
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · Anime & Comics
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198 Chs

Grass frog march

Wow, I can't believe it, I reached 'that' level of popularity, where this book is so well known that some random person with nothing better to do and never read a single chapter gave me a 1 ★ review and spammed facepalm emojis.

I would like to thank my parents, and my college professors for this honor, I never would have thought the day would come.

In all seriousness I don't know who I have to say this to but don't do this it's just annoying, I won't say names but I looked at the person's account, and in the same hour that they gave me the 1★ they gave 5 books a 1 ★, they gave one the same review twice, so I deleted it, anyway back to chapter.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid we don't have any at the moment," a cashier girl told Ash.

"This place too, well thanks anyway I'll take the herbs, 2 of each," Ash said back, to which the girl nodded and rang him up.

He paid and left, this was the 3rd store he asked about the Mints, and yet again nothing.

That's right they were finally in Celadon City, and almost immediately Brock was attracted by the girls, and Misty and Yellow went out clothes shopping, or more accurately Ash told them to get actual warm clothes since Summer was about to end and all they had were shorts and leggings.

Meanwhile, Ash did some shopping looking for the mints, he heard from his other side that the shipment got stolen but he didn't think it was this bad, so in total the only thing he got were the herbs like the white herb, which he planted as well.

Ash stretched his arms as Pikachu jumped back into his hood for comfort, "I might as well go to the department store." Ash said to himself.

The Celadon City department store is the biggest one in all of Kanto with even more variety, despite Celadon itself not being the biggest city the amount of stuff they had more than outweighed that.

So Ash went into the department Store and saw that it was like IKEA but less evil or corrupt, probably, he didn't know if teenage workers were slaving away downstairs.

So Ash went ahead and got as many things he could think of needing, ranging from Life orbs, to some gems, to even more obscure items like the loaded dice, overall he got a lot and just for good measure he let Abra mark this place so if he ever needed to come back he could do so.

Unsurprisingly there were no Light orbs for Pikachu, but TMs were kinda a thing, they were more like very detailed instructions to teach Pokemon moves than magic disks, which Ash did not need at all.

So Ash left and saw that the day was still young, it wasn't even Noon yet, so he went to get something to eat, eventually landing on a Cafe.

After he got his coffee and Scones, Pikachu helped himself and Ash felt a notification so he checked his Pokedex.

{Kanto Kids Group chat}

(Leavesonthevine): Hey boys where you at?

(Smellyoulater): Oh boy I don't like where this is going

(Pokemonenjoyer): Well we are talking about our very good- yeah this is going to be bad, what do you want?

(Leavesonthevine): Wow can't I call my best friends after how long we have been separated,

(Pokemonenjoyer): Says the girl who tried to sell my homework to the dumb kids.

(Smellyoulater): Says the girl that tried to get my autograph and sell it as Gramps'

(Leavesonthevine): Wow way to hold on to the past you two, grow up everyone else has.

(Pokemonenjoyer): …

(Smellyoulater): …

(Leavesonthevine): Well this time I have news that you boys don't like, I got my badge {insert image of Green with Badge}

(Smellyoulater): Cap


(Leavesonthevine]: Cope all you want but just look me up on the league's website and cry about it.

(Smellyoulater): Alright give me a sec…

(Smellyoulater): Shoot she isn't lying she actually got it before us, dang it, I was just doing my final preparations

(Pokemonenjoyer): I'd make a joke of how much you paid her, but we all know you're a cheapskate, welp I guess you won, what do you want?

(Leavesonthevine): Just wait I will save my requests for the both of you, until then good luck, I have stuff to do.

Ash put down his dex and sighed, just a day too late and he would have won the bet, welp no point crying about it he needed to decide who he would bring in, Fearow and Pidgeotto are in, Scyther too, Nidorino is a maybe since he has been focused on trying to learn a new move and has rejected evolving until he is done.

With Charizard in the back he should be good just like that, maybe Beedrill but that just depends on how things go and how he builds his squad.

As Ash was thinking Bulbasaur got out of his Pokeball which was just sitting on Ash's belt.

Ash looked down at his Grass frog, "What up buddy, you want one" he said holding out one of the Scones.

Bulbasaur shook his head and started talking, "Bubbub - Bulbasaur, bub" [I want to return to that city, the one where we trained with the big man.]

"You mean Vermilion, why do you want to go?"

[The flowers, they call to me, I must go before the seasons change and the flowers go into hibernation. Will you allow me to go.] Bulbasaur asked sternly, also slightly nervous.

Ash shrugged, "Yeah why not let's go, just give me a second." Ash said as he took out Dex again.

Kanto squad group chat.

(Pokemonenjoyer): Hey guys I'm going to be late. Bulbasaur wants me to do something, text me wherever we are staying later.

(ForgottenSister): Well if you insist on giving us the option I guess we have to get to a hotel, oh the tragedy.

(Rockhardwillpower): Alright I'll try to make sure Misty doesn't put us in debt, but I can already hear her asking for Baked Alaska.

A back and forth started so Ash put his dex away and handed the last Scone behind him to the hand in his Jacket, the goblin Abra.

"Alright let's go, Abra you know the drill," Ash said as he left the money on the table and grabbed Bulbasaur in one arm and Pikachu in the other, then they popped out of existence.

{At Vermilion City}

Ash and his Pokemon appeared back in the city from before, it seemed like everything started going back to normal, and as far as he could see no international Police.

But what he did see was that there was incredible traffic, being caused by an army of Bulbasaur and Ivysaur walking through the street.

Bulbasaur immediately jumped out of his arms and joined the march, so Ash followed from behind. And Pikachu hopped off his shoulder to slowly imitate the Bulbasaur.

Along the way, Officer Jenny stopped him since he was walking with the Bulbasaur, "Halt do yo you know why the Bulbasaur are marching."

Ash sighed since this was the 2nd time this happened, "I have a good idea, they are probably going to the flower fields in the center park."

Jenny looked shocked like the idea never even came to her head, so she cleared her throat, "I see carry on with your business then," then she walked off and grabbed her radio to say some things.

Ash knew she was probably talking to a superior or something but that didn't matter to him, he just followed the Frog army.

Along the way, Ash's Bulbasaur helped any younger or inexperienced Bulbasaur and gave them a lesson on using their vines. Letting all the Bulbasaur reach their destination the center Park with the largest flower bed in the city.

The Bulbasaur started taking their places then from seemingly nowhere a few Venusaur appeared and walked into the center. Ash's Bulbasaur took a place and Pikachu sat next to him also enjoying the sun as it approached noon.

Suddenly Ash heard a familiar voice, "Hey Brat!"

Looking behind him he saw the big man himself Surge, he also had one arm in a cast and his Raichu on his shoulder. He also had a girl behind him.

"Hey old man, I see Karma hit you hard, from the ship I assume," Ash said with a cocky smile.

"I'm not Old you brat! Also yeah I got roughed up pretty hard haha, what about you I See you finally looking better."

"Yeah but the worst part is now that you're old and disabled I can't break your arm, so it seems like my depression just grows, anyway what have you been doing since that," Ash said jokingly

"Oh well since you won I got more funding so I'm currently expanding the Gym, meanwhile I'm currently training a new member, this girl here is Visquez," Surge said, pushing the girl forward.

Visquez was a tall muscular woman with dark skin, she wore military-style clothing, and her hair was tied into a long ponytail that resembled a socket.

Visquez stood straight and walked up and looked at Ash, "I see, so you're the Ash and Pikachu that I've heard so much about."

"Oh really am I that famous already, and here I was thinking that I was still no one," Ash said jokingly with Pikachu nodding in from the corner, "So tell me what made me so famous?"

"Lt. Surge talked about a young trainer with his Pikachu who bested him and his Raichu, and that it was because of you that his gym could expand so far." 

Visquez then looked down, "So that is why…" Then she pulled out a Pokeball, "I challenge you to a battle!"

Both Surge and Ash stood next to each other and behind them, the background almost turned solid yellow as a "..." appeared behind them with blank faces.

Ash looked at Surge, "Is she serious?"

Surge scratched the back of his head and looked away, "Well she always said she wanted to battle someone to prove herself worthy of taking over the gym in case I needed to leave, but you were probably the last person I would expect."

Ash sighed and gestured behind him, "Well sure we can fight, but can you wait, or do you want to fight the army behind us for interrupting them."

Visquez looked over and saw the army of grass frogs glare at her making her shake slightly, "Alright we can delay it for the moment."

Ash nodded and as soon as he started focusing on the frogs, he heard another voice, making him raise his hands in annoyance.

"Hey Ash, I didn't think you'd still be here," the familiar voice said, looking behind him he saw Chloe's father Professor Cerise.

Ash straightened himself again and faced the incoming professor, "I wasn't supposed to but Bulbasaur over there wanted to come back to meet with all of them," Ash said gesturing to the army of Grass frogs.

"I see, so even Bulbasaur from far away have been attracted here, fascinating." Cerise said, taking out a notebook and taking notes, "Do you have any Idea as to why they may have come here?"

Surge, seemingly also remembering why he was called, also stepped up, "Yeh that's why we are here too, we got calls saying that all the Bulbasaur were acting strange so we came to investigate, but we haven't gotten an idea."

Cerise nodded along, "Yes perhaps it has something to do with migration patterns, the Bulbasaur line are reptilian in nature, so they prefer warmer temperatures, although that may not be the reason since some are still active in the winter."

Ash slipped in the middle, "Or you know, since it is the last day of Summer they may have come to the area with a lot of sun and flowers to evolve, but what do I know I only have a Bulbasaur."

Surge and Cerise both looked shocked and stared at Ash, seemingly never even thinking that could have been a possibility, "Fascinating if this is true this could mean so much, we may even need to renovate the city or close off roads in future years," Cerise said vigorously writing notes.

Ash just looked dumbfounded, 'This isn't the first time this has happened, why are you acting like a child who discovered candy.'

Eventually, as Ash was losing brain cells with the group around him it turned into Noon and the light landed directly on all the Grass frogs huddled in the Park.

Then multiple Bulbasaur and Ivysaur started glowing, and the Venusaur started sharing some of their energy with all the smaller ones who were having trouble.

Bulbasaur bubs started sprouting and Ivysaur flowers started growing, evolving the sea of Pokemon into Ivysaur and Venusaur.

Ash's Bulbasaur started to absorb as much as he could, his bulb was still a bit damaged from being hidden in the forest for so long, but he didn't give up. In his head he continued thinking and repeating the same words, 'This is for Lady Melanie.'

Then Bulbasaur started thinking about his new trainer, and the time he stayed with him, the training and fun, and especially his new family, as the sun started moving away and Bulbasaur was the last non-evolved Pokemon there he thought one last thing, 'And I guess for you too… Ash.'

Bulbasaur erupted into light absorbing the last of the sunlight and spare energy shared from the Venusaur, his bulb opened up revealing a bright pink flower, and when the light subsided and he looked at everyone he stood tall as an Ivysaur.

Ash's Pokedex dinged as he pulled it out and looked at Ivysaur

Override error..analyzing and changing.. complete

[Ivysaur (M)]

[Ability: Chlorophyll, Hidden Ability: Thick fat]

[Current moves: Vine Whip, Growth, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Sleep Powder, poison powder, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Protect, Energy Ball, Toxic, Venoshock, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Grassy Terrain, Grass Knot, Grassy Glide]

[Protector of the weak → Saint of the forest]

Ash nodded in satisfaction as all the newly evolved Grass frogs celebrated by shooting energy into the sky like fireworks, also making the flowers bloom.

Cerise looked at this scene with stars in his eyes, "This is such an amazing moment, I have to report my findings, a building was meant to be built here but with this, I need to make sure they don't," he said as he took out his phone and took a picture.

Ash walked over to Ivysaur and gave him a pet on the head, "Congrats buddy, let's call Melanie later to show her your new look!"

Ivysaur looked away and nodded, having almost jumped at the mention of Melanie.

Visquez looking at the scene finally ending stepped forward again, "Now that the event is over I will ask again, I Visquez challenge you to a Battle, do you accept."

Ash and Ivysaur looked at the woman standing over them, so they looked at each other, "What do you say, wanna test out your new power."


"Alright then, let's dance."