
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 48

Evan and his brother walked calmly along the overgrown road.

He urgently needed to train this body and his aura, because although the anime did not portray moments where physical strength was really necessary as a means of survival, what he had experienced along the journey with Ash and the others could no longer be considered simple fiction, but a reality based on the fictional world he knew.

"Ready to get home Sylveon? We have to at least prepare for a long training trip." Evan release his Sylveon and his companion smiled excitedly.

"Veon~syl~sylveon~" Surprisingly, Evan could understand what the cute Sylveon was saying.

"You really got a nice bond with your Pokémon." Steven said to Evan as he just smiled back at him.

After finally arriving at Rustboro city Evan was mentally preparing himself,as he rang the door bell, it was answered by everyone who were waiting for him to congratulated him, and soon Evan was approached with a tight hug from his father Joseph Stone, practically suffocating him.

Breaking free from the suffocating embrace,Evan looked at his 'father', who was smiling sweetly at him,and the people who work at the mansion.

"Evan, finally came back home. Congratulations on your championship at the Ever Grande, Hoenn league Conference, I'm so proud of you my son, come on come on in." Evan nodded as he climbed the stairs to the top floor of the house that led to Evan's room.

Entering he saw that it was exactly the same as it was before he departed. A luxurious room with a single huge bed, a massive closet, and a study table that had several books. Evan took the small frame that certified him as a champion of the Ever Grande Hoenn league Conference from his space ring and placed it next to his championship trophy. With one last look at the table, he went to his bathroom to take a well-deserved shower.

Evan went to shower while lost in thought. Where would he train during these time???Travel normally while training? It wasn't a good idea. Not having a fixed place to settle meant wasting a good part of the day traveling and little time actually being spent on training.

Where would he go to train? Evan thought of several possibilities and just as he was giving up on something, something came to his mind. The Kingdom of Rota. Portrayed in a movie in the Pokémon:Lucario and the mystery of Mew, the location was perfect for its needs, and if possible he could persuade Lucario before the event in the movie take place.It also opened up the possibility of exploring Aura, something that was introduced in the anime and practically not taken advantage of. He would certainly take advantage to learn his Aura properly in the kingdom of Rota.

Deciding his trip, he finishes his shower and wore a simple T-shirt, a trench coat and a jeans, he then went down stairs to have dinner with his family Joseph and Steven.

"Dad, I know I just got home, but tomorrow I will be leaving for the Kingdom of Rota, I want to start training my body to be better prepared for my future journeys. I hope you understand." Joseph was saddened by his son leaving again with less than a day at home, but he was also proud of his son looking ahead.And asked him to at least stay until his birthday which was only a few days away.

"Alright after my birthday, I will be going to Kanto I must learn to use my Aura properly if I want to protect myself and my love ones, I learned a lot in my journey that although being a trainer and going on a journey is fun, but there are also dangers lurking out there, so I must properly prepare myself before I depart for my next journey, it might take months and years learning how to use Aura properly, but I'm sure I will be able to control my Aura properly if I give my heart in learning" Joseph was saddened to see that just going on a journey for a while changed him a lot but he was also happy to see his son growing.

"And brother I hope you'll visit father, you'll always forget about the time looking for a stone!" Evan said to Steven to which he nodded as if seeing that Evan is the one who have become an elder brother, for a while.


Evan now finally turned 11 years old yesterday, and he was departing for Kanto today. His father Joseph Stone founded one of the Royal guard's named Riley's phone no. And called him to which they gladly accepted.And soon they will be coming to pick up Evan directly.

Soon Evan was greeted with the image of black hair, blue eyes and wearing an expensive looking blue hat, with a suit in the same color and a black shirt underneath, having a strangely shaped gold chain around his neck. He wore black pants and well-polished shoes of the same color. The man was surprised to see Evan and quickly introduced himself.

"I am Sir Riley, Guardian of the Aura and head of the royal guard of the Sovereign Kingdom of Rota. You must be Evan Stone from Rustboro City. But to cut to the chase, you must have a reason to contact our realm, I am willing to listen to you." Evan looked at the man who adopted a serious look and taking a deep breath, revealed his motives.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Riley.I'll cut to the chase, I'm interested in starting my training to be a full-fledged Aura Guardian." Evan's statement sent shock to Riley's face, and the man quickly pulled himself together.

"This is a great news, our esteemed Queen will be pleased to hear that you wish to pursue the profession of Guardian,when do you intend to start your training?" Evan nodded in understanding and answered the man without any excitement.

"I intend to start my training immediately. I've had some unpleasant encounters with people of bad character along my journey as a Pokémon trainer, and I need to be able to defend myself as well as defend those I care about. It's a selfish motive, but I need to find ways to have the strength to protect those I hold dear." Evan's answer brought a slight smile to Riley's face.

"Young man, desiring strength to protect your loved ones is not a selfish motive. I'm glad you made such a decision, but before committing to the start of your training, there's something I need to ask you: Are you prepared to take responsibility as a defender of Route and the Tree of Beginnings? We know about your status as a trainer, researcher, breeder and a coordinator and we will try our best not to get in the way of your dream, but once you accept being an Aura Guardian, your loyalty will have to be sworn to Rota, which means presenting yourself to the realm in times of crisis. internal conflict or conflict with foreign forces. Accepting the position of Aura Guardian will give you privileges, but also responsibility as a protector of Rota both as an Aura Guardian and a member of our military force. Do you accept such terms?"

Evan thought about Riley's warning. He would basically be joining a kingdom as a soldier, which had both positives and negatives. He would have a government that would intercede for him in situations that required political appeal and, if necessary, a place to shelter in case he needed it. But he would also be required to participate in conflicts in which Rota became involved. He could also be called at any time by the kingdom for different reasons. Well, nothing was free. To get something, you had to be willing to give something up. He would no longer be free to do as he saw fit, but he would still have enough freedom to continue pursuing his dream to become a strong trainer. Making his decision, he looked at the head of Rota's royal guard.

"I accept your terms Sir Riley." The man smiled at the positive response.

Evan said goodbye to his brother Steven and his father, who hugged him and didn't want to let go, reluctantly he saw his son get in the helicopter and leave the house towards Rota.

He looked up at the sky longingly. "Take care my son..."

~To Be Continued...