
Jhoto - Goldenrod City

Serena looked at the board that had the contestants who were going forward and her heart lurched, 'Oh! I'm going against Ash first. I will give it my best.'

Lamaria, "Let's welcome the first two contestants, Serena and Ash who will be battling in the first round."

Ash held his hand out, "Let's give it our best Serena."

Serena nodded shaking his hand, "Yes, I will."

Lamaria, "Take your places and choose your Pokemon."

Serena, "Let's go Seel!"

Ash, "Show them what you got Tyrunt!"

Max, "Ah! Wouldn't Tyrunt be weak against a water type?"

Brock, "Not necessarily."

Gou took his pokedex out, "Look here Max, Tyrunt is a dragon and rock type. I'd say they are very evenly matched against each other."

Melody, "Which means we will get quite the battle!"

Chloe cheered, "Do your best Serena! Ash!"

Misty, "Give us a good fight."

Lamaria, "Begin."

Serena, "Aqua ring."

Ash, "Dragon dance!"

Tyrunt used dragon dance to increase his strength and stamina while dodging the aqua rings that were being thrown at him. It caused Serena to loose a few points, Tyrunt then used ancient power to attack only for Seel to use another aqua ring again. The two attacks clashed and dispersed in shimmering lights on the stage.

Serena, "Use aqua jet!"

Ash, "Counter with dragon claw."

Seel used aqua jet to circle around increasing his speed before slamming hard into the dragon claw. Tyrunt grunted but didn't back down before he opened his mouth and used crunch on Seel breaking him out of the aqua jet. Seel hissed as he was forcefully ejected and pushed away from his opponent, his points going down.

Serena was getting pumped up, "Don't give up Seel! Use life dew followed by water pulse."

Ash grinned, "Sunny day Tyrunt, then use thunder fang."

Tyrunt closed his eyes and used sunny day to energise himself and get rid of the effects of the water based attack. Seel healed himself using life dew before attacking Tyrunt using water pulse. Tyrunt stayed calm however knowing he would have to time it right and just when water pulse was a few centimeters away Tyrunt jumped. Seel and Serena were surprised before Serena told Seel to be careful, Tyrunt however had already readied thunder fang and attacked the water type.

Serena gasped, "Oh no! Seel!"

Lamaria checked Seel, "Seel is unable to battle. Ash and Tyrunt wins this match and will proceed to the next round."

Ash was jumped by a happy Tyrunt, "Oooof! You did it buddy! You showed everyone what you got .... Tyrunt?"

Tyrunt had started to glow in his arms becoming bigger and larger and Ash had to sit down to accommodate the growing height and weight. When the glow died Ash was being nuzzled by a fairly larger than normal Tyrantrum who was rumbling and rubbing him in satisfaction. Ash laughed as he hugged Tyrantrum congratulating him on successfully evolving into a Pokemon considered to be the King of Ancient World. Tyrantrum puffed up in pride as he rumbled and cooed at his Meema, one of the four beings that he would bow his head to. Yes, Tyrantrum planned on leading his own personal, power pack once he was used to his new body, abilities and power.

Serena smiled at them, "Congratulations to both of you. That was so cool."

Nurse Joy, "Indeed, Tyrunts are very rare Pokemon. To think we would be able to witness one evolve."

Sukizo, "It is quite the sight."

Contesta, "A very lucky day today."

Lamaria grinned, "This is going to be one unforgettable contest."

Ash laughed, "Thank you everyone. You might want to back off a little. Tyrantrum are very territorial unlike Tyrunt. Sorry!"

Serena giggled, "Of course Ash. We understand, he just evolved, it'll take time for him to be comfortable again."

Ash nuzzled Tyrantrum, "Thank you. Come on, my handsome King. Let's go sit down while Brock gives you a check up. No, no, no pouting. You know the rules. Everyone follows it."

Tyrantrum grumbled but agreed to be checked over by Brock the healer of the group. Now he would not bow down to another human but he understood healers do not expect you to bow down. They are there to heal you, not to forget healers were scary on their own when angry, the King went with Ash without fussing and was checked over by Brock. Brock gave a report saying Tyrantrum was as healthy as he could be but his abilities and strength were unknown currently. Ash nodded expecting that and promised Tyrantrum they would figure his ability out after the contest was over.

Lamaria meanwhile was announcing the winner and Ash's next opponent, "Well done Cherry and Girafarig. You'll be advancing to the next round."

Ash pat Tyrantrum's shoulder, "I better go. Be good, okay Tyrantrum. I promise, I'll help you master your abilities after this."

Tyrantrum nodded rumbling, "Rrrrrrrrn."

Lamaria, "Dear contestants, choose your Pokemon."

Ash, "Time to shine, Lapras."

Cherry, "Let's go, Girafarig."

Lamaria, "Begin."

Cherry, "Dazzling gleam."

Ash, "Ice beam."

Girafarig used dazzling gleam while Lapras turned the field into an ice field and used tackle on the surprised psychic type. The giraffe Pokemon was taken by surprise when his legs slipped on the ice and was tackled by the water ice type. Girafarig grunted as he got up and glared at the water ice type who was sliding around happily.

Cherry, "Hang on Girafarig, use stomp!"

Girafarig lifted his front legs and brought it down hard on the ice floor making it crack and break up. Lapras huffed before using blizzard to freeze the psychic type in his place.

Cherry, "Girafarig! Use confusion on the ice to free yourself."

Ash, "Ice beam."

Lapras grinned and shot a powerful ray of ice beam just as Girafarig freed himself and froze him completely.

Lamaria, "Oh! Uhhhh... Is Girafarig coming out? Or is he stuck?"

Cherry, "Girafarig, come on buddy, you can do it! Use both stomp and confusion to escape."

Girafarig who heard the order tried to use confusion first before stomping on the ice breaking it. The giraffe's front side was free but the back side was still frozen solid. At that moment Cherry's points hit zero.

Lamaria, "Well folk we have a winner and it's Ash and Lapras."

Tyrantrum roared, "RRRUN!"

Lamaria laughed, "Oh my apologies and Tyrantrum!"

Tyrantrum grunted and grumbled as he finally was free from Brock's tender care and rushed to Ash's side nuzzling him. The group had a small dinner celebration after the contest was over and the next morning Ash was helping Tyrantrum figure out the new moves and abilities he had. They left the little town after breakfast and saying farewell to Cherry who was heading directly to Ecruteak City. As they traveled Noctowl decided the ancient Pokemon would be a good perch, Ash bit back a giggle on seeing it.

Tyrantrum was sniffing around, "Rrrrun."

Max observed the dragon type, "Speaking of sniffing he was sniffing me earlier. What was that about?"

Brock hummed, "He did that to me yesterday while I was giving him a check up."

Serena, "Me too."

Gou, "I think Tyrantrum did that to all of us."

Lucario smirked, -He was marking you all as his pack.-

Misty, "Huh! That's cool."

Casey nodded, "Yeah."

Chloe, "I wonder if other Pokemon do the same thing."

Ash took out an old book, "One sec, let me see... Ummmm.... Here it is! If you are lucky enough to catch an Alpha. Those Pokemon mark you, otherwise normally they don't."

Brock, "Ash is right, which means, Tyrantrum here is an alpha."

Tyrantrum was preening hearing them talk, "Rrrrun."

Ash chuckled at the preening alpha half relieved he was not challenging Lucario to be the Leader of the group. Lucario had already told him before that Tyrantrum considered him and the Pokemon who babysat him to be the elders of the group. Basically Lucario, Pikachu and the older teams he had back in Professor Oak's laboratory were a no touch zone. Ash half wondered if this was instinct or something he got from other Pokemon groups.

Ash, 'Ah well as long as he is happy.'

Casey took out a book she had brought at the town, "By the way, I got this sign book while shopping."

Misty looked at it, "What is it about?"

Melody tilted her head, "Looks interesting check my sign."

Casey, "According to the date, month and year you are a Kingdra. Very fitting. According to this the people born under this date, month and year are strong and feel a lot more comfortable near the ocean although they are able to adjust to different situations."

Max, "Cool, check mine, please!"

Casey checked Max and he was a Bulbasaur which Ash found really cute, Misty went next and she was a Staryu. Serena asked for hers and she was a Pidgey, Chloe asked for hers and Gou's. Chloe was like an Eevee and while Gou rolled his eyes and claimed he was not interested, he was very happy to know he was like an Aron. Ash much to his surprise was a Milotic, which Misty mused fitted him as he was able to adapt to both coordinating and gym battles. Ash agreed then asked for Casey's and Brock's, Casey turned out to be a Scyther and Brock was interestingly enough a Vileplume. Soon they came across large gates that read Goldenrod City and it looked like they just finished their own Pokemon contest.

Serena, "I know that contestant, she is Calem's rival, Mikaela."

Ash, "Her Vespiquen is very impressive."

Casey pointed at the screen, "Hey look look, Whitney is one of the judges."

Brock nodded, "Sometimes, gym leaders are required to judge the contestants taking part especially if there is some trouble afoot."

Ash frowned, "Probably heard about what happened in Mt Quena."

Max scowled mumbling, "Yeah."

Misty sighed, "I think you may be right about that."

Serena looked at them worried, "Will you be okay?"

Casey smiled at her, "Don't worry about us Serena. We will be alright, it'll take time but we will be okay."

Melody, "Let's go to the Pokemon center and get some rooms. It's already late in the evening."

Ash, "Yeah, let's go."

The Pokemon centre was filled with many trainers who had taken part in the contest and were currently relaxing. The group got their rooms and went to unpack and relax, Melody was tempted to make Serena and Gou get a room with Ash, but after seeing Max cling to Ash didn't do it in the end. Misty shook her head on seeing what she was planning to do and distracted her by saying they could have a girls only sleepover.

Misty mumbled, "Max is more comfortable talking with Ash about what happened rather than anyone else, so they'll have a room to themselves."

Gou nodded, "Yeah, he usually talks to us during the day but Max does not feel comfortable talking about how he actually feels with us."

Brock sighed, "It's actually understandable why he prefers Ash, considering he was the one who encouraged Max to work hard on his exams and took Max up on his request to travel pre - trainer level."

Casey agreed, "That makes sense."

Chloe was watching Ash calm his baby Pokemon down so they could have a check up, "There is also the thing with Ash sometimes acting motherly."

Serena perked up, "Ooooh! I think we should go shopping for dresses. I remember Ash texting he needs a new look."

Casey, "New look?"

Gou, "When confronting Team Rocket, we usually change how we look. We didn't have a proper outfits or look yet or we could have avoided the Gonzalez incident. We have not been able to choose one after coming to Jhoto, due to everything happening."

Brock growled, "Which is why Gonzalez is interested in Ash now. If we can create another persona for Ash and that persona clashes with Gonzalez then... "

Misty, "That's a good idea. Tomorrow after training let's go shopping."

Ash joined them after leaving an amused Nurse Joy and Jim, "I hear shopping."

Max had been with him helping calm the baby Pokemon down, "Shopping for what? I thought we already did that last town."

Misty grinned, "Jhoto region is known for it's Kimonos, both male and female. So let's go shopping tomorrow Ash. It has been a while since we had a shopping spree."

Ash laughed, "That's true. And I was planning on getting my mom a gift for her birthday. A kimono sounds like a good gift."

Melody cooed, "That's very sweet of you Ash."

Max rubbed his nape, "I guess, I could get a dress for May too, she did help me convince mom and dad to let me come here."

Ash pat his head, "If you know her size, I'm sure we could help you pick a dress."

Max smiled, "Really? That would be great, I don't know much about Kimonos or how to wear one."

Serena gave an embarrassed laugh, "Don't worry Max, I have no clue either."

Gou rubbed his nose embarrassed, "Me neither."

Casey, "Well then, it's your lucky day, I'll teach you."

Brock, "So the plans for tomorrow are set then, after training we go shopping. Our dinner is here too, I hope you don't mind Ash we ordered for you and Max too."

Ash, "I'm starving."

Max, "Me too."

Chloe, "Let's eat."

[A. N.: They finally reached Goldenrod City. Yay!

I can't wait to write the gym battles.

Hope you all are doing well.]

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