
Pokemon: Pursuit of Perfection

Galen was surprisingly given a second chance, thus, he was born in the world of Pokemon. Unfortunately, his father in this life died in an accident trying to get to the hospital in a hurry. Galen's mother, while giving birth died of grief; this along with the pressure of having Galen. However, Galen was given something special, it was a Void Storage. Once Galen turned 12-years, miraculous things started to happen. Suddenly, his eyes could see things about Pokemon that no one could see with the naked eye. Galen also discovered that a Gold coin appeared in his Void space out of nowhere—with Arceus' face on it. -Note that this is an Alternate Universe, but most things are the same. Taken from the manga, games, and series, but with a twist. #Eye Powers #One Time Summons #Assassins #Bounty Hunters

ForceFromBeyond · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

All Gone!

Galen did not summon or check Kubfu, he decided to wait until later in the morning. Looking upward, he could see that everyone was active again. Galen turned to the Geodude because he saw them moving; they were starting to gain their consciousness.

Time passed like the unstoppable force it was and Galen started summoning and waking many Pokemon. These Pokemon were specifically going to be used to guard the cave entrance from any intruders.

Natalie wanted the Machop that Galen had caught, but he told her that she had a better Pokemon in her egg. He also told her to get other Pokemon instead of just fighting types, it's okay to have at least 2 to 3 fighting types, but having coverage with other types was for the best.

The Pokemon in that egg of hers was a C+ Riolu. In this world, people didn't go by the rank system that Galen could see. They used a machine to measure a Pokemon's aptitude, and the ranking system they went by was the color system.

The machine might give off a certain color depending on the Pokemon's aptitude, this was how they read these things. Of course, Galen was unaware of any of these things right now.

Galen also noticed something new in the eggs Natalie, Riyuuk, and Ripley carried. There were hatch timers on their status pages now, they appeared to have stimulated their hatch process. Some eggs had to strictly meet certain criteria in order to hatch, while others—not so much.

Galen stationed every Pokemon he caught in this cave to a certain location to guard. Of course, he fed them before doing this, they all needed their strength back from Miltank's beat down.

Feeling relieved and assured, Galen laid down in his bed and fell asleep.



While everyone was resting in the cave, things back at the orphanage weren't that different. Eddy and a few of the others stumbled into the orphanage, they were all drunk and tired.

"F-f**k, that woman doesn't know how great I am, I could have shown her a good time." Eddy wiped the saliva from the side of his mouth with droopy eyes and said drunkenly.

"A lot of them are full of it, they're all wh*res that don't know what's good for them. S**t, I'm tired, I can't talk about this right now, darn it!" Omar nearly vomited before stopping himself with force.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it tomorrow, let's go to sleep. I'll probably be hungover later today, so it's a good thing those brats don't have a shift today." Eddy and the rest of the returning staff members went to their rooms.

They were simply too drunk to notice the missing living room table and several other things that weren't present. Norris was still asleep, but he was bound to wake up early in the morning as usual.

The night passed quickly when one was sleeping too well, so the morning arrived quicker than expected. By this point, the sun could be seen near the horizon, rising higher by the hour.

The rain had ceased a while ago and it was actually hot and sunny outside—as if it was still the summertime.

"Yaaaa~" Norris stretched and woke up, he scratched his side before getting out of bed. Heading to the bathroom as usual; he sought to shower and prepare for the day.

"Ah, yes, I feel well-rested for this day. Just to think, my payday will be here in the next 2 weeks, hehe." Norris grinned when he thought about the money he'd get paid from the [Poison Fang Gang].

This also included other benefits.

"Alright, time to check those papers, the Pokemon Alliance should be sending me a check and a large number of Support Tickets." The Pokemon Alliance paid the staff members here and sent food and Support Tickets for the kids.

Support Tickets could buy food, utility usage objects, tables, heaters, Etc.

"Go! Houndoom!" Norris released his Houndoom, he was going to feed it soon, so why not?

"Awuu!" Houndoom howled slightly before taking a seat on the floor.

Sitting behind his desk, Norris smiled. After running through these papers, he wanted to grab himself something to eat.

"Hmm..." Norris reached to open the top drawer to see how much he'd get paid this month. Though Norris had seen this paper many times before, he couldn't help but look at it again.

However, he noticed something out of place with the bottom drawer.

"The handle is broken, no, it isn't even there anymore!" Norris frowned before pulling out the drawer.

"What? Where are all the Pokeballs that were stored in here?" Norris' tone changed and so did his expression. Houndoom looked up, it seemed to have noticed its master's sudden change in attitude.

"What the hell is going on?" Norris stood up and left his office to find the other staff members. However, when he was passing by the living room he noticed something out of place.

"The table is gone, did those idiots take it outside?" Norris narrowed his eyes, what were these drunk buffoons doing?

"They better not have brought any women here without informing me!" Norris wanted first dibs, how dare they bring a woman here without telling him?

Norris rushed through everyone's room and woke them up, but they all seemed out of it.

"Wake up, you guys are hungover!"

Moments later, everyone gathered in the living room area. Some of them could barely stand while others closed their eyes while standing in place.

"You guys aren't hiding any women, then where are the table and chairs that are supposed to be in the living room? Someone has stolen my Pokeballs, where are they? Answer me!" Norris' turned to each staff member with a desolate expression.

"They're where they should be, why would anyone take out tables and chairs?" Eddy barely came to his senses before looking around the room, but when he saw the place where a table and chairs should be, he was confused.

Everyone turned but they were surprised to see that they were all missing. They quickly did a search around the house, but couldn't find them.

"Look, the fishing rod that hung up on the wall is also missing!" A staff member pointed toward the wall where the fishing rod usually hung, but it wasn't present as it should be.

"What the hell is going on? Have we been robbed?!" Norris was stunned when he suddenly had a bad premonition! He turned and rushed to his office, Norris had never run so fast in his life. Worry and anxiety smeared his face while sweat continued to erupt from his forehead.

Removing the painting off the wall, Norris' eyes turned bloodshot as if the blood vessel in them were going to burst!

"AHHHH! We've been robbed! Who the hell dare to rob us?!" He checked his safe, but there was nothing left in it.

Houndoom stood up, it knew its master cherished the things behind that painting. It instantly knew things were about to get serious.

Norris started to think about how hard and long it took him to acquire those things. He suddenly felt a pain in his chest, it was his heart! He took a step back grasping his chest in pain before meeting a wall. His mind went blank and he passed out from anger, or perhaps, it was a heart attack!

"B-boss! Call the town's doctor, hurry!" Omar was shocked, they had indeed been robbed. The boss's possessions had been completely looted!

"My God, wake those brats up, we need to question them. They may have heard something during the night, they were the only ones who were in the building at the time." Eddy was no longer hungover; him and the rest of the staff had become completely sober.

"Right away!" Many of the staff members hurriedly left, while another made an emergency call. They did what they could with the few medical devices and medicine they had onboard.

"Awuuu~!" Houndoom roared in anger, who could have done this? Houndoom sat next to Norris and waited patiently, but its expression remained sinister as it glared at the rest of the staff members.

This Houndoom was up there in strength and wasn't to be trifled with, so they abided cautiously in its presence.

A minute later, one of the staff came running back with a shocked and pale expression. It was like he had seen a ghost or witnessed the most ridiculous thing in his life.

"Neil, did you wake those brats up? Tell them to gather in the living room, they may have heard something last night." Eddy turned to Neil while attending to Norris.

However, Neil didn't say anything, he seemed dazed and confused about something.

"Neil, do you hear me? Go tell the kids to meet in the living room area." Eddy's expression turned cold, this wasn't the time to be messing around.

"T-th-they're n-not there, it's...all gone." There was a deeper meaning in his words, all gone!

"What do you mean, all gone?" Eddy narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"It's just as he said, those kids are gone and... their beds are even gone as well!" Another man came over and said with apparent distraught on his face.

"What?! That impossible!" That didn't make sense at all, you can't fit those beds through the door. On top of that, who would rob beds from an orphanage, were they that poor?

Aric came into the room due to the commotion he was expecting to occur eventually. He stared at the safe where all of the Norris' earnings once were, silently. However, Aric was shocked when he heard that the beds had also disappeared, how was that possible?!

"Sir, all of the food, water, and utility tools are gone, all gone!!" Another group of men came running into the office; their tones grave—they roared in anger!

"How could this be?!" Eddy and Omar were starting to get overwhelmed with emotions of stress.


-Rumble Cave-

Everyone slept well and slowly started to wake up, they were so used to getting up to do chores. This wasn't required of them anymore, but the habit of waking up early would be hard to break.

"Alright, let's prepare some breakfast for everyone." Lucas and Ahri used mini propane tanks to heat up different pans to make breakfast.

Some were strongly aware that they didn't have to wake up so earlier, so they remained asleep. They only started to wake up with the smell of breakfast pervading the cave room.

Galen had awakened early though, he was too excited to sleep so he wasn't really all that tired. The table that they normally ate at had been set since last night.

When enough breakfast was finally made, everyone was already up and sitting at the table.

"This is so good, they wouldn't let us eat this for breakfast at the orphanage. They would save this tasty bacon for themselves." Lucas savored the taste while chewing the crunchy meat.

"Those stingy bastards, they only ever gave us egg and ham for breakfast, at least most of the time," Riyuuk recalled those moments, they held out on giving them such good food while only eating it for themselves.

"Hmph, they'll get theirs when the time comes." A cold light flickered in Aria's eyes, as she spoke her apparent intentions.

"They did try to sentence us to death, pretty much. Just make sure when you do make a move in the future, that I'm with you." Darius agreed, they both seemed confident in revenge.




No one else said anything, but their silence meant that they were agreeance with this idea. There was a case of bottled water that retained its cold temperature for each of them to drink from.

"Hey, I spotted a small waterway next to the cave, do you guys want to do some fishing?" Galen stood up after eating and asked. While he was doing this he fed his group of original Pokemon caught from the orphanage.

"Fishing? I want to!" Ripley was all for it and the first to speak up, this was especially so for Siena and Lars.

"Alright, let's see what we can catch. I already have some bait that should catch us something every time." Galen knew no Pokemon could resist tasty berries that were sweet and fragrant.

"Hmm, I'll join you, I want to see what I can catch as well." Darius was also interested, so he opted to come.

Riyuuk, Natalie, and the rest decided that they needed to do a few things before joining them.

"Alright, let's go." Galen smiled and signaled a few of his Pokemon to follow them. He made sure to take Miltank, she was always needed for emergencies.

Exiting the cave, they found that it was hot and sunny—much to their delight.

Happy Reading!

Be sure to Powerstone, Review, and Comment.

The second chapter will be released an hour after this one.

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