
Chapter 23: Battle of Champions(3)

Since she was just a child, Cynthia always feel lonely, The only person she can play with is her grandma, She had seen many children around her age trying to befriend her, but she knew they were just trying to be friends with her because of her Grandma.

They only after the benefits they will receive if they were to befriend her, so since then Cynthia chose not to have those people as her friends.

Cynthia felt her life was Grey colored, No life, but all that changed when Gibble arrived at her life.

Gibble became the Only friend of Cynthia, her only partner, Since Gibble came to her life, the grey colored world became a rainbow for her.

Everyday was fun, they eat together, they bath together, they played together, everyday was a happy day for Cynthia.

That's why seeing her Friend Gibble evolved in front of her, She can't help but to Cry a little, by no means it's not a cry of sadness, it's tears of Joy.

Cynthia feels her Connection with Gibble getting stronger every second.

Then when the light subsides, a medium-sized, bipedal, dragon-like Pokémon that is primarily blue. Its underside is light blue, with red covering it from the middle of its abdomen to the bottoms of its jaw.

[ Ohh!!!!! Gibble Evolves!!! ] MC

[ Oh~ What a Surprise to see a Gibble Evolving into a Gabite is rare sight!] Oak.


" Heh, Even if Gibble evolved, we're not going to Lose right? Riolu?!!!" Noah smiled excitedly.

< Riolu!!! > Riolu redied his stance and nodded.

" Then Let's win this Gabite!!!" Cynthia said as she wiped the tears in her eyes.

< Biiiiiitttttteeee> Gabite smiled.

" Then lets start with Double team then Dash!!" Cynthia said.

Then Many Gabite's appeared, and each one of them had the same faces and strength run towards Riolu.

" Riolu Use Bone Rush!"

Riolu then materialized a Blue bone and starts hitting every Gabite that came towards him.

" Let's try our New move, Dragon Claw!" Cynthia said.

Then Claws began to shine Green and Grew, all of the Double team Gabite did the same and attacked Riolu.

" Riolu Use detect!" Noah said hurriedly.

Then Riolu began to look around and dodge every Gabite that attacked him but then he got overwhelmed by the Numbers.


Riolu was hit at the back by the real Gabite sending him flying.

* Boomm!! *

Riolu was sent towards the wall.

" RIOLU!!" Noah shouted, he's very worried about Riolu right now, then saw riolu on the ground with his two legs shaking.

He was panting, clearly his very tired and the fatigue he accumulated throughout the entire match is getting him.

Then their eyes met, Noah can see that even though Riolu is tired Will to fight is still burning in his eyes, and Riolu can see that his trainer is very worried about his condition.

Riolu Smiled then Howled as Large Aura exploded from his inside.


The sheer amount of Aura Riolu was exerting was impressive enough to make even Alakazam who was watching currently gaze at Riolu with interest.

Then as if an evolution, Riolu's fur began turning Golden yellow.... His still the same but the his Fur Pigmentation change, from Blue to Golden yellow.

" Ri..olu." Noah called in amazement.

[ Th-this This is a New Information!!!! I never thought that it could be like this!!] Oak lost his composure and shouted.

[ Wh-what happen professor Oak! Why did Riolu's change?? ] MC

[ Have you ever heard of Shiny Pokemon?] Oak.

[ Shiny you mean those Pokemon who had different color than Normal? ] MC

[ Yeah, Truth to be told we concluded that A Shiny Pokemon is a Mutation from birth only and not by made but seeing Riolu Change it's Color and Became Shiny on it's own.... This is a New Discovery!!!] Oak said.

The other Professors who also knew about the research were Surprised, certainly this is a new Discovery.


Hello Everyone, This Meowske_kun( I changed my Name a while ago.) Sorry for the late Update, I've been busy with my studies and have no time to write.

Unfortunately I will put this Fanfic into Hiatus, I am very busy lately and writing Three Fanfic is harder than I thought.

Anyway as you can see the first Chapters of the Story is crap, although I thank those who loved it, I plan to re-write the Story and correct the grammars and change some things.

I don't know when I would continue Again but I assure you I will not drop it.

Again this is your Author Meowske_kun!