mentored for two weeks you will be given an evaluation test to prove if your ready to enter the bronze rank where you can begin missions.

Walking with Leo he lead us all to a place outside.

Leo: alright cadets I will be handing each of you five poke balls and a few potions.

Each of you will be expected to report back to this location in two days.

Now there will be ten zones you can choose from.

Each have a rating of how difficult they can be ranging from 1-5 stars.

Five being the hardest as you know. Now chose wisely cause fifty percent of everyone dies during this process.

Their will be no back up to come and help so good luck.

With the Leo made his way back towards the academy.

Monty:Taking a deep breath I looked at the map. The locations on the map ranged from easy to hard.

One star maps typically only have none rare Pokémon. Wanting a Pokémon that many couldn't have like Leo I chose the last area.

It was a five star area that is located in the dragons den. There are many people that started in this area that have become famous.

Such as the idol from celestial town Stacy. She is one of the youngest gold rank trainers in the world almost reaching platinum.

She lucked up and caught a ralts that has evolved into a gardevoir.

I even heard she has stopped a pack of spearows with her gardevoir alone.

Well back to the matter at hand stepping through the gate I prepared for what was on the other side.