
Pokemon Path to the top

PS: Not my cover contact me if you want it down the owner of it. MC died because of a college shoot out as he was the only victim that died in the incident. Where armed men came and shot out the school but only he died as for the others were alive. The MC not caring was happy to be reincarnated into a world he would say he loved since it was an anime he always loved to watch since he was a kid. He will meet people he dreamt of meeting and will do things to meet his goals. But for some reason he got a glimpse of something terrifying and that's the end the world he reincarnated to. He must do something about it seemed fate has a job for him to accomplish. As if wanting him to save the world from destruction as many events from the anime he watched will happen which will involve with the protagonist of Pokemon ash. Our MC who will have to watch out for the danger he brings knowing full well what will happen around him and those that accompany him. But those are not just part of the problem new threats never seen before in the anime will appear. . .

AmNotnuttyy · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Absol Inner power

I fell asleep and couldn't post my two chapters


Day's past and right now we were in a forest that was leading to Straiton city to where the first gym is located. Today they were camping with a tent Hilda bought as she had quite a lot of poke dollars since she of course that is her doing business of her parents that she worked in but wanted to make her own path.

Hilda had about 10,000 poke dollars on her as she bought a tent for 50 poke dollars. So, leaving her 9,950 poke dollars as the tent is big for three people.

I set the tent up with Hilda as, I had enjoyed the company of hers and Absol got used to her as she stopped growling at Hilda. But still for some reason, I feel like Absol is jealous in general because I have a girl next to me? Or because she doesn't like to have someone else be with me or who knows.

"We're done now let me set up the inside"


I just pulled things out of my backpack which are utensils to cook food for myself and Absol of course, Hilda too will get some food from me.


"Thank you Absol"

Putting them on a side because right now cooking is not the priority as, I'm here to train Absol now with her newly tapped power she had one week ago.

"Absol lets go a bit further from the camp"


Nodding to me and we walk a bit further away from the camp because I don't want anything be destroyed.

"Now Absol show me"

Absol tried it as she closed her eyes concentrating but nothing happened as she open her eyes. I was wondering what was happening but then I thought of something to make this work. This was a thought I wanted to test out if pokemon who are able to tap on their dormant power

"How about you concentrate that power in you and think that you're like the wind"

Which Absol took the advice and close her eyes to concentrate to feel one with the wind. No, be like the wind as if trying to be one with the element itself. As wind around Absol was swirling faster and faster which now took forms of like the curve of a bow. Absol open her eyes and seeing what she was doing with the wind. Absol shot the wind towards a tree cutting it in multiple halves with her new found power. Absol was shocked herself that she was able to do something like that herself.

I was smiling at this, i could help but be excited at something like this. It was a new discovery for me and the world of course no one knows of this except me.


Hilda too

Since, I noticed her watching but I didn't care that she was watching as, I wanted to see this result of Absol more.

"That's it Absol fast like the wind and unpredictable like the wind try again"


Absol did so and conjured more wind attacks around her which was only three and shot them towards one tree each. Cutting them in half. It was really strong but then Absol collapse huffing out of breath.

Seeing this, I ran towards Absol checking on her if she was alright. I didn't like that she collapses as it gave me quite the sudden heart attack.

"You're alright Absol?"




Seeing that she nodded to me about being tired, I carried Absol towards the camp since she needed to eat then she could take a break in the poke ball.

"Hilda come, I'll cook us some food"

Cooking each of us food and some pokemon food for Absol. Finishing, I gave a bowl of pokemon food to Absol who gratefully was eating it. I gave one plate to Hilda.

"What was that?"

"Training *Nom* for Absol *nom*"

Hilda was curious because she never in her life know that Absol's could do that as she never heard such a thing or saw such a thing.

"Wind is that really could Absol really do such a thing?"

"Yeah *nom* I'm training her to do that *nom* nom*"

Answering her questions while taking bites of my food since, I was for sure hungry. I was a cook in my past life too, my skills came in handy.

"It seemed to take a toll on your Absol"

"Yeah well it's her first time doing such a thing so it's hard for her"

Absol was just peacefully munching on her food while listening to their conversation.


"What is it Hilda?"

"What is your dream? if you don't mind me asking"

She asked now.....hmmmm

I have made my decision on what to do with my second life for sure.

"To explore the world and it's mysterious as well as pokemon maybe even find new pokemon no one has ever seen"

I had a hint of excite in my voice which Hilda even spotted at that as she giggled.

"That's really a big dream there Erik"

"So about your acting business you're trying to go world wide with that?"

"of course! I want to train many people with the potential to become actors or those that want ot become one, I will train them whole heartedly"

"Quite the dream, I'll cheer you on"

"You better!"

Hilda playfully hit my shoulder with a smile that was beautiful and quite mesmerizing for me to see. She started to eat her food which the moment she did her eyes turned to stars because the taste was something out of this world. She ate and ate spoonful after spoonful until there was no more. She patted her stomach telling me she was full it was quite surprising she all that in just one minute.

"Lets sleep"

"You sleep a little further away from me"

"Yeah yeah, I'm not some creep that will attack you at night"

"what if you are"

Hilda made an expression of fright and her actions showed that too. She was just playing around and I just played along too, as her attempt to embarrass me didn't work.

"Yeah, I'll ravage you in the middle of the night take here right at that time"

Hilda blushed at those words and she hurried into the tent. She couldn't believe she was teased like that because it's always her to tease other boys and make them blush or embarrassed like little girls. It was a fun hobby of hers to do but today for the first time it backfire on her. Instead, she went to sleep then to be awake any longer to save her herself some face.

Seeing her like that was cute of her now looking at the that's turning dark it was time to sleep then head out to the first gym.

"Absol rest in your pokeball for now"


Opening my pokemon the red glow sucked Absol into it. I headed myself into the tent to sleep as, i was quite tired and needed some sleep.


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Pokemon~ GOtta catch em all!

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